Chapter 510

With the will of the Master Tongtian, Aoyu easily completed the gathering of those masters of interception. After a while, with the help of these people, Wuji City became more prosperous, and Aoyu's power developed faster. You must know that those masters of interception are all very powerful. In the era of Conferred Gods, they were already able to compete with the Seven Great Saints of the Monster Race. If it wasn't because the damned Conferred Gods list suppressed most of their power They will never be controlled by the weak Heavenly Court, but they have never given any sincerity to the Heavenly Court, and it is because of this that the Heavenly Court is getting weaker and weaker. It is impossible for the Western Buddhist world to get any development, but now with the will of the Master Tongtian and Aoyu's promise to them, all these people are excited and start to help Wuji City sincerely, so The Wuji City will develop rapidly. In just a few months, the power of the Wuji City has doubled several times. This makes others feel a little scared. If it is not because of the invasion plan of the Western Heaven Realm, the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist Realm are already very disturbed. We are about to join forces to deal with Wuji City.

And Aoyu has not been idle in the past few months, and has assigned the task of Wuji City to several subordinates and the masters of the Interceptors headed by the three Yunxiao sisters. Among them, Wen Zhong was the Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty. It was too simple for the Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty who managed across the four major continents of the heavens. The vast territory of Wuji City was governed by him in an orderly manner. Manager, let old Wen Zhong be grateful.

Then he began to practice in closed doors. The most precious treasure of the undead dragon clan, the Yitong seal in Aoyu's hands, has played a great role. Originally, Aoyu practiced violent physical exercises. You must know that Aoyu's physical body has reached a certain stage, and the golden body of magic training in the middle stage needs to be continuously strengthened. Generally speaking, even if you are extremely talented, you want to upgrade your already extremely strong physical body again. It is a bit more difficult than ascending to the sky. Although the required span is not large, it is just to exercise more to a certain extent to facilitate the later stages of cultivation, but it is quite difficult. Even the talented Chi You used it for more than 200 years. Time is the only way to succeed, there is no tricky way here, you can only rely on yourself to cultivate the body, but Aoyu, a lucky guy, got the Qidong seal, and the terrifying life energy emanating from the Qitong seal is lifting Aoyu all the time. The physical body, especially when he is meditating and practicing, is very fast. It took Aoyu a few months to complete the sixth level of the "Chi You Demon Emperor's Art" that Chi You practiced for more than 200 years. Of course, at this time when Aoyu woke up from the retreat, the Tongyin seal had become dim, and Aoyu's absorption ability was too strong, even the powerful Chutong seal could not withstand his absorption , it became a little dim at will, and the statue of the ancient five-direction emperor engraved on it was a little blurred. Aoyu stroked it lightly and put it away. Aoyu knew that it would be difficult for a while back to normal.

Aoyu walked out of the door of his closed room. When he came out, there were two rows of demon soldiers neatly erected at the door, led by two demon kings, standing there respectfully and waiting.

"Welcome the emperor to leave the customs." When the two demon kings and a row of demon soldiers saw Aoyu coming out, they were obviously taken aback, and immediately knelt down and said to Aoyu respectfully, there was a bit of joy in their tone You must know that Aoyu is now the spiritual pillar of the entire Wuji City and the entire Demon Dao. Although they know that he is just retreating, these people feel that something is missing in their hearts. They are naturally very happy to have the pillar back again.

"How long have I been in retreat?" At this moment Aoyu came out and said to the two demon kings beside him in a flat tone.

"Report to the emperor, you have been in for six months." The demon king whispered to Aoyu, his expression was extremely respectful, and there was an extremely fanatical light in his eyes looking at Aoyu.

"Oh? Six months? Hehe, didn't the court and the Buddhist world make any moves?" Aoyu asked his respectful subordinate with an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth at this moment.

"With the emperor, how dare you mess around with them? Besides, we can kill as many soft bastards as Tianting dare to come." At this moment, another demon king said to Aoyu with a smile, and flattered Aoyu a little. Of course, it has to be said that because of the strong self-confidence brought to them by Aoyu, they can already regard the Heavenly Court, which they once feared and admired so highly, as dung and no longer care about it.

"En? Don't underestimate them, otherwise you will know when you suffer? Now put this thought away for me, otherwise I will find you next time." Aoyu's expression changed after hearing what his subordinates said Yi Bian said to them, obviously Aoyu thinks that such pride is not advisable in his heart, otherwise his subordinates will definitely suffer in the future.

"Yes, Dijun, we know that we will definitely change it." A group of people around thought this way, after hearing Aoyu's words, they all shook their bodies and knelt down and said to Aoyu.

Aoyu nodded in satisfaction seeing his subordinate door like this, and then left here If you knock them down, don't know what it means if you don't have some grades, it will be troublesome in the future.

The news of Aoyu's exit quickly spread to every corner of Wuji City, and people began to cheer. Of course, Xia Xue and the others rushed over quickly. Of course, Aoyu and them started after a little time. Busy with his own affairs, beat his subordinates, and then rectified Wuji City, after knowing the situation of Wuji City, Aoyu wanted to go out for a walk.

It's boring enough to talk about not going out alone after coming to the heaven for so long, not to mention that Aoyu really wants to go to the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array to see the place that is so powerful in the Three Realms. Why is something able to create a barrier to the east and west heavens? Even a few leaders dare not go there. What is the reason for it? How terrifying is it? Who made it? What is the purpose? It will lose its function for a period of time every [-] years, there are too many things there that Aoyu wants to see, somewhere Aoyu feels that there is a place that he should go, with his current The situation may be that the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array can make him improve again.

No matter what the reason or the purpose, Aoyu wants to go there to have a look, maybe what he gets is something he never imagined, there are too many places that attract him.

Originally, when I heard that Aoyu was going to that dangerous place, whether it was Aoyu's subordinates or Aoyu's women, they were all resolutely opposed, although Aoyu has absolute authority here. It was also a moment of helplessness to face the offensive of tears. After thinking for a long time, Aoyu said to his subordinates and women: "Okay everyone, if this is the case, then I won't go, but the thunder formation of ten thousand tribulations Is that place really as scary as you say?"

"Dijun, it's absolutely dangerous there. When I was at Tongtian Sect Leader, I heard the old Sect Leader say that the old man can only wait and see at the edge of the thunder formation of myriad calamities. He can't hold on for a while, otherwise he will definitely be smashed to pieces. No one in the city is capable of staying there for more than an hour, according to the leader and his elders, the central area of ​​the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array is not only ten times more dangerous than the outside, if you go there rashly, it may be very dangerous." Yun Xiao stood at this time She came out and said to Aoyu, what Yun Xiao, the direct disciple of Master Tongtian, said is absolutely reliable, there is no lie, you must know that Yunxiao firmly opposes Aoyu going there, with Master Tongtian's will and Aoyu's promise, she Naturally, everything is considered for Aoyu, for Wuji City.

Yunxiao's words immediately affirmed the affirmation of everyone around, and they all nodded their heads, but Yunxiao didn't know that her words aroused Aoyu's greater interest, and his desire to run over was getting bigger and bigger, but But he didn't show it, because Aoyu knew that if he wanted to go now, it would be more difficult than climbing to the sky, those people would definitely oppose it desperately, and his women were also full of snot and tears, that scene Aoyu was amazing I don't have the desire to see it, but I want to go to Aoyu too much after thinking about it for a long time. After thinking for a long time, Aoyu turned his eyes and said to his subordinates: "If that's the case, then I won't go, But this Thunder Formation of Myriad Tribulations really makes me curious, since the leader knows what happened there, I'll go and ask him."

As soon as Aoyu said this, the people next to him immediately had nothing to say. After thinking about it, they have no right to object. If Aoyu is offended, they will suffer. Although Aoyu has always been kind to his opponents, he has a way of punishing him. They have seen it before, and they don't have the desire to try it, so they all shut their mouths as acquiescence, otherwise it would be better for them, just like the last time Yishan Great Sacred Lion Camel King, They can't take it.

(End of this chapter)

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