Chapter 395 The Perverted Amaterasu
"What? What did you say?" Aoyu said to her surprised that Amaterasu didn't react for a moment.

"Master, please hit me, hit me, okay? It was really fun just now." Amaterasu said to Aoyu with a smirk on his face, his expression looked very hungry, how despicable that expression really was .

"Okay, since you need it so much, then I'll satisfy you." Aoyu said with a wicked smile to Amaterasu, who was lying on the resistance and hugging his thigh. After speaking, he raised his fist and gave Amaterasu another big meal Hit, but Amaterasu didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but seemed to enjoy it very much. After Aoyu punched and kicked, Amaterasu not only didn't scream, but moaned happily. When comfortable.

"Master, it's cool like this, you are so fierce, can you come again? I beg you, hit me again, it's so comfortable." Amaterasu who was beaten by Aoyu Zhengshuang saw Aoyu stop and turned to Aoyujiao Said in a low voice, obviously she hasn't been beaten enough just now.

"Damn, you, I'm still tired if you're not tired, hurry up, I don't want to hit with my hands anymore." Aoyu said, kicking Tianzhao.

"Oh, master, you tell me to get out? Your tone is so handsome, I like you like this, please keep beating me, please, if master doesn't want to hit me with your hands, you can also use your feet It’s ok, if it doesn’t work, let’s change it to something else, master, wait a minute, I have a whip and I’ll get it for you.” Amaterasu continued to say to Aoyu in a lowly way, and Aoyu’s head was covered in cold sweat when he said it I feel that this Amaterasu is really despicable, no wonder her people are so virtuous, even their gods are so despicable, let's not talk about them.

A few seconds later, Amaterasu took out a leather whip from nowhere and said to Aoyu: "Master, this is the famous dragon whip during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, just hit me with it, this thing It's comfortable to wear, as long as you don't use too much force, master, you won't die, Amaterasu likes this thing the most."

Aoyu looked at the black whip that Tianzhao handed over. The whip was about 3 meters long and was full of weight. Aoyu also knew about this dragon whip. Legend has it that it was the weapon of Shang Dynasty Grand Master Wen Zhong during the Battle of Conferred Gods , this thing is powerful, it is made of two dragon tendons and Lei Yu, Wen Zhong once used this thing to sweep the world and defend the Shang Dynasty, but after Wen Zhong died, this thing was brought back to the court Song, I didn’t know where it was lost later, I didn’t expect it to be in Amaterasu’s hands, and even let this be used as a tool for SM, Aoyu picked up this thing and twitched at Amaterasu, Rao It was Tianzhao's strong body that hit the dragon whip and screamed again and again, and there were bursts of red marks on his body. At the beginning, Tianzhao was obviously not used to it, and kept screaming, but after a while Amaterasu started moaning slowly, the voice was really cheap, it was extremely cheap, suddenly Amaterasu who was lying on the ground let out a high-pitched moan, this guy actually had an orgasm.

Aoyu glanced at Tianzhao in disgust, kicked her once and said to her: "You have quite a few treasures, and they are all left over from the Battle of the Conferred Gods. It seems that you will not survive." You are young, this planet was brought here when people were not paying attention, heh heh, you are quite capable, tell me what you are?"

"Master, please call me, as long as you call me like that, my whole body will be full of blood, and I will feel comfortable all over." Amaterasu didn't answer Aoyu's question, but knelt on the ground and hugged Aoyu's thigh and said vulgarly.

Aoyu really doesn't know what to say about this Amaterasu. I have seen cheap ones, but I have never seen one as cheap as Amaterasu. He is worthy of being the cheap gods of those gangs. He is really cheap to the extreme, reaching the level of legend At the point where Zhong Wanbai returned to the sect, Aoyu reluctantly took out a chair from the Qiankun ring and sat there, pointed at Amaterasu with a whip, and said to Amaterasu: "Amaterasu, tell me quickly What the hell are you."

"Oh, master, you are so domineering," Amaterasu said with a moan.

With a sound of "pa", another whip hit Tianzhao's body, and her skin was torn apart. Aoyu used a lot of power at this moment, and Tianzhao's tears came out, Aoyu said to her: ", Don't talk nonsense, speak quickly."

"It's the master. He's the spirit of the nine-headed pheasant. He had practiced for thousands of years before the Battle of the Conferred Gods, but later he was found by the incarnation of the Nuwa Empress in the fairy world to ask us to disrupt the human world at that time. The Master Tongtian took over this task, and I stood with her on the side of the Shang Dynasty, and went to Chaoge. On the surface, it was a disaster for the Shang Dynasty, but in fact it was a snake with the fairy world. You must know the beliefs of the Shang Dynasty at that time We are monsters, we are members of the demon clan, we naturally have to stand with the demons, we are just deceiving Nuwa's incarnation, that Nuwa's incarnation is just one of the billions of female Nuwa's avatars, it can't be done at all Climate, I have cultivated spiritual wisdom and wanted to show off with the fairy world. In fact, I didn't even know that we were just playing with her. Later, the Jiejiao, which is composed of monsters headed by the leader of the demonic world, Tongtian, fought against the two religions of humanism in the fairy world. But when we were about to win, the Western religion, that is, the buddhist guys actually reached an agreement with the fairy world to help them defeat us. It is hateful that the fairy world let foreigners step into the land of the east, which made us lose. My sister Su Daji was sealed after the defeat, and the leader of Tongtian was also driven to Beigu Luzhou, the four major continents of the heavenly realm. It is a shame that the four continents of the heavenly realm and our demon world can only occupy a resource-poor Beigu Luzhou. It's really hateful." Tianzhao told Aoyu some secrets about the Battle of the Conferred Gods, these things are what Aoyu is most curious about, because Aoyu only knows a little about the history of the War of the Conferred Gods from books, But everyone knows that history is written by the strong. At that time, the Demon Dao was defeated. Naturally, all these things were written by the righteous Dao. I don’t know how credible it is. Now there is Amaterasu who participated in the Conferred Gods Aoyu was naturally very happy when people from Zhan came to tell him this.

"Oh? It seems that the Battle of the Conferred Gods is a bit different from what I know, hehe, nine-headed pheasant? Hehe, Su Daji's sister, then your eight-foot Qionggouyu should be the jade pipa, hehe , I said Amaterasu, you really hate me, you can kill the sister who has lived with you for thousands of years without hesitation, you are really nothing." Aoyu lashed out at Amaterasu again, This she said.

"Master, you don't know, how can I escape if I don't die? The people in the fairy world chased and killed her so fiercely, how can I not sacrifice her? It is a waste of her body to flow after her death. She is a good baby, so I naturally want to train her. The Battle of the Conferred Gods Master knows is naturally different from the real situation. Those bastards in the fairy world made it up by themselves. How could my devil in the demon world be the apprentice of ancestor Hongjun? Those are all fake." At this moment, Amaterasu has lost her initial madness, and after being beaten by Aoyu, she is as docile as a cat. After listening to Aoyu's words, she is also Without any excitement, he still explained to Aoyu in a humble manner.

"Oh? Really? Tell me what is going on in this heaven?" Aoyu was full of curiosity about the heaven at the moment, and said to Amaterasu.

"Master, of course the Great Desolation was shattered, most of the land between heaven and earth was removed by the gods and demons, and the remaining land naturally became the focus of contention, and it was at this time that the eastern and western heavens were established, and then they began to go crazy The plundering resources of the Western Heaven Realm are composed of the several protoss in the West, that is, the Odin Protoss, the Mount Olympus Protoss, the Angel Clan, and the Western Demon Race. Double, which is divided into five realms, demon, Buddha, demon, fairy, and ghost. The eastern and western heavens are not connected, but hesitation. The earth cannot move for some reason. There will be a huge gap that connects the two worlds. The western world has taken a fancy to the richness of the east, so there will be a big war between the east and the west every old age, that is, the war between the east and the west. The battle was a battle between demons and immortal Buddhas, but later the demons defeated the four major continents of the heavens and we could only retreat to Luzhou, the most barren city in Beigu. It’s just partially rewritten.”

After listening to Amaterasu's words, Aoyu pondered for a while, and began to sigh a little, the heavens are just like that, they don't live on the top of the mountain and grab the land, there is no difference between the underground and the underground.

"By the way, what about the ghost world? What is the ghost world like? And why don't those guys come down from the heavens? Isn't the earth very important? According to their personalities, they probably have already set up a station here." Ao Yu said to Amaterasu.

"Master, you don't know that the passage between the heaven and the human world is not so easy to cross. As long as you don't have the strength of a fairy, you will die if you cross the retrograde passage, but how many heavenly kings are there in the heaven? What's more, this human world It is huge, the starry sky universe is infinitely vast, but there are no useful resources, and there are few auras, so no one is willing to come down. As for the ghost world, the ghost world is inherently deficient, and there is no ability to compete with the other worlds. It's very powerful, but it's hard to stand alone, so I can only helplessly watch others fight but dare not intervene." Amaterasu said to Aoyu without any omission.

"Oh, that's all, hehe, it seems that if I go up in the future, I'm afraid there will be some fun." Aoyu laughed so brightly, Aoyu didn't kill Amaterasu, but took her away I got here and put her in my Qiankun ring. Aoyu, who has a deep hatred for Aoyu, didn't want to kill Amaterasu like this. How nice it is to keep Amaterasu. When I have nothing to do, I will pull it out and beat it a few times. I am happy You can also let your subordinates fight together. Anyway, since this guy is so cheap, he must be very willing.

(End of this chapter)

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