Chapter 417

That night, Aoyu's men sent over a set of black suits, and when Aoyu put them on, he looked a little more mature and more imposing. Naturally, his men drove the car for such a party, so Aoyu specially chose a suit. A black Mercedes-Benz, it would be inappropriate to drive an extended car without escorts from the front, rear, left, and right sides, but Aoyu doesn’t want to have too big a formation, if that’s the case, I’m afraid the banquet will be disbanded without having to hold it. It is more appropriate to say this, because the level of people that Tang Yanran can contact is still limited, at most they are the wealthy people on the bright side, and these people are not to mention covering the sky, they are families like the Murong family. It can kill a bunch of people, so Aoyu doesn't want to do too much, that kind of life would be no fun.

"Get in the car." Not long after, Aoyu arrived at Tang Yanran's home. At this moment, she had already put on a bright evening dress and waited at the door for a long time. After saying hello, Aoyu came down with a smile and opened the car door for her and said to her.

Seeing Aoyu approaching, Tang Yanran smiled and walked into the car with Aoyu's support.

"Where are we going?" Aoyu said to Tang Yanran who was beside him after getting in the car.

"Caesar's Palace" Tang Yanran replied concisely.

"Caesar's Palace? I thought it was a villa or manor, how could it be there?" Aoyu said with some doubts.

"You are really, although you are the richest person in the world, but you don't know about this. Caesar's Palace is the best hotel in the world, where you can get superhuman services, and all the rich people are there It's an honor to hold a banquet. Most people can't go there even if they want to. Such a banquet can't be paid without millions of dollars. This time it's the birthday of Mr. Lang of Zhongtian Industrial, so I booked the whole venue there and invited celebrities from all walks of life. , You really, looking at you like this, I know that you don't often attend banquets, but it's no wonder, as the president of a company like Huanyu, you naturally don't participate in such events." Tang Yanran didn't know why she appeared in front of Aoyu. It was very casual, pouted and said to Aoyu.

After listening to Tang Yanran's words, Aoyu smiled awkwardly, and then quickly changed the subject. After chatting for a long time, the two finally arrived at Caesar's Palace. At this moment, Caesar's Palace is still full of people. A lot of high-end cars, Aoyu and Tang Yanran got out of the car, walked down and walked inside, when they reached the gate, the guard at the gate was obviously taken aback when they saw Aoyu, you must know that every employee in Zhetian knew about Aoyu Appearance, of course, is no exception here, but even if they knew it, none of them dared to say it, because it was the disaster of destroying the family. After seeing Aoyu, they immediately bowed respectfully, but of course they didn't call out, which made Tang Yanran stunned Confused, she secretly admired the excellent service quality of Caesar's Palace. In Tang Yanran's eyes, Caesar's Palace is an independent system that has nothing to do with other companies, so naturally she would not know that this is also Aoyu's business.

In fact, she didn't know that these people were not the welcome guests at the door but the security personnel sent by Zhetian. They usually don't care about those people at all. Everyone immediately respected them when they saw them. How dare they say more At this moment, they are so respectful that it is enough to make everyone next to them look sideways. Fortunately, it is already very late at this time, those who should come have already arrived, and there are no two people at the door, otherwise it would be enough to cause a sensation.

Tang Yanran casually handed out the invitation and walked in with Aoyu, and didn't realize that the guards didn't even look at the bright red invitation and threw it into the trash can.

"Miss Tang is here. Hurry and see that Miss Tang is here." When Tang Yanran and Aoyu came here, a middle-aged man said to his friend who was chatting.

"What? You mean Miss Tang Yanran? Really, she's here? Look at the man next to her, he seems very sweet, he can't be his boyfriend, he looks really good-looking." A girl next to the young man said in surprise.

Hearing what the woman next to him said, the middle-aged man glanced at his mouth and said: "What is good-looking? It's just a little boy. I've seen a lot of people like this. I believe Miss Tang won't be so blind. Find someone who has a successful career."

After finishing speaking, he puffed out his chest, as if the so-called successful person was himself.

"Enen, yes." His words immediately won the support of all the men around him, and soon he and a group of people around him had already walked towards Tang Yanran, and Tang Yanran, who had just stepped into the banquet hall after a while Surrounded by a group of people, Tang Yanran coped with it with ease. At the beginning, Aoyu was very polite to accompany Tang Yanran to socialize, but after a while, Aoyu couldn't stand these hypocritical guys, and ignored them After retiring, he left here. He didn't want to pay attention to such a person. After a casual glance, he left the crowd and found a secluded place to sit down. There, he watched Tang Yanran with great interest. He smiled lightly at everyone.

"General Long, I didn't expect you to come here too." At this time, a powerful voice sounded beside Aoyu, and it sounded like a chief.

Hearing this, Aoyu immediately turned his head around, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a straight military uniform and the rank of major general standing next to him, looking at him with a smile, Aoyu clearly remembered that he didn't know this person People, so I asked with some doubts: "You are?"

"Next week, Debiao, the commander of the Longjing Security Division." The middleman smiled at Aoyu and said. At this moment, many interested people have already looked here. You must know that Zhou Debiao, the commander of the Longjing Security Division, may not be considered by Aoyu. It's nothing, but in the eyes of these people, Zhou Debiao is absolutely a person who can say nothing. The few gangsters on the ground in Longjing all depend on Zhou Debiao's face. Although he is only a division commander, in terms of real power, he is greater than the average army commander. Although he is known as a guard division, he actually has 3 people in charge of the defense of Longjing City, and he is the number one under Ma Deshan. In the eyes of these wealthy people, this is a person with all-hands and eyes, but at this time Zhou Debiao actually took the initiative to answer Aoyu, which has attracted the attention of many interested people, and they are making infinite guesses in their hearts.

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, hehe, how do you know me? I don't think I've met you before." Aoyu said with a faint smile, his tone was not so respectful.

Of course, Zhou Debiao won't care about this, he is not a fool to be able to get to this point, he knows that being able to talk to himself as Aoyu is already a matter of face, if he can get close to this big tree , I will definitely have a prosperous official career in the future, let alone this little security division commander, even being a commander of a military region is not a dream, so I am not angry, but smiled and said to Aoyu: "I will work under Commander Ma Deshan. It was a pleasure to meet you once, so remember, you may have forgotten."

Regarding Zhou Debiao's words, Aoyu smiled faintly, and said to him: "Please take a seat."

Zhou Debiao, who climbed along the pole, sat down without hesitation after hearing this, and said to Aoyu with a smile: "Thank you, General Long, it is really enviable that you have a confidante like Miss Tang."

"Hey, is that right? Thank you, by the way, how did you come here?" Aoyu said to Zhou Debiao with a faint smile.

"Oh, it's like this. This banquet is a friend's birthday of mine, so I called me over. I didn't expect it to be such an honor to meet you here, General Long. There are many stars here. Yilong General condition, it would be a pity not to find some confidantes, I want to ask a friend to introduce you some?" Although Zhou Debiao is a brave man, he is not a reckless man, and he is quite smooth in everything. It is also impossible to sit on the throne of the commander of the Longjing Security Division at the age of three or seven or eight. This is inseparable from his behavior. He has heard others say that Aoyu is lustful, so he will start with this right now. , hoping to please Aoyu.

Aoyu laughed lightly at this, and didn't say a word. Looking at the rich people jumping around on the dance floor and those so-called stars laughing and laughing, singing and dancing, he took a sip of wine and said: " The lives of these wealthy families are really enviable. These people are the root of depravity. It seems that what they said is correct. Men become bad when they have money, and women become rich when they become bad. These people really embody this sentence Look at those celebrities, hehe, young girls? Who would have thought that there would be such a scene behind them, I have no interest in such women."

"Yes, yes, General Long, you have a peerless beauty like Miss Tang, so naturally you don't like those Yongzhi vulgar fans, these wealthy families? Hehe, General Long doesn't care about these so-called wealthy families in comparison, everyone knows They are just small fish and shrimps put on the surface by those big families and big groups. How can they compare with you, General Long? It is understandable that these people have become like this with a little money. It’s just as elegant.” Zhou Debiao said with a smile, his tone was somewhat disdainful when he mentioned these so-called wealthy families, obviously he didn’t take these people seriously, in his opinion, those wealthy people who are laughing there at the moment are just a bunch of rubbish That's all, although he is catering to Aoyu, but it is undeniable that he really sees it that way in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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