Chapter 418 The Nasty Indonesian Monkey
When Aoyu and Zhou Debiao were talking, there were two people talking in another corner.

"Hey, Mr. Dato, look at that is the Tang Yanran I said, how good it is." A smiling voice in the corner said to the obviously malnourished Asian face next to him, this person is not the same Ma Dafu, the nouveau riche who pursues Tang Yanran, is somewhat annoying.

"Haha, of course, Mr. Ma's vision is really top-notch. Such a beautiful lady is about to enter your arms, which is really enviable." The malnourished Asian face next to him smiled at Ma Dafu next to him Said, looking at Tang Yanran with a filthy look in his eyes, which is a bit disgusting.

Ma Dafu was naturally very happy when he heard this, and started smoking a cigar, as if Tang Yanran was already in his hands, and said to the malnourished person next to him: "Hey, that's Mr. Nadu You don't know that I have spent a lot of effort to get her, although he didn't agree, but it's coming soon, and she will be mine in the last three days, haha."

"Really? Hehe, Mr. Ma is very capable. How about it? I wonder if you can give this woman to my brother?" Na Nadu greedily looked at Tang Yanran in the distance and said to Ma Dafu who was beside him.

Ma Dafu's face immediately turned pale when he heard the words of Nadu beside him, and he couldn't say anything when he opened his mouth. Frankly speaking, he was about to go crazy when he heard this, even though he was very angry with Tang Yanran. He has no feelings, just wants to get her, and rushes to the front, but he has spent so much effort, seeing that this fat meat is about to be obtained, but this Nadu actually speaks at this time, which makes Ma Dafu very angry. But he didn't dare to say anything more, because this Nadu has a special status. He is the son of an Indonesian admiral. Back then, an Indonesian admiral in Huaxia couldn't manage to come here even if he was powerful. The main reason is Nato's conviction, Nathan's other identity, the largest smuggler in Southeast Asia, and the leader of the Malacca pirates, these two things can't make people off guard. You must know why pirates have been rampant near the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia for so many years. No, it’s because of the support of Indonesia, and the Natu family has always controlled these pirates. Although Ma Dafu’s superficial business looks very prosperous, it’s just a cover. His real business is smuggling, and his The main reliance is the Natu family. Everything he owns is in the hands of the other party, so he can't help but refuse to agree. After thinking about it, he can find the woman again, but if he loses the money, he has nothing, so after gritted his teeth, Ma Dafu Finally he made up his mind and said to Nadu: "Mr. Nadu, if you like this woman, then she is yours. I promise to send her to your bed within three days."

"Haha, okay, Mr. Ma, don't worry, since you're giving brother face like this, then I guarantee that you will be the biggest smuggler in China in the future, and I guarantee that we will help you fight against all hostile forces. You can do it with confidence. How many years have you been the new richest man in China.

"After listening to Ma Dafu's words, Dadu said to him happily. Obviously, he was very happy that Ma Dafu was so acquainted with him, so he generously expressed his support for Ma Dafu. Anyway, it was just empty guns and no money. Just kidding that Huaxia is the biggest The smugglers? That is Zhetian, and no one dares to compete with them for this position, including Natu and his deep-rooted Malacca pirates. It is rampant on the sea, and the fleet built by Zhetian has begun to launch. The warship that has been ahead of the world for 10 years has been launched. Now a fleet extorted from the U.S. Navy has been returned, and the entire doomsday fleet has been replaced. Let those navies The officers are drooling about the new warships, and there is an aircraft carrier and 7 submarines to accompany the fleet. They are simply ace equipment. Last month, the Doomsday Fleet swept across the Pacific Ocean. The real Pacific Ocean allows them to run rampant and no one dares to stop them. Basically, all the pirates in the Pacific Ocean have been robbed by the Dooms Fleet, and the rest have been wiped out, and the remaining pirates in the Arctic Ocean were also swept away by the Dooms Fleet a week ago. Everyone trembled at the name of Doom, and the Malacca pirates were no exception. Of course, Nada would not be so stupid as to say such a thing. Although he is not very smart, he is not so stupid. The guy's IQ is obviously still below Natu's. Hearing Natu's words, he immediately began to feel flustered. The unhappiness just now disappeared and he began to fantasize about his bright future.

"Yanran, I wonder if you have time tonight? My side is Mr. Natu, the son of Admiral Nathan, a well-known Indonesian rich man. He wants to invite you to his room to have a drink and chat. , I don’t know if it’s possible.” After a while, Ma Dafu and the malnourished Nadu walked over and said to Tang Yanran who was in the crowd, and everyone around him closed their mouths in surprise when he said this. Looking at him and Tang Yanran, even an idiot would know what this means. They say they want to have a glass of wine and chat, but where can't they chat? Do they have to go to the room?Everyone understands the meaning of this. At this time, the expressions of the people around are different, some are happy, some are angry, and some are indifferent. How did she respond? These so-called celebrities and rich families also have some understanding of the recent events. They have also heard about the pressure Tang Yanran is under. At this moment, they want to see if Tang Yanran will also give in like everyone else.

"I don't think so. I'm not interested in getting to know Indonesians. Oh, by the way, I'm not interested in getting to know you, Mr. Ma. You'd better not call me so close. You'd better call me Miss Tang." At this moment, Tang With Aoyu's backing, Yanran is not afraid of Ma Dafu. All the pressure disappeared in Aoyu's words. As for the Indonesian general's son, she didn't see that there was nothing worth caring about in that poor place in her eyes. If you go by yourself, you won't go, and this is Huaxia, not to mention that his father is just a general, even the president of Indonesia is useless, so naturally there is no need to give face to the two of them, and it is a bit of face to say such words directly He didn't leave it for the two of them either. Tang Yanran had had enough of Ma Dafu after such a long time, and today he brought such a nasty Indonesian here, and said that he should go to the room to accompany him. Hearing this, Tang Yanran naturally Furious, and with Aoyu's support today, she is naturally not afraid, that's why she said such words.

When the people next to him heard Tang Yanran's words, they immediately looked at Ma Dafu and Nadu beside him in amused manner. The two of them obviously didn't expect that Tang Yanran would dare to say such a thing under such circumstances. The face turned from white to red, from red to black, and finally turned black and purple. For a while, I didn't know what to say. Looking at the mocking smiles of the people around me, Ma Dafu and Nadu were really embarrassed. I really wanted to find someone Drilling down the ground, especially Ma Dafu, this guy has always felt that others look down on him, so he is extraordinarily good-faced on such occasions. He didn't expect Tang Yanran to say such words in public, which made him immediately unacceptable. Tang Yanran said fiercely: "Miss Tang, you have to think carefully. Your CEO told you about your current situation. You don't want to be toasted or fined. Let me tell you, don't provoke me."

"What do you want?" Tang Yanran's face immediately turned cold and said to Ma Dafu.

(End of this chapter)

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