Chapter 483 Kidnapping Avalokitesvara

Wufang Ghost Emperor's face changed after hearing Aoyu's words. What Aoyu said is not impossible. You must know that Shidian Yama will never do this for no reason. They must have a reason for doing this, and what Wukong said It is precisely one of the reasons, how can the Wufang Ghost Emperor not change his face?

"Nonsense, how could our Lingshan do such a despicable thing, everything is nonsense, we think that our majestic Lingshan will never do such a shameless thing, all things are you talking nonsense, if you don't say it Maybe you are playing tricks, ghost emperors, don't believe what he said, think about it clearly, don't be fooled by him, everyone can see who has the upper hand in the current scene, and the poor monk will not tell you this time Other things, in fact, I am here this time to hope that everyone can continue to cooperate with us to eliminate the sea of ​​blood, occupy the six realms of reincarnation, and drive out these demons." Guanshiyin said to Wufang Ghost Emperor with a righteous face, but her words made everyone No matter how people listen to it, it feels a bit like grabbing territory. Of course, is Guanyin usually like this? I guess this is also because of Aoyu's unreasonable behavior just now.

"Yeah, you Lingshan think that the Youming Blood Sea is an evil spirit, and you probably counted our Wuji City and Wufang Ghost City by the way, hehe, although a Youming Blood Sea is powerful, I don't think it will be used no matter what. Come out from Shangling Mountain in full force, I think this much power is enough to wipe us out, everyone, think about it for yourself." At this time, Aoyu Zuo looked at Guanyin with an evil smile and said, However, Aoyu argued so hard that he confused the five ghost emperors. From their point of view, Aoyu and Guanshiyin are getting married soon, so why are they still making trouble?Of course, they still listened to what Aoyu said, and began to think about it. What Aoyu said was indeed possible. If Lingshan only wanted to deal with a ghostly sea of ​​blood, there was no need to dispatch so many troops. The purpose of their doing so It must not be simple. Of course, none of them are curious about the marriage between Wukong and Avalokitesvara. They know where the Western Lingshan is. It is nonsense to say that all four are empty. As long as they are given enough benefits, nothing is impossible. Yes, that's why they wouldn't be too surprised. They also took it for granted when they heard Aoyu's words, and didn't find anything wrong.

Seeing the discolored faces of several ghost emperors, Guanyin suddenly became nervous. This was not what she wanted to see. In fact, the purpose this time was very clear, that is to eradicate Wukong and Youming Blood Sea together. Of course, if possible The Buddhist world definitely doesn't mind destroying all the ghost emperors of the five directions. Of course, the premise is that they have such abilities. At this moment, she was also secretly shocked when she heard Aoyu's words. Of course, at this moment, Avalokitesvara did not show What is unusual, just smiled lightly, and then said to Wufang Ghost Emperor: "Our Lingshan has no special purpose, it is just to eliminate the sea of ​​blood. Of course, there is also Monkey King, the great sage of the monster race. , That's why we dispatched so many troops, after all, this monkey is not so easy to catch, I think everyone should know, that's why our Lingshan dispatched so many troops."

After listening to Guanyin's words, the ghost emperors nodded again and again. If they want to deal with the Youming Blood Sea, they really don't need so many experts, but if they want to deal with Wukong and Wuji City at the same time, it is understandable. Come out, the relationship between Guanyin and Aoyu is not what Aoyu said, they are obviously not related, otherwise, they would never fight like this, because in that case they are definitely allies, and Guanyin would never say to deal with Wukong Yes, Guanyin's words have actually shown that Lingshan has nothing to do with Wuji City. At this time, Aoyu has become a synonym for sinister and cunning in the eyes of the other ghost emperors. What I want is to be a peacemaker, but I don't want to stand out. It would be an unwise choice to offend anyone at this time.

At this moment, Aoyu laughed lightly. If it comes to debate, there is no one who can compare with Aoyu. At this moment, Aoyu said to everyone with a smile: "Hehe, is it? Your Lingshan is really a prophet, You actually gathered so many people before Wukong and I came, and came here from the distant Lingshan just a few moments after Wukong appeared, your Lingshan is really powerful."

Wufang Guidi is like a bobblehead at this time, whoever says what to listen to, and now they feel that what Aoyu said is really reasonable after hearing what Aoyu said, after all, even if Lingshan wants to deal with Wukong, it is impossible to know the foresight , This is definitely a conspiracy, which made several ghost emperors look at Guanyin with suspicion.

The anger in Guanyin's heart, for so many years, she can say that she has never encountered such a scene, she wants to refute but can't give a reason, you must know that although what Aoyu said is speculation, you have to say that Lingshan is indeed there. This kind of thinking made her not know how to deal with it for a long time, but fortunately, the old fox Tathagata had already thought that there might be such a result, so she authorized Guanyin in advance to represent Lingshan in times of crisis. It's up to you to decide everything, the worst thing is to give up the idea of ​​eating Wufang Ghost Emperor. After all, the most important thing in this operation is to eliminate Aoyu, Wukong and Youming Blood Sea. Everything else can be let go, so at this time, Guanyin bites After teething, he said to everyone: "I can assure you that our Lingshan has absolutely no such idea. Our Buddha has given me a handbook, and I can swear to the first generation of Buddha Lord on behalf of Lingshan that our Lingshan will only destroy the sea of ​​blood this time. You and the two guys from Wuji City will not be enemies with anything else, if you violate this oath, then I am willing to suffer from the thunder of a thousand calamities, and I will not leave anyone in Lingshan."

The Guanyin at this moment cannot be said to be vicious enough or cruel enough. You must know that in the heavens, this oath cannot be made indiscriminately. If it is an ordinary person, his oath may have a great chance of not being fulfilled, but like People of their level are sure to say what they say, and even if they can't keep the oath, they will never swear by the first-generation Buddha Lord whom they respect in their hearts, so when Guanyin said this, the others The ghost emperor's face changed, and his heart calmed down after a while. After all, with these words, it means that Western Lingshan is sincere. No matter what, at least they are reliable now. Seeing the obvious Survival of the fittest Wufang Ghost Emperor naturally knew how to choose, just when they were about to talk, Aoyu stood up again and said: "Wait a minute, I still have something to say."

Originally, according to Wufang Ghost Emperor's mind and Guanyin's thoughts, Aoyu would not be given a chance to speak again. Who is Wufang Ghost Emperor?As long as they are determined to pay attention to what they do, they will not change, so they should have had the idea of ​​capturing Aoyu and giving it to Lingshan just now. After all, in their opinion, Wukong is really powerful in Wuji City. They didn't pay attention to this Emperor Wuji who had never made a move. They caught him and gave him to the Tathagata as a favor in the Western Buddhist world. But at this time Aoyu stood up and wanted to speak. To save face, they will be ridiculed if they do something without a chance to speak, and they also want to hear what Aoyu has to say.

The central ghost emperor Zhou Qi said to Aoyu with a smile at this moment: "I don't know what else the Emperor Wuji has to say?"

Although he was smiling, Aoyu could see the cold light in the other person's eyes, and naturally understood the other person's thoughts, but Aoyu stood up indifferently, and said to them: "Actually, this, that."

"What? Say something quickly." Cai Yulei, the irritable Eastern ghost emperor, said to Aoyu impatiently, his tone was not so polite, after all, they had already made up their minds to stand by Lingshan. , naturally he will not be polite to Aoyu.

"Actually, I want to say. You all just stay aside for me." At this moment, Aoyu immediately turned aside as he spoke, and said sharply to the Wufang Ghost Emperor. Before the Wufang Ghost Emperor reacted, Aoyu had already Appearing behind Avalokitesvara, a hand burning with black flames was placed on Avalokitesvara's neck. It can be seen that Aoyu is absolutely capable of killing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in an instant. It turns out that Aoyu has just seen several ghost emperors In fact, he stood up and spoke to Guanyin. Just now Guanyin was listening to what Aoyu could say, but he didn't expect that the lying emperor would do this. did not think of.

Originally, even if Aoyu killed Guanyin, it didn't matter to the Wufang Ghost Emperor, but if something happened here, it would be troublesome. He Wuji City won't let them go, even Lingshan won't let them have a good time. Seeing Aoyu's actions like this, the Wufang Ghost Emperor was immediately annoyed. They really haven't encountered such a scene before. Southern Ghost Emperor Du Ziren stepped forward He said to Aoyu: "Emperor calm down, we can talk about everything we have, why should we do this? After you let Guanyin Bodhisattva go, we can discuss it properly."

"What the fuck, do you think I'm an idiot? Now that you've made up your mind, can I have a good life if I let her go? You won't object to my making out with my wife now, right? Get out of the way, otherwise, hehe, I can't guarantee that she will die like this." At this moment Aoyu said to Wufang Guidi with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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