Chapter 488 The Chaos of the Earth ([-])

After hearing Wukong's words, the Youming leader closed his mouth unwillingly, and he didn't dare to say anything, he could only look at Aoyu resentfully and left here with his subordinates, like everyone who knew Wukong, the Youming leader knew clearly This Great Sage Equaling Heaven is absolutely what he says, he doesn't need to provoke him, let alone how much he can win even if he fights to the death now, only God knows, all the injuries on his side, although the other party is not much better, But no matter how you look at it, they are stronger than their own side, so they left here with a sigh, the Youming leader, keeping this enmity in their hearts, thinking of repaying something.

"Hey, Hierarch Youming, we will meet later." Seeing Hierarch Youming leaving with anger, Aoyu said with a smile on his lips. Of course, Aoyu has the urge to kill him at this moment, but Well, he knows that now is not the time, what he wants to do is not these.

After hearing Aoyu's words, the Youming leader's walking figure paused, and a moment later, a gust of wind picked up and took the remaining one hundred thousand Shura clan's subordinates away from here.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Wukong walked up to Aoyu and said to Aoyu. Obviously, he wanted to ask his brother what he should do now. After all, Wukong is first-rate when it comes to fighting. He is also a little clever, but Wukong has no idea of ​​the big picture, so he asked Aoyu. Of course, what he mainly asked was the chaos in the Western Buddhist world, what should he do in Wuji City.

"What's the matter? Hehe, cold salad, let's pack up our things and go home to take a shower." At this moment, Aoyu raised his eyebrows and thought for a while and said to Wukong.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Wukong wanted to say something. After all, the Bull Demon King went to Lingshan because of his own news. Of course, he still hoped that Aoyu could help the Bull Demon King. Just as he was about to open his mouth At the time, he was stopped by Aoyu and stuck close to his ear. After he didn’t know what to say, Wukong immediately changed from cloudy to clear, and didn’t say anything else, just followed Aoyu with a smile on his face as if nothing had happened. behind.

"You all go back, put on the banner of Wuji City, and develop your strength well. From now on, you will be my most loyal subordinates. I will rely on you to control the underworld. Remember that this piece of underworld land will be yours in the future." At this moment Aoyu turned around and put away his laughing face and said to Wufang Ghost Emperor beside him.

It is true that what Aoyu said is not a lie, at most, the Jiao Demon King will kill the people in the dark Buddha land, but he will not occupy it, because there is no use for the Jiao Demon King who is a water tribe, but may become It is cumbersome, after the Jiao Demon King leaves, it will naturally be his own. Yama of the Tenth Temple has no guts to fight against him, but the Youming Blood Sea, the leader of Youming has no intentions, so it is naturally his own territory, and Yama of the Tenth Temple will work hard. It may not mean that he cannot be loyal to himself. As for the remaining Youming leader, it will be a matter of time to deal with him, but it is not now. After all, the Eastern Underworld is in his hands.

Wufang Ghost Emperor's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this. You must know that no one can unify the underworld since the ancient Fengdu land era passed. How can Aoyu not be excited by saying such words now? They didn't doubt Aoyu's words, because when Emperor Fengdu disappeared from the underworld, he left a message saying that whoever can break the Youming Earth Fire Ten Thousand Sword Formation may be the overlord of the underworld. Of course, the underworld referred to here It was the entire underworld. At that time, Emperor Fengdu controlled the entire underworld, and radiated around the old Fengdu City at the junction of the East and West underworlds. However, Hades had not entered the underworld yet, and the Ten Palaces of Yama belonged to Emperor Fengdu. The generals in front of the Ten Great Halls, the Wufang Ghost Emperor is the Wufang guardian under Emperor Fengdu, and the leader of Youming is just a spy leader under Emperor Fengdu, which is equivalent to the commander of Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty. , It’s just that he disappeared for some reason later, and the people left behind began to split up, and as the most loyal to Emperor Fengdu, the Wufang Guardian, the Wufang Ghost King got the Wufang Underworld Sword, and this sentence of Fengdu Great Emperor prophecy.

Aoyu was quite satisfied after seeing the appearance of the ghost emperor of the five directions, and then he broke through the void and returned to the human world together with the one hundred thousand Buddhist soldiers from the Buddha Land of Darkness and the remaining two hundred Arhats, and returned to the Wuji City.

Of course, at this moment, the disaster caused by Aoyu and Wukong spreading the news of the emptiness of Lingshan has just begun. It brought incomparable benefits, but also caused incomparable trauma to the Buddhist world. Of course, the fairy world did not get any benefits.

When Tathagata and the others rushed back from the underworld, except for Tathagata himself, everyone else had a little injury. After all, their opponents were so tough, especially the two Bodhisattvas, Manju and Samantabhadra. They fought to a tie, but later in the middle of the fight, the golden cudgel returned to Wukong's hands for some reason, and the two of them were beaten in a hurry. If you cultivate the Buddhist golden body, I am afraid that you will be disabled by now. Even if it is so, Wukong has spent at least two hundred years of cultivation. The remaining five Buddhas and eight dragons are somewhat injured. When they returned to Lingshan At that time, I found that there were corpses everywhere on Lingshan Mountain. Fortunately, the ancient Buddha and Maitreya Buddha who burned lamps on Lingshan Mountain were leading a mighty Buddhist army and three thousand ancient Buddhas. Tens of millions of demon soldiers headed by the five great sages of the demon clan headed by the demon king, the great sage of hunting the sky, the king of tamarins, the great sage of exorcism, the macaque king of ventilation, and the camel king of Yishan.

"Niu Demon King, you have been making trouble in Xiniu Hezhou for many years. My Lingshan is compassionate and can't bear to kill you. I didn't expect you to lead people to besiege Lingshan while I was out. You really deserve to die." At this moment, there is no more Tathagata Smiling, looking at those dead Buddhist disciples, Tathagata really felt distressed. Of course, there was a reason for his heartache, because all those Buddhist disciples who died were Tathagata’s cronies, and Tathagata could clearly feel that this was the burning lamp. He Maitreya knew the means of his own power, and killed his own people with the hands of the Bull Demon King, but he had no way to do it. After all, he still needs two people now, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with it with his own power alone. Five of the seven great sages of the Yaozu.

"Haha, you Lingshan is merciful? Haha, my old cow heard it right, just you bunch of stinky monks? You guys are so good? You don't want to kill my old cow? Humph, I'm afraid you don't have that ability, otherwise You have already started, stop talking nonsense, today I am the one who killed your Lingshan, how about you?" The Bull Demon King at this moment is extremely arrogant and does not save face for Lingshan at all, of course, the Bull Demon King is like this. There is no way to change nature.

Tathagata didn't say much about what the Bull Demon King said. He also knew that the Bull Demon King would definitely say that. How do you know that my Lingshan is empty? You must know that today is the 300-year-old sutra lecture day of my Lingshan Buddhist circle, and others would never think that today we have all the masters in Lingshan."

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King said without refuting, "Of course someone told me."

"Oh? Who is the master?" Tathagata said to the Bull Demon King with bright eyes after hearing this.

Bull Demon King and Sun Wukong are good brothers, so naturally they would not betray him. At this time, they smiled and said to the Tathagata, "Great monk? Do you want to know?"

"Of course I want to know." Tathagata did not hide his wish at all.

"Hey, Grandpa Niu, I just won't tell you. Unless you kneel down and ask me to call me Grandpa three times, I'll tell you who it is." Don't be afraid of him, if Western Lingshan hadn't been backed by those two old monsters, it would not be impossible to destroy him with the strength of the Seven Great Sages, and there would be no such thing as Wukong being caught. If you do the right thing with Lingshan, you won't give Tathagata any face, so you insult him.

Hearing what the Bull Demon King said, Tathagata's face immediately turned blue-red. No matter how thick his face was, he couldn't bear such mockery, so he pointed at the Bull Demon King for a long time without saying a word, while Maitreya and Ran Deng didn't say a word, obviously looking like he was preparing to watch a good show, which made Tathagata even more angry.

At this time, a black hole appeared again in the sky, and a monk wearing lama clothes appeared here. Seeing his pale face, it was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries. If you look carefully, it might be Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at this moment, shouting: "Buddha, Ksitigarbha came to guard Lingshan."

Looking at the appearance of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, anyone with a good eye would not believe him. Tathagata was even more annoyed when he saw such a scene. He sent him to cut off his back, but he came after his front feet, obviously he ran with him. , This made Tathagata very angry. I didn't expect that Jizo, who had always looked the most honest, was also like this. This made Tathagata quite angry, but there was no other way. The less people know about the matter, the better. If you save some face for Dizang, you can also save some face for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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