Chapter 512

"I knew you would come, but I didn't expect you to come so soon. What's the matter with you this time?" At the moment, the leader of Tongtian Sect said to Aoyu with a smile on the futon. group.

"Oh? The leader knows that I'm coming?" Aoyu asked the leader of Tongtian obviously very differently, but after asking, he was relieved. The leader of Tongtian knew that he should come, but he didn't want to Know why you are here, otherwise it would be amazing.

Without waiting for Tongtian to speak, Aoyu said to him: "Actually, I have a lot of things to ask the leader this time. First of all, I would like to thank the leader for your many times of help. Secondly, I have a lot of things I want to ask you, old man. , I really don't understand why you help me so many times without any reason, and don't ask for anything in return?"

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, little friend. In fact, I will naturally explain the cause and effect to you, but it's not now. When it's time to say it, I will naturally say it." Tongtian played a riddle to Aoyu, and the result Still didn't tell him, apparently Tongtian Cult Master had his own reasons, and refused to tell the reasons.

Hearing that Tongtian didn't want to tell him about the joints, Aoyu didn't force it, he knew that the leader of Tongtian didn't tell him that there was a reason for him, and he wouldn't force his benefactor Aoyu, and Aoyu didn't need to know anything else, as long as he It is enough to know that the other party has no malice towards him.

So Aoyu didn't show any dissatisfaction after hearing Tongtian's words, just smiled, then nodded to Tongtian and said: "Well, since you, the leader, are unwilling to say anything, then forget it, but I want to ask Wan I don't think there should be any problem with the Thunderbolt Formation."

Tongtian was obviously very surprised when he heard Aoyu talk about the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array, and then returned to calmness, took a deep look at Aoyu, and said to Aoyu: "Do you want to go to the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array?" Array?"

"Well, I want to go and see, I think it will help me, although I don't know why, but there seems to be something waiting for me there, I can't help but want to go there Desire to see, that's why I came here to ask you about the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array, and by the way avoid the nagging of my subordinates, you must know that they are all opposed to my going there." Ao Yu somewhat Helplessly, he said to Tongtian that he has nothing to hide about his savior, the leader of Tongtian, who has a good impression on him, so Aoyu told the leader of Tongtian that he has nothing to hide. If even he objects, he should really be careful Think about whether to go or not.

After listening to Aoyu's words, Master Tongtian pondered for a while, then smiled and said to him: "Yeah, I don't blame them for being dangerous enough there. I went there once 8 years ago, and I was still there at that time." Before conferring the gods, I was in charge of the earth, and I was full of energy, so I wanted to go to the center of the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Formation to see if I could break him, so that we can extend our influence to the western heaven , but when I went there, I realized that I was wrong. The power there was too terrifying. Back then, I went there with the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, but it turned out that I was not even on the edge of the Thunderbolt Formation. In the past, you can see how powerful it is inside, but then I went a few times, and the deepest time I reached the center, I couldn’t stand it anymore. The god thunder in the center is definitely ten times more powerful than the edge, which is scary. .”

Master Tongtian said with lingering fear, and after he finished speaking, he took a deep look at Aoyu who had no expression, his eyes flashed with appreciation, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

"Master, since it's so powerful, I shouldn't have gone there, but I still think I should go for it, otherwise I won't be reconciled. If it's dangerous, I'll be careful. As for Wuji City, I still need to trouble you, Master. Take care of me, I will go to the Ten Thousand Tribulation Thunder Array to have a look." After hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Aoyu not only did not fear, but felt eager to try, obviously the more dangerous things are, the more challenging they are for Aoyu .

After hearing Aoyu's words, the Tongtian leader next to him showed more appreciation in his eyes. He smiled and said to Aoyu: "Little friend, if you come back after you have gone through the thunder formation this time As soon as I lie down here, I have something to explain to you."

"What's the matter?" Aoyu was obviously quite surprised by the words of the leader of Tongtian, so he immediately asked curiously to the leader of Tongtian.

Who is Tongtian?He said that he would tell Aoyu when he came back, then he must wait until he would never say it at this time, so he smiled lightly at Aoyu and said: "Don't worry, little friend, you can go at ease, everything is up to me, come back I will naturally explain it to you when it is time, so there is no need to ask any more questions now."

Seeing that the leader of Tongtian refused to explain the reason to himself, Aoyu didn't ask any more questions. He knew that if the other party didn't want to talk, it would be pointless for him to ask again, so he shut his mouth and chatted with Tongtian for a while. So I left, of course I came out and found out that Aoyu rode Yingzhao and did not return to Wuji City, but flew directly to the west. The destination is of course the legendary forbidden land, the thunder formation, which even several leaders dare not rush into , cut off the huge thunder formations in the eastern and western heavens.

Yingzhao's speed is extremely terrifying, but it is quite difficult to reach the westernmost point of Xiniu Hezhou from Beigu Luzhou. Yingzhao is flying there at a speed that is invisible to humans, absolutely exceeding the limit speed of the speed of light. It will take a few days soon As time passed, the people of Wuji City knew of Aoyu's whereabouts, but they didn't stop them at the moment, because they knew that they were at a loss to stop them. Their speed really couldn't catch up with Aoyu, and even if they could persuade him Not coming back, not to mention that the leader of Tongtian also sent a message saying that Aoyu was safe, so they could only agree, but each of them raised their hearts and began to worry about Aoyu, they could only beg the great god Chiyou Blessed.

After a few days, Aoyu came to the edge of the thunder formation of myriad tribulations. Looking at the place where the water and the sky meet not far away, the thunder formation roaring in the sky Aoyu felt the majestic momentum. In fact, the eastern and western heavens The channel is not wide, mainly in the sea area outside Xiniu Hezhou. The huge thunder array blocked the connection between the two sides. The channel that was originally hundreds of kilometers wide was cut off. A thunderbolt shot down from the sky, the momentum was very spectacular, Aoyu felt that those thunderbolts were not ordinary thunderbolts, at least they were all at the level of the Nine Heavens God Thunder, such thunderbolts wanted to rely on their own bodies to pass through without any damage. It is impossible, as for the inside, Aoyu is not sure at all, not to mention other things, even if he can pass, I am afraid that the huge power of lightning will paralyze his whole body so that he cannot move, looking at that Lei Zhen Aoyu knew that he really needed some courage to go there.

However, Aoyu turned to think that it is very difficult for him to improve now. If he does not use this place, then his desire to improve is simply a dream, and Aoyu knows that he has no time now. In the near future, if you say that there are no masters in the western heavens, you will believe it. That Hades definitely has the top cultivation base of the emperor. Zeus and Poseidon are definitely not bad after wearing the holy clothes, and there are legends above them. The god Uralos in the movie, the mother god Gaia, these people, and the old guy God, his four kings and angels are all so powerful, Aoyu doesn't believe that he only has the emperor level?There is also the original, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Taishang Laojun of the Eastern Heaven Realm, which of these bastards are not equal to me, even if they are weak, they are just a little bit weaker, and except for Tongtian, everyone seems to have a not so peaceful relationship with him Everyone has the urge to hack themselves to death, one or two are not afraid, but three or four are definitely finished by themselves, so Aoyu doesn't expect to be chased and hacked by others, so after much deliberation Aoyu still made up his mind to leave and asked Yingzhao to let him down and flew in by himself, rushing towards the legendary thunder formation that was more terrifying than hell.

As soon as Aoyu entered the room and came into contact with the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, he felt a little numb all over his body. However, Aoyu is physically strong, but he didn't take this threat seriously. He just felt a little uncomfortable and painful. Yu felt that he could hold on to these preliminary things, so Aoyu walked in directly. When he walked inside, he felt that the strength of the thunder formation seemed to increase with every step he took. Mi, Aoyu felt that the thunder and lightning falling from the sky had already made him feel a little unbearable, so Aoyu had no choice but to bear the thunder and lightning in the sky, using all his strength to resist, at this time Aoyu did not dare to stop Walking forward, Aoyu knows that only when he adapts to this place can he move forward. Aoyu has not used any magic weapon at the moment, because relying on those things is impossible for him to improve himself now, so he That's why Pan Zuo began to use his kung fu to resist. Fortunately, although these forces are powerful, they have almost reached the critical point of Aoyu's power, but Aoyu can still resist. Aoyu feels the thunder and lightning in the sky continue to crash down When it got to my own body, the pain was really unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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