Chapter 487 The Chaos of the Earth ([-])

Who is the Bull Demon King?The boss of the Seven Great Sages, not to mention other fighting power, is second to none among the Seven Great Sages. To be honest, if Wukong didn't have the indestructible body of King Kong because of a coincidence, he would definitely not be the opponent of the Bull Demon King.Moreover, this Bull Demon King is the most powerful master among the Seven Great Sages. It can be said that this Xiniu Hezhou is the biggest besides the Buddhist world. He has tens of millions of demon soldiers and more than a hundred demon kings. He didn't have any brains to eradicate him and let him live on this land for tens of thousands of years. From this, we can see how powerful the Bull Demon King is. At this time, Lingshan is empty and has been angry with Lingshan for so long. Of course, the Bull Demon King He would not let this opportunity go, and immediately led people to kill him, and killed nearly ten thousand Buddha soldiers in just a short moment. If it wasn't for Lingshan, there were four King Kongs and a few masters to resist, Lingshan might have been taken by Niu at this moment. The Demon King broke it alone. Seeing such a scene, the Four King Kongs could only lead people to defend. They dispatched people to start notifying the surrounding Buddhist forces and asking for help from the Buddha. chances are gone.

Of course, once the battle here starts, it will be difficult to stop. The continuous stream of demon soldiers from the Bull Demon King began to gather and attack Lingshan. Of course, there are more people in the Buddhist world, and the more than 2000 million Buddhist soldiers guarding the Western Myriad Tribulation Thunder Formation are to prevent the war between the East and the West in a year, but since the Bull Demon King has already started at this time, they will certainly not be slow One by one, all were mobilized.

And the Buddhist world sent envoys to invite out the ancient Buddha on the lamp, as well as his millions of Buddhist soldiers and three thousand ancient Buddhas. They are one of the most powerful forces in the Buddhist world. Of course, they are not very close to Tathagata. Contrary, so Ran Deng did not rush to Lingshan after receiving the news, which also gave the Bull Demon King a chance. In a few hours, the other five great sages all took their The demon king under him rushed over. Of course, there were tens of millions of demon soldiers who had failed. Of course, it was only because of their speed that they would have to wait a few days before they could all arrive. Five of the great sages besieged Lingshan, while Heavenly Court and Immortal Realm ignored it as if they didn't know about it. It hurts, after all, the development of the Buddhist world in recent years has threatened the existence of the fairy world, and appropriately weakening them is what the fairy world must do.

At this time, Ran Deng also brought his [-] ancient Buddhas and millions of Buddhist soldiers to come one by one. At this moment, the [-] miles around Lingshan became a huge battlefield, where the demon clan and the Buddhist world officially confronted each other.

Of course, the Overseas Great Sage Demon King didn't come here not because of other reasons, it's all because at this moment he has gathered his people to kill and enter from the place where his Nether Prison Sea and Jizo territory are connected, and started to attack Jizo The dark buddha land is here, and the seven great sages seem to be not moving, but they are ready to completely eradicate the buddha world with a single move.

Of course, this news was passed on to the Tathagata by the Buddhist circle with their most special, quickest and secret means. When the Tathagata saw the news, even with a smile on his face, he could not hold back his bald head at this moment. Now, I called back the most important people under my command, and let the arhats stand up for the time being, and after I told them the news, everyone's faces changed. You must know that Lingshan is a Buddhist realm, and there is no room for loss. If Lingshan is lost, then the Buddhist world will become homeless. You must know that although the Buddhist world is blooming everywhere, no matter where they are, they have their influence, big or small, but there is no place that can compare with Lingshan. At this time, they get After hearing the news of Lingshan's crisis, they couldn't do it anymore, and immediately rushed back to Lingshan. You must know that if Lingshan is lost, they will really have no face to develop outward.

At the same time, I also got the news that the dark Buddha land of Ksitigarbha was attacked by the great sage Jiao Demon King who covered the sea, and Tathagata stood up angrily. At this moment, Tathagata greeted all the family members of the Seven Great Sages regardless of their identities. I swear that if they catch the Seven Great Sages, they will definitely suffer a lot. Of course, let alone the other six Great Sages. Even Wukong, who is holding a golden cudgel in front of him and killing the Arhat, can't do anything about it. Looking at this Tathagata suddenly became helpless in the scene.

However, as Zhou Qi commented, Tathagata is a hero. After receiving the news, he immediately returned to Lingshan with his troops. Zang and his buddhist soldiers, of course, it is possible for these people to resist for a while, but it is impossible to completely resist. After Tathagata and them ran away, there was only so little power left. Youming Xuehai immediately gained the upper hand , completely suppressed the Buddhist world. Of course, if it weren't for the help of the Yin soldiers of the five ghost emperors, they would have died a long time ago, but even so, they were still in dire straits.

Seeing such a scene, Aoyu smiled with satisfaction, at least the current position is more in line with his own wishes, everything is proceeding according to his own plan, when he came to the Wufang Ghost Emperor's camp, it was just to procrastinate In time, Aoyu himself knew that it would be extremely difficult to convince Wufang Ghost Emperor, so he made a plan in advance. Of course, Wukong is the most faithful implementer of his plan.

However, Aoyu also has other harvests, that is, he has practiced a golden body, allowing his "Chi You Demon Emperor Jue" to enter the sixth level, and for no reason, there are five more forces such as the Wufang Ghost Emperor Huge minions.

"Okay, don't fight anymore, as long as they surrender." At this moment, Ao Yufei came out and used his own demonic voice to clearly transmit his words to every corner around the battlefield. At this moment, Ji Zang didn't know When did he run away, this guy is notoriously old and cunning, just now he ran away in a hurry after seeing Tathagata and them running away, of course he did not return to his dark Buddha land, although there are still millions of people there Buddhist soldiers, but they are not as good as the elites here, not to mention there, and there is an extremely powerful Great Sage Overcoming the Sea there. Dizang doesn't want to provoke them at this time, so he also slipped away Of course, the reason is quite great. In order to protect the holy land of Lingshan, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gave up the dark Buddha land that he has painstakingly managed for thousands of years. Of course, these things are just to deceive those little monks below. Everyone who really knows the inside story despises this guy quite a lot.

With Aoyu, no one will do anything anymore, for no other reason, because at this moment, Wufang Ghost Emperor and Monkey King Monkey King have already stood behind him.

"Why? If they dare to attack me, they will all die." At this moment, the leader of Youming also came out and said to Aoyu, with a scorpion-like light in his eyes.

"No reason, because they are all my people now, and all the ghost emperors of the five directions have become my subordinates. Naturally, their subordinates are also mine. As for these people from the Buddhist world? Now they all belong to Wuji City If you don’t believe me, you can ask them.” At this moment, Aoyu smiled and said to them, the four sides of the Buddhist world have been killed in battle, and only two hundred or so of the eight hundred arhats are left, and a million Buddhist soldiers have survived The number of those who participated was only around [-], and all of them were wounded. It can be seen that the battle just now was fierce. At this moment, they are quite shameless towards Tathagata and Ksitigarbha's shameless behavior, and they have thoroughly seen the true face of Lingshan in the Buddhist world. There is no fantasy anymore, what they hope for now is actually very simple, that is to survive, as long as they can survive and change their masters, that's all right, so when Aoyu's words came out, they nodded one by one to sleepy They didn't stop at all, obviously admitting that they are the people of Wuji City from now on.

Seeing such a scene, the Youming leader's lungs almost exploded. These things should have belonged to his Youming blood sea, but now they are in their hands, can he not be angry?At this moment, the leader of Youming said coldly: "Emperor Wuji, do you really want to do this?"

"So what? Youming, let me tell you that it is your honor that my elder brother and I are willing to help you. If it weren't for us, your Youming blood sea would no longer exist, and just now you let my elder brother commit suicide. Dangerous, if it wasn't for my elder brother's high strength, I'm afraid he would be dead by now. Is this how you treat your benefactor? Humph, let me tell you, you'd better not say another word today, otherwise, the old grandson's The golden cudgel is not for anyone, if you dare to say anything, my old grandson promises that tomorrow there will be no sea of ​​blood." Before Aoyu could speak, Wukong had already answered this question for him. The problem, obviously at this moment, Wukong is very angry at the actions of the Youming leader. If it wasn't for Wukong, who knew that both sides had already consumed so much and was about to face the great enemy in the Buddhist world, he would have done it a long time ago, but that's why Wukong It was also fierce to the Youming leader. Obviously, if the Youming leader really dared to say more, Wukong would definitely make a move. With Wukong's character and ability, it is nothing to flatten the Youming blood sea, which is now full of remnants and defeated soldiers. Big talk, of course Wukong may pay a lot for this, but he doesn't care at all. Anyone who knows Wukong knows that he absolutely does what he says.

(End of this chapter)

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