Chapter 394 Hit me, please hit me
"Why do people like to put the teleportation array under the idol? Do they like to fly around under other people's crotch?" Aoyu looked at the teleportation array under the Amaterasu statue and said to himself.

After finishing speaking, Aoyu's fist flashed and smashed the huge Amaterasu statue that was more than ten meters high in an instant. Aoyu is not one of those perverts who like to drill around under people's crotch, only to hear the sound of countless stones Pieces burst out.

Aoyu looked at the flashing red light on the ground, but it was not the teleportation array in Aoyu's imagination, but a blood-red jade pendant, this thing was much stronger than the evil aura that flickered from the teleportation town in Baqi, Aoyu Yu could almost instantly be sure that the owner of this jade pendant had killed countless creatures and absorbed their grievances, so he was definitely an extremely hateful character.

Aoyu picked up the blood-red jade pendant and found that it depicts an evil giant beast with a sheep body and a human face, its eyes are in the armpits, and tiger teeth and human claws. If you look carefully, it is not the same as Aoyu in the universe that day. It seems that the owner of this jade pendant has a lot of knowledge about the image of the ancient monster gluttonous beast that appeared when the Virgin of the Umina was fighting. The woman has a round face with a high nose, red lips and white teeth, delicate skin, beautiful appearance, and slender hair that looks very beautiful, but this woman's whole body is shining with a strange light. As soon as she appeared, she said to Aoyu: "I Faithful disciple, what do you need to ask me?"

"Are you Amaterasu?" Aoyu said to the woman with some uncertain language, obviously this Amaterasu is very different from her sculpture, which makes Aoyu feel a little unrecognizable.

"You're not An Pei Qingming, who are you?" Amaterasu realized at this moment that the person contacting her was not the previous An Pei Qingming but another person. Amaterasu was a little angry, but when she saw Aoyu's appearance There was a flash of light in Shi Shi's eyes, and his calm was restored.

"Hey, Ampere Qingming? That guy is there." Aoyu pointed to the corpse and said to Amaterasu.

"Hehe, brother, you killed these people? But it doesn't matter. If you kill these trash, you will kill them. It doesn't matter how much you want to kill. Are you interested in paying for sister?" Amaterasu obviously took a fancy to Ao Yu's handsome appearance, it's not surprising that Tianzhao is like this, when she saw Aoyu's handsome face, her heart began to move, as for those believers, he didn't care, she claimed to have 800 million gods under her command, Although some people's strength is really not very good, there are countless people who are more powerful than Ampere Qingming, and she doesn't care about their death at all. The blood all over his body began to boil when he touched Yu.

"Hey, I'm not interested, who knows if you are some kind of ugly monster." Aoyu looked at Amaterasu and said with a wicked smile.

"Hehe, how is it possible, do you think my sister looks ugly?" Tianzhao laughed coquettishly after hearing Aoyu's words, and said to Aoyu, and then began to show off his charming skills.

"Really? It's hard to say. If you don't appear in front of me, how will I know if this is your illusion? You have to know that everything in this society is fake. I can't trust you casually." Ao Yu deliberately played with Tianzhao, and wanted to get this woman out of the basket to see what she was, and said that she was cultivated by a decent person, Aoyu would not believe it, not to mention that Aoyu had no absolute Be sure to break into that formation without being affected by Shanghai, so he said to Amaterasu.

"Okay, big sister will come to you right away, little brother, don't wait." Tianzhao said to Ao Yu with a charming smile, obviously Ao Yu is really attractive to her, the more difficult it is for women who practice charming skills Men make them more interested, but Aoyu is not bewitched by her seductive skills at the moment, so she is naturally more interested.

A moment later, a strange light flashed out, and then a beautiful woman in a palace costume appeared in front of Aoyu, poised her head at Aoyu, walked over wriggling her plump body, and said softly to Aoyu: "Brother, how are you?" , is sister beautiful?"

"Hey, in general, it's not as good as my woman." Aoyu said obviously very disrespectful to Amaterasu.

"Really? Is your woman beautiful? What's her name? Where is it?" Tianzhao said to Aoyu with a smile, but her eyes had murderous intent, Tianzhao hates women who are more beautiful than her, No matter who is more beautiful than her, she will kill her without hesitation. In Amaterasu's concept, only she is the most beautiful woman in the world. If she is not the most beautiful woman in the world, no one can be more beautiful than her. .

What Aoyu said is true, although Amaterasu is very beautiful, compared with Xia Xue, it is still a little bit worse, at most it is at the same level as Zhu Zimei, but if you add her aura, Amaterasu can't help it at all Compared with those women of his own, this kind of breath is too evil, which makes Aoyu feel a little disgusted.

Amaterasu's actions naturally failed to deceive Aoyu, Aoyu said to her indifferently: "They are all in Huaxia, and my woman is Xia Xue."

"Xia Xue...Xia Xue." Amaterasu repeated you over and over again.

"Why, do you want to deal with her?" Aoyu said lightly again.

"Yes, I'm going to kill her and ruin her appearance. I don't allow women who are more beautiful than me to exist in this world. Absolutely not." Yu said, with some blood-red light in his eyes.

"What a perverted woman. Now I know why people are so perverted. It turns out that their gods are like this. You are really perverted, and you are a perverted old woman. You are so disgusting. You think you killed Did you kill her? You disgusting old woman, really, don’t you think about what I am here for, how could I let you kill my woman?” Aoyu continued to mock Amaterasu with a smile on his lips Dao, obviously he didn't pay attention to Amaterasu at all, Amaterasu's strength was not very good, at most it was at the level of a monster general, such a cultivation base Aoyu naturally wouldn't take it seriously, as for Aoyu, the artifact of Amaterasu, is not afraid either, if Amaterasu was really that powerful, he wouldn't be able to kill Yaki together with Suzunoo.

"What are you talking about, you dare to say that about me? Don't you want to live? Don't think that I dare not kill you because you are handsome." Amaterasu turned around and said to Aoyu, obviously in her eyes Aoyu Yu is just an ordinary person, because she can't detect the slightest breath of power in Aoyu, and Amaterasu is also stupid this time, not thinking that if Aoyu is really what she thinks, how can he kill An Peiqingming and the others.

"Hey, do you want to fight with me? Can you?" Aoyu said to Amaterasu.

"It's alright, you won't know until you've done it." Amaterasu became angry immediately after hearing Aoyu's words, and punched Aoyu, but obviously Amaterasu's attack skills were not very good, she couldn't even throw a few punches. Aoyu didn't hit Aoyu, Aoyu looked at Amaterasu's angry look, laughed, dodged left and right and didn't fight Amaterasu, and said too slowly, too slowly.

Apparently Amaterasu didn't expect that Aoyu would ignore her attacks so much. At this time Amaterasu was also afraid of Aoyu's power. She didn't expect this handsome boy to be so powerful. He couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes. Seeing Aoyu dodging his attack easily, he was obviously not the opponent's opponent. Seeing Aoyu's unrestrained and unrestrained appearance, Amaterasu knew that if he didn't use his unique skills, he might have to confess today. Here it is.

At this moment, Amaterasu stopped attacking Aoyu, stood there, and stared at Aoyu's eyes with a blood-red light, and after a while, he transformed into a bright feather coat, which belonged to Amaterasu It is cultivated by the body of the original life, and its power is incomparable. Even the Daluo Jinxian can instantly kill it. The emperor of the heavens has to avoid three points when he sees it. He is one of Amaterasu's life-saving treasures. Immediately, countless feathers flew towards Aoyu, Aoyu had already taken out the Fan of Supreme Heaven and Earth at this moment, lightly fanned the feathers shot out by Amaterasu, those feathers immediately flew backwards towards Amaterasu, you must know that Aoyu is the Supreme Fan of Heaven and Earth However, Chi You spent countless painstaking efforts to forge it together with the top ten demon gods in the demon world. It is extremely powerful. Chi You once said that if there is a chance, it is not impossible for the Supreme Fan of Heaven and Earth to become the first holy weapon in the world. The Supreme Fan of Heaven and Earth is infinitely powerful. , and one of them was only recently discovered by Aoyu, that is, it has the same function as the legendary plantain fan, and it is even better than the plantain fan in controlling the wind.

Tianzhao became flustered when she saw that Aoyu was able to knock back her feathers. She knew how powerful the feathers were. The baby, the eight-foot Qionggouyu, stood in front of him, and the eight-foot Qionggouyu was so powerful that it was able to block the flying feathers abruptly, but even so, Amaterasu's clothes were damaged all over his body. Quite embarrassed, looking at Aoyu with a somewhat terrified expression.

"Your eight-foot Qiong Gouyu is very powerful, hehe, but why do I feel that the eight-foot Qionggouyu seems to be forcibly controlled by you and has a lot of resentment towards you?" Yu said that the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu of Amaterasu had a very strong resentment towards Amaterasu, and Aoyu could clearly feel that if it wasn't for Amaterasu's cultivation base, he was still relatively advanced, and he forcibly suppressed the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu with strength. I am afraid that resentment cannot control this thing at all, which makes Aoyu a little curious.

"You feel it too? Do you also feel the resentment from above? I'm going to kill you, and you dare to say such a thing." Tianzhao obviously went crazy after hearing Aoyu's words. This eight-foot Qiong Gouyu It has always been a secret in Amaterasu's heart, because the eight-foot Qionggou jade is not refined by other things, but a monster sister who Amaterasu grew up with and you practiced together for thousands of years. This has always been Amaterasu's deepest secret. She doesn't want others to know the secret, and she doesn't want others to say it, but at the moment Aoyu actually said it, Amaterasu has gone completely crazy, even forgetting the gap between herself and Aoyu, she clamored to kill Aoyu.

Amaterasu put down the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, put away his feathers and clothes, his eyes were blood red, he looked at Aoyu fiercely, and rushed towards Aoyu immediately, trying to kill Aoyu, her weapon was not another It is the nails protruding from her hands. Amaterasu is obviously burning her natal essence at this moment and fighting Aoyu desperately. It seems that she is determined to kill Aoyu. The principle of the Demon Disintegration Dafa in the Demon Sect is the same, but it has some advantages that the true essence will not be exhausted, and the body will not die, which means that as long as Amaterasu can kill Aoyu before the true essence of life burns out, she will be able to stop such crazy behavior. She won't die, at most she just suffered some injuries, and she will come back after a period of cultivation. Anyway, it will be a matter of time before she has such blood-eating souls for her to use and recover.

Aoyu saw Amaterasu rushing over madly, obviously he didn't care, he still kept the mood of playing, but he was caught by Amaterasu, Amaterasu's nails were also sharp, although he didn't hurt Aoyu, but also There were several bloodstains on Aoyu's body.

This action of Amaterasu angered Aoyu, Aoyu immediately erupted with a strong demonic energy, and said to Amaterasu coldly: "Since you are so crazy to force me to take action, then don't blame me."

After finishing speaking, Aoyu dodges and rushes to Amaterasu with quick freezing like a meteor, and hits Amaterasu's chest with a punch, and then immediately punches Amaterasu with dozens of punches. Behind him, he struck Amaterasu again on the head, and immediately knocked Amaterasu from mid-air to the ground, hundreds of meters below the ground. The fight between the two had already destroyed the Ise Shrine. Those residents in the village also suffered considerable damage, but these Aoyu didn't care, these people died as soon as they died, not to mention that this place is still at the foot of Amaterasu's Li Gaoye, these people are Amaterasu and her subordinates It's just food, there's no need for me to feel pity.

Seeing that Amaterasu was beaten to the ground by himself and Aoyu fell down from the sky and stood there, looking at the hole where the pedestrian walked, Aoyu knew that although he had been hit hard just now, the strength was not enough to kill Amaterasu. It is also the reason why Aoyu has the intention to keep his hand, he wants to play with this great god.

Seeing Amaterasu climb out, Aoyu said to her indifferently: "I told you, you can't do it, you disgusting old woman, ugly ugly monster, you."

Aoyu scolded him happily, but unexpectedly, Tianzhao not only did not show crazy anger, but instead ran to Aoyu with a humble face and hugged Aoyu's thigh and said to Aoyu: "Master, please, Hit me, it's so cool, hit me, please, hit me quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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