Chapter 420 Entering Southeast Asia

Of course, not only that, but everyone also started to guess Aoyu's identity. Just now, Zhetian's gang of guards saw the subtle movements of the guards one by one, and everyone's eyes on Aoyu changed. Coupled with Zhou Debiao's appearance just now, everyone can almost be sure that Aoyu is a high-level executive who shrouds the sky. Of course, it is not clear to them who it is. Just a little guy.After all, a small and middle-level person who covers the sky is in their eyes an unattainable person, and even the way he looks at Tang Yanran has changed. It is no longer obscene but flattering. After taking him out, as for how to deal with him, only God knows. I believe that after those politicians know that this guy has offended Zhe Tian, ​​Ma Dafu may only spend the rest of his life in prison.

A banquet ended like this because of the farce of two people, and Tang Yanran's boss also took the initiative to find Tang Yanran after the banquet and asked to terminate the contract. Offending Zhetian for a cash cow is something a fool would do. Obviously Tang Yanran His boss is not a fool, so he made a smart choice. As for Zhou Debiao, Aoyu is quite satisfied with this guy's performance. Although he was a little hesitant in dealing with Nadu in the end, Aoyu can understand, so when he left He smiled faintly at Zhou Debiao and said, "Come to me if you have any questions in the future."

Although it was just one sentence, it made Zhou Debiao so happy that he almost jumped up on the spot. When Aoyu took Tang Yanran to leave, the crowd immediately surrounded Zhou Debiao. Those who mattered, those who didn’t matter, wanted to get it from the general’s mouth. Knowing Aoyu's details, of course Zhou Debiao just smiled lightly and didn't say a word. He didn't want to offend Aoyu for these ignorant things.

"The general is not well. I just got the news that Nadu was beaten to death in Huaxia." A day later, in a manor in Indonesia, an elderly man in this suit anxiously faced a man in a white military uniform covered with medals. said the middle-aged man.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man who was still smoking a cigar immediately stood up and said to the old housekeeper in surprise, "You...what are you talking about? My son died in Huaxia? How could that be who? Who killed my son?"

"The general is like this. We also know from the young master's roots. They went with the young master to 5 people, and one of them was the driver. So when the young master was conflicting with others, he witnessed the whole process. He was a young man. The man who killed the young master seems to be with Zhou Debiao, the commander of the Longjing Security Division, and he should be a son of the rich and powerful in China." The so-called there is no impenetrable wall in the world, but the driver was not there at the time. Naturally, others dare not say that the sky is overshadowed, so everything has reached his ears and passed it back, which is such a scene.

"What? Zhou Debiao? These damn Chinese people, please tell me immediately that we demand that China hand over the murderer. If they don't pay the amount, we will have another massacre. Anyway, there is plenty of money to take down the Chinese. I believe that the people will definitely I will be willing to do it, they got a lot of benefits back then, I must avenge my dear son." General Nathan said with bloodshot eyes, obviously he was also involved in the massacre of Chinese back then, and he was still Mastermind.

"It's the general. I'll do it right away. Those Chinese are soft bones. As soon as we start attacking them, we immediately start to compromise. Didn't we just slaughter the Chinese in the tsunami that year? Hey, those guys still want to give us Sending things, these Chinese people are idiots, do you really think we will thank them? General, don’t worry, the young master will definitely repay his ugliness." The butler said to Nasan, but he also knew that although Nasan loved him Nadu, however, will not be too excited about Nadu's death. In Nathan's eyes, as long as there are benefits, Nadu's death may not be a good thing this time. Maybe he can win greater benefits for himself, depending on whether Huaxia compromises. Compromised, handing over Zhou Debiao is naturally to avenge his son. It is a good face to have a Chinese general pay for his life. If he does not hand in, then he can justifiably instigate another massacre. After all, the last massacre The benefits he got are too great. In the end, if the American grandma didn't come forward, he would definitely not let anyone go. As for Dadu?Although Nathan only had such a precious son in name, in fact, Nason's son was at least enough for a reinforced company. Nason was not sad about his death, but rather happy, because his death had won benefits for him.

However, when Nadu was plotting against others, others were also plotting against him. At this moment, Aoyu was summoning some of his subordinates in his villa. When Jason and them all left, the entire Doomsday Fleet was under the control of Essen. Somalia was also brought up, and now they can be regarded as two of Aoyu's generals. Of course, Liu Ming, a rising star who rose up in China's first match in Shanghai that day, became Aoyu's team after Jason and the others left. Confidant subordinates, Aoyu is now half-relying on the meaning and said to several people: "Give you time, how long will you be sure to solve Southeast Asia for me?"

"One year Godfather, I need a year to sweep Southeast Asia for you, Ke Somali said after thinking for a moment.

"I need eight months, Godfather, and I can give you a complete Southeast Asia in eight months." Liu Ming also said after thinking for a moment, in fact, a small Southeast Asia does not need so much time at all, and he also does Somalia. It is said that it is the result of the intervention of external forces.

Hearing what the two said, Aoyu smiled and looked at Essen who had been silent all this time. Frankly speaking, although the Doomsday Fleet was commanded by Jon in the past, this was basically the one who didn’t talk much in every battle. Although this Essen is not talkative, I have to say that this Essen is indeed a war genius, a war genius that surpasses all his subordinates, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be killed by the U.S. military when he was only 30 years old. Fang awarded the rank of major general, and Eisen's talent for war is unmatched by others. At this moment, Aoyu saw that he was silent, so he said to Eisen: "Eisen, if you are asked to deal with Southeast Asia, how long will it take you?"

"Godfather, it depends on whether you need a complete Southeast Asia or an incomplete one. If you need a complete Southeast Asia, then if you give me all the personnel to cooperate, I will need half a year if there is any external force to interfere. You can sweep the underground world in Southeast Asia. If you just let me destroy the gangsters there, I only need half a month. My doomsday fleet can blow up there. If the location is special, several powerful forces can’t compete for it and they will disappear long ago, so I am sure to occupy it in half a month, of course I can’t guarantee the degree of damage.” Essen said to Aoyu after a pause.

Hearing Essen's words, Aoyu laughed loudly, and said to Essen: "Okay, I will leave this matter of Essen to you, Liu Ming and Somalia will cooperate with you and give you everything you want Resources, I want a complete Southeast Asia, and I want to control this sea lifeline in my own hands. When our troops come back a year later, it will be time for us to eliminate the Holy See and those inherent forces in Europe. Of course, before that I will I want you to eliminate the Malacca pirates."

After hearing this, Essen frowned and said, "Godfather, you must know that Indonesia is behind the pirates in Malacca. If we want to eliminate them, we have to face the Indonesian army. You must know that what I just said is the underworld in Southeast Asia. Including theirs, if that's the case, I'm afraid we will spend a lot of time."

"Essen, you have to know that even if we have swept the underworld in Southeast Asia, if we don't eliminate the Malacca pirates, then they will always be a threat to us. You have to know that we have an old saying in China" how can others sleep soundly beside the couch? "These guys must be removed. As for the damage you cause, you can do whatever you want. I don't like Indonesian monkeys. As long as you can destroy the island of Malacca, the barren land in Indonesia, we don't care. We can't sweep the gangsters there. It doesn’t matter if you sweep away, at worst, I will wipe this land from the world with my own hands.” A trace of cruelty flashed in Aoyu’s eyes at this moment, if Aoyu’s hatred for Indonesia comes from historical reasons, then his hatred of Indonesia comes from modern times. It can be said that the two countries that Aoyu hates the most in his life are Indonesia, and his dislike for Indonesia is even higher. He helps shameless guys, even worse than dogs. If you give a dog a bone, the dog will remember you, you Give them a bone and they will bite you back. Aoyu doesn’t care if this kind of race lives or dies. If it is possible to erase them, it is not impossible. This group of hybrid yellow races are not like yellow races, black people Unlike black people, a bunch of scumbags, shameless people at least have an industry to be proud of, but the Indonesians have nothing but are still clamoring there, which makes Aoyu even more unbearable, such scumbags should have been wiped out long ago up.

(End of this chapter)

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