Chapter 416 The Visit of a Female Star
After several days of being bored, Aoyu didn't go to school or go out, just eating at home and surfing the Internet to pass the time, and the only one who can accompany Aoyu is An Qier, an obedient dog I don’t know why An Qier has gradually returned to the level of a normal person recently, and she no longer always eats on the ground when eating, and no longer calls her room a nest, but this is only when others In front of Aoyu, but as soon as An Qier came in front of Aoyu, she regained the characteristics of a dog. Er is lying obediently beside Aoyu and let Aoyu stroke her head, while she herself is constantly dawdling beside Aoyu, and she finds a football somewhere and is very happy to hold it in her arms.

Suddenly Aoyu's cell phone rang, and when Aoyu picked it up, the voices of his subordinates came from over there. At this moment, Lei Ming and Aoyu's guards have already gone to practice, so Aoyu's guards are all newly selected. Yes, they are not very good people, but they are not very good, but for Zhe Tian, ​​any one of them is enough for the special departments of several countries to snatch them madly. At this moment, that subordinate is proud of this Yu said respectfully: "Godfather, just now Huanyu Group called and said that a woman named Tang Yanran came to see you there and asked if you wanted to see her."

"Tang Yanran? Why is she looking for me? Is there any difficulty? If she has any difficulties, Huanyu can help her solve them." Aoyu was obviously very surprised when he heard that Tang Yanran came looking for him. The subordinates said that they still have a good impression of this female star Aoyu. From Aoyu's vicious eyes, it can be seen that this Tang Yanran is still a person. It is a miracle that she can get to such a position in the entertainment industry, no matter what her reason is. The goal is to keep her virginity, this alone makes Aoyu look at her differently, and for this simple reason, Aoyu will help her.

"No, Miss Tang said that she would only express her interest when she saw you in person, so Huanyu was very helpless, and she was afraid that she was your friend, so she didn't dare to offend her, so she called me." The subordinate responded respectfully. Aoyu explained.

After hearing what his subordinates said, Aoyu became interested. Anyway, the left and right are fine at home, why not go and see what is going on, what Tang Yanran wants to do, so Aoyu said to his subordinates: "You let her wait first. Just tell me I'll be right there."

"Master, do you want to go out?" An Qier said obediently to Aoyu when she saw Aoyu hung up the phone and put down the ball in her hand. curious.

Looking at An Qier's appearance, Aoyu naturally knows what she is thinking. An Qier has never left the house since she was born. She used to be at the house of the woman who trained her, but now she is at Aoyu's house. Full of curiosity, I wanted to go out to have a look, but this time Aoyu didn't want to take her, touched An Qier's face, Aoyu smiled and lowered his head to her and said: "My dear An Qier, go out Now, you can have fun at home, and when the master is free, take you out to play."

"Well, master, An Qier is obedient." Hearing that Aoyu promised to take her out to play when she had time, An Qier was very happy. For An Qier, there is nothing more exciting than this. After all, although she He has heard about the outside world and seen it on TV, but he has never really gone out by himself. The news that the master promised to take him out this time is enough to make An Qier excited for many days.

Smiling at An Qier, Aoyu walked out, drove out of the Lamborghini in his warehouse, and then sped towards the Huaxia branch of Huanyu Group in Longjing. Of course, there was no one in Aoyu's car. Dare to stop him, because his license plate is Bei, K000001 is what Aoyu unloaded from the car in Ma Deshan in the Northern Military Region. He didn't care about those traffic policemen who killed him. After a while, Aoyu's car came to the Huanyu Building in the central area of ​​Longjing. The door, and then walked down from the car in a cool way. In winter, Aoyu only wore a pair of thin black clothes and looked more energetic. Aoyu closed the car door and walked straight to the Huanyu Building. Of course, for Aoyu No one came to stop Yu, because the necklace on Aoyu's chest flashed a sky-shading mark, and he followed Aoyu all the way to the general manager's office of Huaxia District on the 88th floor of the Huanyu Building, and walked in without saying hello. .

At this moment, the general manager and his secretary are entertaining Tang Yanran attentively, just because Aoyu said that he would come in person, the general manager is not a fool to be able to take this position, so upon hearing this He who was already very polite to Tang Yanran immediately became more polite, serving tea and pouring water himself, with a smile on his face and even a flattering feeling, which made Tang Yanran, who was a little nervous at first, suddenly Don't worry, when she first came here, she also came here with the mentality of giving it a try, because her boss, the CEO of an entertainment company in Hong Kong, has recently become more demanding on her, all because Tang Yanran offended Ma Dafu Because of this, since the last incident, Ma Dafu has sent people to look for Aoyu while intensifying his pursuit of Tang Yanran, and put pressure on Tang Yanran's boss. Tang Yanran's boss and Ma Dafu have always had an important cooperation Originally, he also fell in love with Tang Yanran, but he chose money in front of beauties and money. After all, with money, you have everything, and beauties are not afraid of not having them, and Tang Yanran, a cash cow, has not been very obedient recently, so He began to put pressure on Tang Yanran, and asked her to shoot some excessive scenes that she had never filmed before, which made Tang Yanran a little unbearable. Such a reason signed a long-term contract, once the contract was breached, the compensation would not be affordable by Tang Yanran, and what made her even more regretful was that when she signed the contract, she was eager to become famous and did not pay close attention to the details. When I watched it, I found out that the company has the right to let Tang Yanran take any part of the show because of the need for the performance, which even includes AV movies. However, Tang Yanran, a cash cow, has always made a lot of money for the company, and the company doesn't want to Tang Yanran was not allowed to take over such a scene because of a small loss, but now she took it out, which made Tang Yanran almost crazy, helpless, she suddenly remembered Aoyu, so she had the mentality of giving it a try Came to Huanyu, but she didn't expect that she would receive such treatment when she said Aoyu's name. It's all just in case, that's why she wants to meet Aoyu first, and she also has some urge to join Aoyu in her heart.

At this time Aoyu came in, when the general manager and his secretary saw Aoyu, they immediately said respectfully: "Hello, President."

When Tang Yanran heard this title, she was obviously taken aback, because she knew that Aoyu was very powerful, and Aoyu also said that Huanyu was his property, but when Tang Yanran heard it with her own ears, she was still taken aback , she did not expect this to be true, which surprised her very much.

"You go out first, I have something to say to Miss Tang." At this moment Aoyu nodded to the two of them, then said with a smile.

When the door of the office was closed, Aoyu found a chair and sat down to look at Tang Yanran. After a while, he said, "Miss Tang, what do you need from me today?"

Tang Yanran didn't know why she was a little bit tight at the moment, but with her superstar ability, although she was a little embarrassed, she recovered after a while and said to Aoyu: "President Long, I have something to ask for your help today. of."

After hearing Tang Yanran's words, Aoyu smiled lightly and said to Tang Yanran: "Hehe, don't call me President Long, hehe, I'm really not used to it, you should call me Aoyu, didn't I tell you? Yes Just come and hug my name for anything, why bother to be so out of touch, but now that I've come, you have something to say."

"It's like this. My boss recently used the contract to force me. When I first debuted, I didn't understand anything, so there was something wrong with the contract I signed. Recently, the boss used this to force me to let me and Ma Dafu, oh that's right. The person you beat up last time was together, and the compensation for breaking the contract is beyond my ability to pay, so I really can't think of any other way, so I just found this place with the cheek." Tang Yanran said to Aoyu with some sadness After talking about everything, the look on her face was as pitiful as she wanted. Although it was not ruled out that Tang Yanran was acting, but there was a lot of sadness in it.

After listening to Tang Yanran's words, Aoyu also fell silent. After a while, Aoyu asked curiously: "Is your boss really willing to give up your cash cow like this? If I definitely won't, is there something out of it?" other than what?"

"Well, our boss has always regarded me as a slave, and I won't hide it from you. Our boss also often harassed me, but recently he encountered troubles in his business and urgently needed help, and Ma Dafu provided him with this fund. He has grasped the lifeline of our boss, so our boss naturally sold me out and asked me to accompany Ma Dafu." Tang Yanran said to Aoyu after thinking for a while.

Hearing Tang Yanran's words, Aoyu suddenly understood, smiled lightly at Tang Yanran and said, "Okay, I'll take care of this trivial matter, so you don't have to worry about it, I guarantee that your boss will hand it over to you honestly." , you can come to our Huanyu entertainment company in the future, hehe, I think they will definitely welcome a big star like you."

Hearing that Aoyu wanted to help her, Tang Yanran's heart suddenly fell. If you don't mention Aoyu's other identity, just say the name of the president of Huanyu Group, there are really not many things he can't do in this world. , since he said that he wanted to help himself, then his matter is really sure, and it is really a small matter for Aoyu, so when Tang Yanran heard this, she immediately became happy, and the sadness on her face was swept away.

Tang Yanran then chatted with Aoyu for a while, and the two chatted happily, but later, when Tang Yanran was about to leave, Tang Yanran seemed to have thought of something again, and bit her lip at Aoyu, her face turned Surprisingly red, and then said to Aoyu: "I still have something to ask you to help, do you know if it's okay?"

"Oh? What is it?" Aoyu asked curiously.

After hesitating for a while, Tang Yanran said to Aoyu: "That's right, my boss arranged for me to attend a rich dinner tonight, and Ma Dafu will also go, so I'm a little scared, can you go with me? Is it good to be a man?"

After finishing speaking, Tang Yanran looked at Aoyu blinking and blinking, her eyes were full of anticipation, it was really difficult for Aoyu to refuse, in fact, there was a reason why she did this, firstly, she was really afraid of pulling Aoyu is more reliable, and secondly, she also wanted to find an opportunity to get closer to Aoyu, so she said such words to Aoyu.

"Your boss? Hey, he'll be gone in a few minutes. He can't force you to do anything. Of course, if you want, we'll deal with him tomorrow. I'll be the man of a beautiful woman tonight. Haha, to be honest, I I have never attended a dinner party in a serious way, and I will be a gentleman tonight." Aoyu said to Tang Yanran with a big laugh.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Tang Yanran burst out laughing, and said to Aoyu: "If you are not a gentleman, then there will be no gentleman in this world."

"Hey, you're wrong about this, let me tell you, I'm really not a gentleman, nor an aristocrat, I'm a hooligan, you know? The biggest hooligan in the world, haha. Haha..." Aoyu obviously has feelings for Tang Tang Yanran chatted happily and said without any scruples.

"Hehe, you really know how to joke. Although you look a little casual, I know you are a good person. Really, I can tell, but even if you are a hooligan, you are a kind hooligan. At least you didn't take advantage of others. Let me do something, you know if you just asked me, I can't refuse, so I believe you are a good person." Tang Yanran stared at Aoyu and said firmly, she really didn't expect that Aoyu was indeed as she thought. He is said to be a gangster, the biggest gangster in the world, the leader of the sky, and a standard member of the underworld.

Regarding Tang Yanran's words, Aoyu laughed again, but this time he didn't say anything, he just said to Tang Yanran: "Then Miss Tang Yanran, see you tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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