Chapter 419 The Nasty Indonesian Monkey
"Hey, what do you want to do? As long as you obediently come to chat with us tonight." At this moment, Ma Dafu said with a smile on his face. His words were immediately despised by everyone around him, not because of anything else. It was because of this occasion that many rich people present had done such things before, but no one was as bold and shameless as Ma Dafu, which made everyone around him a little unacceptable. I thought in my heart that "upstarts are upstarts, they have no level at all, vulgar". Of course, none of them stood up for this upstart, and no one wanted to offend a rich upstart for this.

"Mr. Ma, you must be talking nonsense when you are drunk. Give me a face and stop making trouble. Take the gentleman next to you to rest." Lang Quan, the host of the banquet, said to Ma Dafu , although he was unwilling to stand up and speak out, but this banquet was hosted by him, so he could be regarded as the host after all, so naturally he couldn't watch Ma Dafu make trouble here.

But obviously Ma Dafu doesn't give face to anyone at the moment. In his opinion, with the support of the son of the Indonesian general, he is not afraid of anything, but he never thought that this is China, not Indonesia, and the son of the Indonesian general is here. No shit, of course, although Ma Dafu thought so, he still didn't refute Lang Quan directly. After all, Zhongtian Industrial is also a very powerful company, and he didn't want to offend easily. When he was thinking about what to do, the Nadu manhole next to him He opened his mouth to speak. This Natu was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. Because he was alone, he was one-sided at home. In Indonesia, with his father's power, he could be said to be as good as the wind and the rain, so he has no one. Seeing Lang Quan talking in his eyes, he said in his heart: "What are you, why should I give you face? Tell you Chinese people, I am going to order this woman tonight, so get out of here. "

As soon as his words came out, the faces of all the people around him turned black. These people are rich people. How could they have been treated like this? This son of an Indonesian general who doesn’t know what it is dares to yell here, which immediately makes people angry. Lang Quan's face turned black when he was scolded, but he couldn't do anything about it on such an occasion, and said to Bao Fat standing outside: "Come here, please ask him to go out, he is not welcome here."

"You bastard, you dare to say that, you lowly Chinese, I am the son of a dignified Indonesian general, you lowly people dare to drive me out." Nadu obviously didn't expect that the other party would dare to speak to himself like this , because in his opinion, the Indonesians are very powerful, and those Chinese people are very afraid of them, otherwise they would not dare to fart after Indonesia massacred the Chinese people, and they would still say yes Other countries will not interfere in their internal affairs, and they will not rush to send money like a grandson when Indonesia encounters a tsunami. That's why he dared to be so arrogant in China.

Although the people around him are angry about this guy, there is nothing they can do about him. After all, the father of the other party is a powerful general in Indonesia. If something happens to him, it will definitely cause international disputes, and the officials of the country will encounter such a thing. Regardless of whether you are right or wrong, foreigners are superior to your countrymen. If you dare to provoke the country, you will definitely be handed over. No matter what your reason is, those idiots will bully the people, take bribes and other things. No way, seeing foreigners is like seeing grandpas, no matter how powerful they are, so even though these rich people are angry, they can't do anything to him. After all, you have a bunch of officials above you who can only point guns at you. At this time, Nadu somehow took out a gun from his pocket and grabbed it at the person next to him. Suddenly he heard a scream and the person fell to the ground, moaning continuously. The person next to him saw In such a scene, they all started to panic for a while, and their Baofa also ran over with guns one by one, surrounded their master in the center, and pointed at Nadu with weapons, but no one dared to start the gun. He could look at Nadu smiling arrogantly, and Nadu's bodyguards, four bodyguards in black, also stood there and looked at the people around him coldly.

"Hey, what's the matter? Are you calling now? Calling? Let me tell you that I'm going to make an appointment with this woman." Nadu looked at the panic-stricken people around him and pointed at Tang Yanran with an arrogant smile.

When Nadu was arrogant, he only heard "Bengpeng" a few times. The people next to Nadu had already fallen to the ground, and Zhou Debiao next to him came up. A group of soldiers next to him was also called by Zhou Debiao, and immediately dozens of soldiers Surrounded Nadu in the middle and said to him: "Put down your weapons now, or we will kill you."

These people were all called by Zhou Debiao from outside just now. He came this time to bring a platoon for his friends. Of course, these people were all killed outside. After all, this is a sky-shattering industry and no one dares To act recklessly, and with Aoyu around just now, he naturally wouldn't be afraid that Zhetian would make trouble for him, anyway, he was going to do this for Aoyu.

Nadu was shocked when he saw such a scene, his face turned pale, but he recovered after a while and said to Zhou Debiao and the others: "I won't let you go, what can you do to me? Kill me if you have the ability .”

Zhou Debiao also felt quite helpless when he heard Natu's words. They were soldiers and not the police. What happened just now was considered a violation of discipline. Especially since I belong to the Northern Military Region, my position makes countless people envious. If I kill them all now, not only will it cause disputes between the two countries, but my position will also be difficult to protect. Those politicians will never let me go. All of a sudden Zhou Debiao also became embarrassed. Indeed, according to the laws of China, even if a foreigner kills someone, he will not be punished. At most, he will be sent back. Moreover, those officials in China will try their best to silence the victim. Zhou Debiao had seen such things a lot, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Really? Then you go to die." When Nadu was laughing arrogantly, Aoyu snatched Nadu from Zhou Debiao's hand and shot him in the head at once. For these annoying people The Indonesian monkey Aoyu doesn’t have any good feelings. If people are ambitious tigers, then the Indonesians are just unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. When Indonesia was in great difficulty, countless Chinese people helped them, but without the original Chinese people, there would be no present. Indonesia, but a few years ago, those bastards in Indonesia actually massacred Chinese, and the local police let it go. Tens of thousands of Chinese were massacred, and some of them were thrown into the living room and roasted alive, and then used The knife was picked up and displayed. Some Chinese women educated their children there, but they were gang-raped to death by them in the street, and they carved words on her body with a knife. They would not spare the youngest 11-year-old girl. Hundreds of them lived. He was gang-raped to death, but in the end those incompetent guys in China actually blocked the news domestically, and then declared to the outside world that they did not interfere in their internal affairs. When encountering the tsunami, Huaxia actually called on people to donate money for those grandchildren. This was unacceptable to Aoyu. It was also caused by Aoyu’s dislike for it. In Aoyu’s opinion, these Indonesian grandchildren should have been exterminated long ago. Not one of them was left, now that Nadu was so arrogant, of course he wouldn't give him any face, so he sent him on his way without hesitation, as for his father, Aoyu, he really didn't take it seriously. (The massacre is absolutely true, Baidu can search it)

After Aoyu got rid of Nadu, those subordinates who covered the sky outside also came in, bowed respectfully to Aoyu, and then took off Nadu's body, and then the leader faced The crowd said: "I hope everyone will not speak out about what happened today. We will solve this matter."

With these words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Zhetian said to solve this matter, they would have nothing to be afraid of, and they would not be afraid that those soft bastards would make trouble for them if Zhetian came forward. Let go of the raised heart.

(End of this chapter)

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