Chapter 484 Indecent Avalokitesvara

The southern ghost emperor Du Ziren is famous for his treachery, but his treachery is useless in front of Aoyu. Aoyu doesn't buy his account at all, so after the five ghost emperors glanced at each other, they could only sigh silently. Just retreat outwards, of course there is a reason for Aoyu not to go out, there is that old guy like Tathagata outside, in case that old man doesn't care about Guanyin's life or death, then he will be in danger, although he can deal with two or even three at will if he is alone A ghost emperor, but Aoyu really doesn't have the confidence to say five, that's why he did this.

Seeing Aoyu doing this, the five ghost emperors had no choice but to walk out unwillingly. Before leaving, they still gave Aoyu a hard look. Obviously, they hated Aoyu quite a lot at the moment, but they had no choice. , the Youming leader and Tathagata, who were several miles away, all saw such a weird scene, and each of them frowned unconsciously. Of course, only Wukong saw such a scene, and his eyes flashed with gold. He has some understanding of Aoyu's approach, and knows what Aoyu wants to do.

"Brother, what do you think we should do?" Zhang Heng, the northern ghost emperor who has not spoken among the five ghost emperors, said to Zhou Qi, the central ghost emperor, even though they were not quite right. , but it is still commensurate with brothers, not after the rise of the forces of the Underworld and the Nether Blood Sea.

"Hey, what can I do, I didn't expect that the Emperor Wuji of Wuji City would be such a person, such a majestic emperor would do such a thing, I also have a headache when encountering such a thing, Guanshiyin can't do anything , Otherwise, we will have no way to explain to Lingshan, and we will become street rats at that time.

"Brother, what do you think will happen if that Emperor Wuji is more ruthless?" Southern Ghost Emperor Du Ziren said to Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi at this moment, his face was full of worry when he said this.

"You mean?" Zhou Qi was shocked when he heard this. If that was the case, things would be troublesome.

"That's right, I'm just afraid that he's too ruthless. If he kills Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in our place, it will be a waste of time to go in. Then we can only stand with the sea of ​​blood." Du Ziren said at the moment Out of the thoughts in my heart, it is true that such a thing is not impossible. You must know that anything is possible with the temperament of that person just now. Of course, this is the scene they Wufang Ghost Emperor least want to see.

As soon as Du Ziren's words came out, everyone fell silent. They didn't know what to say. If the other party really did this, then they had only one choice, and that was to stand with Youming Xuehai, except for this They have no other choice. In their view, it is impossible for Western Lingshan to tolerate the death of Avalokitesvara in their own camp and cooperate with them. I am afraid that they will first deal with their side at that time.

"He won't do this. If he really does, then he is a fool." At this moment, Zhang Heng, the Northern Ghost Emperor, said again. Thoughtful and quite confident.

"Oh? Why?" As soon as Zhang Heng's words came out, Zhou Qi, the central ghost emperor, immediately asked him. Everyone knows that Zhang Heng, the northern ghost emperor, is actually as smart as the southern ghost emperor Du Ziren, but he has never been very smart. He just likes to speak, but once he speaks, it is the truth. That's why Zhou Qi, the central ghost emperor, asked him so excitedly when he said this. Of course, even the southern ghost emperor Du Ziren Tilted her head towards him, obviously wondering why.

"Brother, what kind of person do you think Tathagata is? What kind of place is Lingshan." At this moment, Zhang Heng didn't answer Zhou Qi's question directly but asked him.

Zhou Qi pondered for a while and then said to Zhang Heng: "My brother, I don't say dark words. Everyone knows what kind of place Lingshan is. It is a place where filth is hidden. Those guys in Lingshan said that all four things are empty, but one is more greedy than the other. One is more ambitious than the other, and Tathagata is the most ambitious and vicious person in the entire Lingshan Mountain, it can be said that he is a hero that you and my brother can't compare to."

After hearing this, Zhang Heng laughed and said, "That's right. If Tathagata is like this, how can he destroy his plan for Guanyin? I think even if Guanyin dies here, Tathagata will definitely unite with us." Destroy the Youming Blood Sea and Wuji City. Of course, if that's the case, our Wufang Ghost Emperor is his next target. After all, he can't stop after the death of Guanyin, and he wants to calm down internal opinions, so he will definitely attack us. .”

Zhang Heng's words made the faces of the ghost emperors around change, and they began to feel embarrassed, and began to imagine how to deal with the bastards in Lingshan, especially the shameless guy like Tathagata, and Guanyin must not die, they can't give Lingshan a An excuse, so the few of them started to feel embarrassed and thought about how to save Guanyin.

When they were discussing, Aoyu's room was not peaceful. At this moment, Aoyu said to Guanyin with a smile: "Bodhisattva, you are so beautiful, hehe, why does such a beautiful woman like you want to become a monk? Tell the uncle I'll go back, how about letting you be my one hundred and first concubine? It's not like I've wronged you."

"You shameless person, you dare to be rude to me. Do you know that I am one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Lingshan? Aren't you afraid that one day our Lingshan will flatten your Wuji City?" Aoyu said, apparently for what he said, Avalokitesvara was really very angry.

"Hehe, oh, I'm so scared, but you Lingshan must have that ability." At this moment Aoyu said to Guanshiyin with a frightened expression, but his eyes were full of teasing, Apparently Aoyu didn't take the so-called Lingshan into consideration at all, in his eyes Tathagata was nothing more than mediocre, if he fought alone, he might not necessarily be the best.

Speaking of which, Aoyu's hand reached into her clothes, and began to caress the snow-white one. You must know that there is no bra in heaven, and Guanshiyin's thin sand clothes can't block Aoyu's hand at all, and soon A pair of huge ones fell into Aoyu's hands, and Aoyu smiled a little at the moment: "It doesn't look small, I don't know what your Lingshan eats all day long, but you can raise such a pair." , You should be a Bodhisattva based on this alone."

Aoyu's words are definitely an insult, an obvious insult, but Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is powerless looking at him at this moment, because when Aoyu met her, she was already weak all over and didn't know what to do. After encountering such a thing, naturally my whole body became sore and limp.

Aoyu was also happy to play, of course, if it wasn't for the wrong time and place, Aoyu would definitely not mind taking off her clothes and having a gut fight, Aoyu obviously insulted her while starting to caress her body, which made her irresistible , but Aoyu didn't notice that a golden-haired monster behind him was ready to attack, as long as Aoyu relaxed, he might pounce on him immediately.

"You bastard, let me go quickly, or I won't let you go." At this moment, Guanyin has lost her high-level disguise, and said to Aoyu with mist in her eyes, obviously at this moment She had nothing to do with Aoyu, and Aoyu burst out laughing when he saw her.

At this time, the golden-haired Roar that was lying quietly behind Aoyu suddenly rushed out, jumped on Aoyu, and fought with Aoyu. Guanshiyin used this opportunity to quickly run out. Golden Retriever Roar is not an ordinary thing. Not only is he psychic, but also powerful. You must know that he is an ancient alien species. Although his bloodline is already weak, he is still very powerful. Beasts can have a single dragon and two dragons without losing the wind, and they often feed on dragons, which shows that they are powerful. Of course, the dragons mentioned are all dragons with pure blood in ancient times, not these guys whose blood has faded.

At this time, Golden Retriever Roar made a sudden move, immediately threw Aoyu down, and got on Aoyu, making Aoyu unable to escape for a while, and Guanyin ran out quickly because of this opportunity, when Aoyu finally solved it When the Golden Retriever fell and Roar beat him to the corner and couldn't move, the Wufang Ghost Emperor had already entered at this time, each holding a sword that was shining with blue light, but it was their life-saving treasure Wufang Mingjian.

Seeing such a scene, Aoyu smiled helplessly, but he didn't have much regret, being able to touch the snow-white chest of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is enough for countless people to envy to death, even if he dies at this time, it is worth it What's more, what's more, my goal has been achieved. Thinking about it, even if this time is not enough, it won't be too far away. Although I may not be able to gain much advantage by fighting with the five ghost emperors, I don't know how to eat it. It's a big loss, so at this time Aoyu smiled and said to several people: "Hehe, it seems that sometimes being greedy for flowers and lust is not necessarily a good thing, but I can touch the holy body of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and I can also touch it." Satisfied, hehe, since you have all come in, I have nothing to say, but have you guys really decided to fight with me?"

Hearing Aoyu's words, the face of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who just came out turned red in an instant, but fortunately at this time, the five ghost emperors were facing Aoyu and there was no time to pay attention to her, otherwise her expression would never escape everyone's eyes .

(End of this chapter)

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