Chapter 482 How to Get Thick-skinned
Just do what you say, that's Aoyu's style. Before everyone reacted, Aoyu ran out in a flash, and flew straight to the territory of Wufang Ghost Emperor. His movements were as fast as a stream of light, making it impossible to see clearly. Of course. Those who say that they can’t see clearly are ordinary people, and real masters can still find out. For example, Tathagata, of course, he didn’t say much about this Tathagata, but just smiled mysteriously. He naturally knows what the other party’s purpose is. But it didn't stop it, because any unfriendly actions at this time may cause the Wufang Ghost Emperor to re-choose the direction, and the loss outweighs the gain, and Lingshan sent the most eloquent and prestigious Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, coupled with 90.00% sure that it will succeed, so although Tathagata saw this move of the other camp, he didn't stop it, because he didn't want to be self-defeating.

But when everyone was paying attention to Aoyu who was flying towards the Wufang Ghost Emperor's camp with a brilliant light, they didn't notice that Wukong had already taken out the golden cudgel from his ear at this moment, and then gestured with his finger on it instantly After a few strokes, the golden cudgel the size of an embroidery needle quickly opened a space crack at a speed invisible to the human eye and disappeared into the void. Of course, neither the Tathagata nor the Youming leader noticed all this.

"Who are you? Why are you here." When Aoyu arrived here, Cai Yulei, the Eastern ghost emperor, stood up and said to him. Although his tone was flat, it could be seen that his eyes were full of disdain. Obviously, in his opinion, the other party Such an unknown person is not qualified to negotiate with him. After all, when Wukong appeared just now, he attracted everyone's attention, and they didn't even notice Aoyu.

"How are you ghost emperors? I haven't seen you for many years. The poor monk is right here." Just as Aoyu was about to answer the words of Cai Yulei, the Eastern ghost emperor, another ray of light flashed from the camp of the Western Buddhist world behind him. A golden retriever appeared here, with holy and gentle rays of light emitting from three parts of her body, and the majestic aura of the golden retriever she sat down made people even more intoxicated. said hello.

"It turned out to be Master Guanyin. Some of them were far away, some were far away. At this moment, the ghost emperors of the five directions stood up and greeted Guanyin with a smile. Aoyu looked at him and was depressed. How can there be a difference between people?" How big is it? If it weren’t for the fact that he wanted to win over these old guys now, Aoyu would definitely come up and beat them up until he didn’t even know his mother, but helplessly, this is not the world anymore. Unhindered, but it's different here, somewhat restrained Aoyu's temper, Aoyu is not a fool, he only loses his temper when it should be, and now is obviously not the time.

Seeing that Wufang Ghost Emperor was about to enter a temporarily released luxurious palace under the leadership of the Central Ghost Emperor and threw himself aside, Aoyu suddenly felt extremely angry, but he didn't do anything but smiled contemptuously there He said: "Is this how you Wufang Ghost Emperor treats guests? Hmph, if you let others know, I'm afraid you Wufang Ghost Emperor doesn't know how to count, and you are here on behalf of Youming Blood Sea and Wuji City. Are you rejecting me like this?"

After listening to Aoyu's words, both Wufang Ghost Emperor and Guanyin listened to it. Guanyin still kept smiling and didn't say a word at this moment, but Wufang Ghost Emperor here remembered the identity of the other party's representative at this time. For Youming Blood Sea, they are mortal enemies. It’s the same whether you think about it or not. Of course, it’s good to have some use value. What they really care about is Wuji City. Although it was founded not long ago, there is a mysterious emperor and a Monkey King Monkey King, don't say how powerful the emperor is, but his existence is equivalent to giving Wukong a brain. A Monkey King with a brain is not something they can provoke, they can I don't want to offend Wukong for this, so at this moment, the southern ghost emperor Du Ziren stood up when everyone was still silent and said to Aoyu with a smile: "This is a failure for us, little brother please invite me inside, I don't know little brother Do you have any job in Wuji City?"

As he said that, he began to inquire about Aoyu's identity. The reason why he was sure that Aoyu came from Wuji City was simple, because Wukong had just appeared here. Sending a subordinate at this time is the best choice of course, and those Asuras in the Nether Blood Sea will never find a man with such a handsome appearance, so Du Ziren affirmed that the other party came from Wuji City.

"Hehe, the Southern Ghost Emperor is so ignorant. If the poor monk is not mistaken, this must be the legendary Wuji City dweller, the Wuji Emperor." At this moment, Guanyin stood up and said with a smile, his expression looked quite warm, But Aoyu was full of anger. It would be strange to know that Guanyin didn’t know him, but just now he pretended not to see it, making it clear that he wanted to make himself ugly. Of course, he was angry for a while, but Aoyu quickly regarded it as Nothing happened.

"Hehe, who am I? It turns out to be Nanhai Guanshiyin's sister. When I saw Dari Tathagata the day before yesterday, he even said that he wanted to marry you. Why are you pretending not to know me today? Don't you want to? We It’s already that, why don’t you want to? Really.” At this moment Aoyu said to Guanyin with a smile, who is Aoyu, he never suffers, and naturally he will not suffer at this moment, so he immediately opened his mouth and said, of course These words are all nonsense.

Neither Avalokitesvara nor Wufang Ghost Emperor responded for a while, but after a while, Avalokitesvara pointed at Aoyu and said with a blushing face: "You, you, you..."

"You" didn't say a word for a long time. At this time, Aoyu had already grabbed her hand and said to her. At this moment, Guanyin was completely dumbfounded by Aoyu's sudden action. You must know that Guanyin Although she is two to thirty thousand years old, and has been circling between the Buddha world and the heaven world, but no one has ever held her hand and treated her so unreasonably, so she was there for a while, wondering what to do, and Aoyu was even smoother, hugging his arms full of one child.

The Wufang ghost emperor next to him was stunned when he saw the scene of Guanyin throwing himself into his arms. After a while, he thought of Aoyu's words and believed Aoyu's words. After all, the other party is the emperor of one side and the other side is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the most prestigious among the four great Bodhisattvas of Lingshan, the other party would not lie to him. The world restricts their thinking. In their tens of thousands of years of life, they have never encountered such a situation. The people they come into contact with, even crooked devils, will not cheat on such issues. So they believed it was true, and looked at Guanyin and Aoyu with ambiguous eyes. Of course, no one said it. After all, the identities of the two sides are not ordinary. They can easily offend, especially in this impressive time.

It took a long time for Guanyin to come back to her senses. She wanted to break free from Aoyu's embrace, but with her weak body, it was really difficult to break free. After all, Aoyu specialized in physical training, and his strength was far beyond what Guanyin could compete with. Although her petite body also has the strength of the emperor level, it is still far from the peak of the demon Aoyu, not to mention that Aoyu is born strong. After this period of training, Aoyu can be said to be the emperor level The most powerful existence in the world is only one step away from the sixth stage of "Chi You Demon Emperor's Art" he hoped for. Of course, although it is only one step, it is not so easy to achieve in this world. What is needed is an opportunity. Yu's long-awaited opportunity that probably cost his life.

It took a lot of strength for Guanyin to break free from Aoyu's clutches for the first time. If Guanyin knew that she was not Aoyu's opponent at the moment, and if she did it here, she would obviously push Wufang Ghost Emperor into the opponent's arms, so she Although he suffered a loss, he had no choice but to endure it, pretending that nothing happened, and entered the palace with Wufang Ghost Emperor and Aoyu.

"I said, everyone, my purpose of coming this time is to unite with you to resist Lingshan. I don't think that old guy in Dizang said that Lingshan would come out in full force when you started uniting with them. They did that. I'm afraid it's not just to deal with a sea of ​​blood. I believe that if the four great bodhisattvas make a move, even if Wukong and I help you, your power will be sure to win. Why does the big bald head of Tathagata lead the four directions to reveal the bottom, and the five respected Buddhas , What about the eight dragons and eight hundred arhats? I think these powers are not just for dealing with a sea of ​​blood. I think the Western Lingshan has a lot of appetite. I am afraid that they want to eat all the power of the eastern underworld. Yan Luo hasn't come yet, maybe he has been dealt with by Lingshan." At this moment, Aoyu opened his mouth and said first, who is Aoyu, his mouth can turn black into white, and white into white. Hei, at this moment, of course he is the first to open his mouth to gain the upper hand. He and Wukong are the only ones who understand what is going on at the Ten Temple of Yama. Anyway, they are not here now, so of course Aoyu started talking nonsense there, in order to win over the five parties. Ghost Emperor, try to let them stand on the front line with himself, of course, another purpose of Aoyu's doing this is to delay time, he has more important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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