Chapter 511

Last time, the Great Sage Yishan thought he was great, and then he didn’t listen to Aoyu’s words when he wiped out those disobedient monster clans in Xiniu Hezhou. The kings were startled and jumped out one by one to rebel. If it weren't for Aoyu's vicious methods and strong strength, then it would be really troublesome.

Of course, it is impossible for Aoyu to punish the Lion Camel King for this small mistake. After all, he is his own subordinate and he did it according to his own method, but he used a little bit of strength to kill him. That's all, and as a punishment, Aoyu blocked the mountain-moving technique of the Great Sage of Yishan, and pressed ten mountains on his body, making him stand on top of him for six days. In the end, he really persisted. Aoyu let him out when he was about to fall down, otherwise, the Great Sage Yishan would become the Great Sage of Noodles, everyone was sweating at the thought of this, they didn't want to try again, so everyone felt sorry for Aoyu I didn’t dare to stop him from going to find the leader of Tongtian, and everyone’s silence was acquiescence to Aoyu’s actions. Aoyu smiled when he saw the performance of his subordinates, and seemed quite satisfied. Although these subordinates were loyal to him But sometimes it is necessary to let them be afraid of themselves, otherwise what is their dignity?
"Okay, since you don't object, then I'll go to Biyou Palace of the leader's old man, and pay a visit to his old man, and ask about the Wanjie Leizhen by the way." At this moment, Aoyu said to his subordinates, and left after speaking. When I got down, I was about to go out.

Although the people under him were not very willing, they were helpless. After thinking for a long time, they finally kept silent. After all, they did not dare to be against Aoyu's intentions, but Xia Xue and the others were even more innocent. As long as Aoyu did not go to dangerous places, Then they absolutely and unconditionally support Aoyu, and they will never be against him in the slightest.

Just like this, a group of people watched Aoyu leave here helplessly. After Aoyu came out, he summoned Yingzhao and rode it directly to Biyou Palace on Jinjiao Island in Luzhou, Beigu, just like Bajing Palace and Yuxu Palace. It is not a secret that the palace is the leader of the Tongtian sect, but the number of people in this world who dare to venture into the Biyou Palace is extremely limited, not to mention that even if they arrive there, they will have to face the millions of disciples of the Jiejiao. Knowing that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, although the Jiejiao was completely defeated in the Conferred God War that year, with heavy casualties, and all the masters were suppressed under the Conferred God Stage, leaving the leader of the Tongtian Church alone, but such a Jiejiao It is still not something that any cat or dog can offend. After all, there is the leader of Tongtian who is absolutely supreme to all the demons in the world. As long as he gives an order, hundreds of millions of demon clans and thousands of demons will all respond. To put it bluntly, whoever will offend Tongtian If the leader doesn't need his old man to do it, the devils in the world will definitely attack him and make his bones disappear.

Aoyu rode Yingzhao extremely fast, but within a few hours, Aoyu came to the legendary Beigu Luzhou together on the Yingzhao who rode the wind for thousands of miles. Seeing the scene of Beiju Luzhou, this place is not as imagined. It's so desolate, but the climate here is really bad, and Aoyu can clearly feel that the population here is not too large, and the evil spirit is so strong. This is the reason why Luzhou in Beigu was called Guifang in ancient times. The people here are tough. , very brave, but the population is sparsely militant, and not very suitable for farming. Naturally, this place would often go south to harass the Shang Dynasty at that time. The island will no longer migrate from the East China Sea to this desolate Luzhou in Beigu, which has become the last habitat of the Demonic Dao.

Biyou Palace is in the center of Beigu Luzhou, and it will take three days to get there at the speed of Yingzhao's daily travel of one million. Aoyu and Yingzhao can be said to rush there non-stop. What is Aoyu said by his subordinates? Naturally, I have to do it, besides, my subordinates are full of experts, people like Clairvoyance and Shunfenger run over halfway through my journey, not only can't go, but they will also lose their trust. This is not what Aoyu wants, although they will not betray themselves because of this. , but he would lose face in front of his subordinates like this, so Aoyu would not do it, so he still chose to go to the leader of Tongtian for once. If the leader of Tongtian asked him to go there, they would naturally have nothing to say, and even if Tongtian Don't let yourself go there, but who knows at that time?It's up to me what to say, after I've been there, no one can do anything to me, thinking of this Aoyu unconsciously put a smile on his mouth.

Three days is just a blink of an eye for Aoyu. Of course, during this period, Aoyu did not miss the scenery. Looking at the beautiful scenery around him and breathing the fresh air, Aoyu unconsciously sighed that nature is amazing. How beautiful, but the earth is definitely not as good as here, not even one percent. Aoyu's feeling now is the same as when he first came to heaven. Sometimes the world without gods is not necessarily perfect, and sometimes Sometimes the so-called science cannot represent everything. The reason why science and technology arose on the earth is because of the migration of the gods on the one hand, and also because of the desire of those in power. Sometimes science is also a force, a force that confuses all beings. Although it may have defied the desires of those in power who favored it in the first place.

When a huge black palace appeared in front of Aoyu, Aoyu knew that his destination had arrived. There was a huge island floating in the sky. The entire island is really not small, about tens of thousands of square kilometers, and a huge black palace stands there in the center of the island. It is different from the Biyou Palace that Aoyu imagined. Obviously, this black palace is the real Biyou Palace. , but it is not the resplendent or emerald green as imagined, but a black castle, simple and unpretentious, but Aoyu knows that both the Golden Pincer Island and the Biyou Palace are full of formations, and ordinary people can't even think about stepping into it. , and a few of them, Aoyu, can be sure that they are definitely the legends of the demon world. Even now that he has risen to the level of the middle demon general, he dare not break through easily, otherwise, I am afraid that he will have to practice five steps on the spot.

"Ha...ha, since you are here, please come in, Emperor, why bother to look outside the door." At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter mixed with Tongtian's words came from the black castle, obviously when Aoyu arrived Tongtian had already discovered him here, which made Aoyu's heart tremble. He had heard that Tongtian was powerful, and he was definitely more terrifying than the three leaders at the level of the leader, and his strength surpassed everyone. I thought that the opponent would not be able to find me now with my own strength, but I didn't expect that the opponent would have already discovered it when I arrived and hadn't made any moves. No wonder Tongtian dared to deal with four leader-level figures by himself, If you don't lose the wind, at most you will be seriously injured, but you have hurt your enemies at the same time, and even after the defeat of Jiejiao, those guys didn't dare to kill the people of Jiejiao, they just suppressed their power, the monsters in the world It is because of the protection of Tongtian that it can be so prosperous, and it has occupied Beigu Luzhou under the noses of others and managed it like an iron bucket. It can be seen that Tongtian is very powerful. I have improved again, not to mention better than Tongtian, at least it should be on par, but I didn't expect the other party to find me easily, it seems that I still underestimate the leader of Tongtian, thinking of this Aoyu flashed in his heart guess.

"Hey, you know the moment I arrive, the leader, hehe, I'll come in right away." Although he was on guard in his heart, Aoyu didn't show anything, but no matter what he said, the other party helped him and saved him. I have done it twice, no matter how you look at it, the other party does not have any malice towards me, at least the other party is not an enemy, that's why Aoyu said so kindly, riding Yingzhao to face the already opened hole The gate of Golden Claw Island flew in.

Aoyu didn't stop at Golden Claw Island and flew directly towards the black Biyou Palace. Of course, during the journey, Aoyu felt more than [-] masters looking at him, and Aoyu secretly admired it. , Sure enough, the power of intercepting the teaching is extraordinary. The people in this Golden Claw Island are also at the level of Xuanxian at the bottom, so it can be seen that they are powerful. As soon as Aoyu came in, he found a boy in white clothes waiting for him. When I arrived, I immediately ran over and said respectfully to myself: "Disciple Heitong welcomes the emperor, and the disciple is ordered by the master to come to receive the emperor."

Although it was somewhat impolite for a boy in white to greet him, Aoyu didn't mind, Aoyu also knew that the idlers in Biyou Palace were not allowed to enter, not to mention that there was no one else inside. There is no one else besides the leader of Tongtian, and this boy claims to be a disciple of Tongtian, so his status is not low. Aoyu smiled and nodded, and walked in with the boy to meet the person he had met several times but had never met. Talking too much, the leader of Tongtian who helped himself several times but did not ask for anything in return, for this legendary figure, Aoyu has too many things to ask him, but he has never had the opportunity, and this time is obviously a rare opportunity, Aoyu naturally wants to ask him. Ask all the doubts in my heart, otherwise he will not be reconciled, Aoyu is such a person, after all, although he is smart, he doesn't like guessing and doubting, especially doubting people who have helped him, So it's natural to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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