Chapter 481 How to Get Thick-skinned
A few miles away, in the camp of the Buddhist world, Ken was trying to understand the truth of the bones bestowed by the Ksitigarbha King. After hearing Aoyu’s words, all the hairs on his body stood on end, and he fell to the ground and lost the mood for Ken’s bones. Of course As for why Di Ting can eat meat in the Buddhist camp, this question is actually very simple. The guys at Lingshan are simply a bunch of peddlers. It doesn’t matter to them whether they eat vegetarian or not, as long as they have enough food Benefits, Bodhisattvas can also become, let alone such a trivial matter.

"Brother, I know that guy Di Ting, I must catch him and eat him, but why did the guys from the Buddha Realm arrive so fast? And if they come out, aren't they afraid that the guy from the Bull Demon King will really steal their hometown? At this moment, Wukong is still full of doubts about why Lingshan can gather so many masters so quickly without disturbing anyone.

"Hey, brother, if you take a closer look at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and his big sun roulette, you will know why." Aoyu said to Wukong with a smile.

Hearing what Aoyu said, Wukong began to observe carefully. At this moment, the three releases are so confrontational that no one will attack first, so they are stalemate here, so Wukong has enough time to watch. At this moment, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sitting next to Avalokitesvara is pale and sweating all over his body. It is impossible for a Bodhisattva who is so powerful to surpass ordinary Buddhas to behave like this, unless he uses his own power excessively. Mana can cause such a result, then Wukong looked at the dim big sun roulette again, Wukong had a little understanding in his heart, turned around to see what Aoyu was about to say, but Aoyu had already said it first Come out: "How is it? You can see something, hey, I think that in addition to the functions we know, the big sun roulette must also have the function of teleportation. Of course, this requires a corresponding formation. In addition, a powerful person is needed to use all his strength, and Jizo is this person, hehe, speaking of it, our brothers are unlucky, Wukong, do you remember what day it is today?"

After listening to Aoyu's words, Wukong nodded again and again, and was obviously taken aback at the last moment. After a while, Wukong suddenly realized and said to Aoyu: "Today is the Lingshan sutra lecture once every 300 years."

"That's right, the two of us are really unlucky. We deserve to be unlucky when we meet them at this time. It seems that the two of us are in trouble today. Even a monster will not go to Lingshan to make trouble on this day. I Think about how far the Bull Demon King is from there now, hey, just let Tathagata take advantage of this opportunity, this Tathagata is really insidious, but to be honest, we two brothers are quite unlucky." Aoyu said helplessly Said to Wukong next to him.

"Let me tell you two, stop talking nonsense, okay? Let's think about how to deal with those guys from Lingshan. If one of them is bad, we probably won't be able to run away today." Speaking to Wukong and Aoyu, she, Youming leader and King Asura had been standing there just now, but obviously the other two were more cultivated and endured the conversation between Aoyu and Wukong, And learned a lot from it, but the Holy Mother of Darkness obviously doesn't have such a good temper. Looking at her, I can tell that she is a young lady who has been spoiled since she was a child. It is not surprising to say such words.

But she is not wrong to say this at this time, because this is indeed the most practical issue that deserves everyone's attention. If this issue is not resolved, everything will be in vain. Even Wukong, who has always been fearless, is not sure of victory. At this moment Aoyu spoke, and at this moment Aoyu said to everyone with a smile on his face: "Actually, it is a very simple question. As long as we convince that If the five old ghosts stand with us, then everything can be resolved."

Everyone can think of the method Aoyu said, but it is not so simple to do it. Think about those five old ghosts who obviously stood with the Buddhist world at the beginning, and wanted them It is almost impossible to turn against the opponent when the opponent has an absolute advantage. The reason why the five guys dodged so fast is probably because the opponent's sudden appearance made them suspicious, so they did this, but as long as the Buddha Realm If you send envoys to say something nice to them, those guys will definitely not stand in the position of the Youming Blood Sea. You must know that the Youming Blood Sea is a much greater threat to the Wufang Ghost Emperor than the Buddha Realm. Yes, of course, with the style of those guys, the most likely thing to do is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and when both sides are defeated and hurt, they will come out to check for cheap, trying to convince them that they have no intention of talking to idiots.

So although everyone knew it, but no one said it out, it was for this reason that everyone kept silent after Aoyu said it at the moment, and the Youming leader who hadn't spoken a moment later smiled at Aoyu and said : "Dijun's strategy is very good, but we don't have any talents here. You must know that the sons of the Ashura clan fight except for fighting. Naturally, they are not qualified for the position of lobbyist, and the younger sister is too young to go. I am afraid it will be too dangerous. , I originally wanted to go, but the big and small things in this dark sea of ​​blood can't get away from me. If Dijun really thinks this idea is good, then we might as well do it this way, but I still have to trouble Dijun to go and lie down in person .”

Hearing the words of the Youming leader, Aoyu was obviously taken aback, looking at this old guy who had not spoken a moment ago, now Aoyu knows what it means to say nothing, and he became a blockbuster, and he was talking about people like this old guy , this Youming leader is indeed an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years. It is really shameless to say such words at this time. What do you mean that the Asuras are not good at words?Which of their Asura witches is not a communication expert?What does it mean that the Virgin Mary is too young?That old woman is at least tens of thousands of years older than me, and this damn guy said he couldn't leave?Just kidding, it’s the same with him or without him. I’m more useful than him here. If it’s not because I can’t do without him at this time, those guys in the Buddhist world will not let me and Wukong. At this moment, I can only rely on the influence of the Youming leader, otherwise I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to run away. Of course, this Qiu Aoyu has planned in his heart. The Youming leader Aoyu will definitely make him look good. Of course, all of these fall into the In Wukong's eyes, Wukong doesn't look impulsive, but his brain is extremely shrewd, and he immediately heard the meaning. He coldly glanced at the Youming leader, but he didn't do anything, but he was jealous. Understanding Wukong Everyone knows that this monkey generally does not hold grudges, but if he does, that guy will definitely be very miserable, just like the Jade Emperor back then.

Of course, this ray of light was also captured by the leader of Youming. Looking at Wukong's eyes that shone with cold light, his heart beat twice unconsciously, but then he calmed down again. Black studies have been studied to the extreme, his face is definitely not as skinny as a city wall, so naturally there will not be much reaction, all he has to pay attention to is Wukong's revenge, of course he has nothing to do now, after all, he can't be at this time Going to take risks, so this great thought can only be left to Aoyu, thinking of this, the Youming leader sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go, it's nothing, I must have a way to deal with those five old ghosts, you just wait." At this moment when Wukong was about to speak, Aoyu stopped him from saying, It made everyone around a little confused. Of course, Aoyu also had his own ideas when he said this. Now it is obvious that the Buddhist world is dominant, and the power of Youming Blood Sea and Wufang Ghost Emperor is not as good. The current situation in the Buddhist world is just like the war between Wei, Shu, and Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. At this moment, no one can expect that the Buddhist world will let the other go after eating one of them, even though the Buddhist world was also at that time. There may be heavy casualties, but it is still not something that can be resisted by one force. After all, Lingshan is powerful, and he has the ability to wipe out the two major forces one by one. The Holy Mother, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the Great Asura Demon King, and a mysterious and unpredictable Emperor Wuji know which one has a better chance of winning. At this moment, the five ghost emperors have become a power that must be wooed by the two major forces. As for where they fall, it all depends on the abilities of both parties.

Originally, things didn’t need to be so complicated. You must know that there were still underworld soldiers from Fengdu City of the Ten Temples of Yama to help out, but because of the appearance of monkeys, the Metropolitan King immediately used his special ability to make those underworld soldiers find a reason They ran away, they didn't want to provoke Wukong, if they didn't run away at that time, I'm afraid they would definitely fall to Aoyu's side now, because they are obviously more afraid of Wukong than Tathagata, in that case, Aoyu's chances of winning are It's bigger, but the causal cycle, after Wukong made such a fuss, they all ran away immediately, and the original helper disappeared, so they had to try their best to win over the centrist Wufang Ghost Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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