Chapter 517
"Hmph, don't be afraid, Xuanming, you woman is just cowardly, why are you afraid of so much? Our young master is so good, why would he be afraid of that place? Maybe the young master will get something after going there. When the time comes, hehe Hmph, I'm afraid this young lord might still be able to reach the realm of the Demon Emperor, at that time the seven realms of heaven and earth would not all belong to our Demon Realm, hehe, and at that time we would be able to rescue His Majesty." Zhu Rong was also very carefree at the moment. Looking at Xuanming, he said, obviously in his mind, Aoyu, like Chi You, has already been a little deified.

"But" Xuan Ming wanted to say something else.

"There is nothing but, Xuan Ming, remember, how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? It is impossible for the young master to succeed without going through danger. Now that he has reached this point, if the young master does not manage some dangers, then what will he do to save the old man?" Master? What will lead the demon world? This road will never be so smooth." Xing Tian turned his eyes to Xuan Ming next to him and said, as the boss of the top ten demon gods, Xing Tian, ​​who is closest to the level of the demon emperor, is in the top ten demon gods. There is an absolute authority incomparable to others. After his words came out, Xuan Ming honestly closed his mouth and said nothing more, but looked at Aoyu in the Haotian mirror with some worried eyes.

Here, after Aoyu's power has been improved, he automatically dissipated the emperor's holy clothes. Without the spiritual power of Ularos, Aoyu naturally took over the emperor's holy clothes. The current holy clothes are completely compatible with his mind. Aoyu was able to completely control it. After Aoyu scattered the holy clothes, he walked towards the center of the thunder formation naked. There is no one here. Aoyu is naturally not afraid of shame. Now Aoyu has learned a lesson in his There are at least a hundred sets of clothes in the Qiankun Ring, otherwise Aoyu doesn’t want to run around like a robot all day after going out, so he made such preparations. As for Aoyu here, he naturally doesn’t mean to wear clothes, anyway, here He is not afraid of no one.

The strength has been improved. No matter how difficult it is for the purple thunder formation to cause any harm to Aoyu, what Aoyu lacks now is the accumulation of power. As long as Aoyu's power has accumulated to a certain level, it is not a problem for Aoyu to enter the realm of the devil emperor. Dreams, of course, if you want to reach this level, the need for power is not a star, the power you need is terrifying, shocking to the extreme power, at this moment Aoyu has no shortcuts, only continuous absorption Strength is the way.

The power has been improved suddenly and Aoyu has obtained incomparable benefits. Naturally, it is not a problem to pass through the purple area of ​​​​the thunder formation. If it was someone else, I am afraid that he would have gone back and started to dominate, but Aoyu looked at the golden thunder formation in front of him differently. In Aoyu's heart, there is a feeling that the Yellow River is not a hero, and he just walks inside without even thinking about it.

This time Aoyu has learned his lesson. When he was about to step into the golden zone, Aoyu first took out his Heaven and Earth Supreme Fan, Purple Lightning Dragon God's Halberd, and Emperor's Saint Cloth, just in case there was a panic Once in, if you do it again like you just entered the purple thunder formation, then you can play for yourself.

But when Aoyu came in, he found that the golden thunder formation was indeed powerful, but it was only about ten times more powerful than the purple thunder formation. With his current strength, as long as he used all his strength to enter it, it would not be a problem, so Aoyu started again. I got rid of the old plan, got rid of my equipment, and started to resist the thunder with all my strength. While absorbing the power, I started to exercise my body to make my body stronger and more powerful. After capturing the soul, the black hole in Aoyu's body, which had absorbed Uralos' power and reached the level of a demon king, suddenly became more powerful, and the speed of absorbing energy was obviously more than ten times faster than before. Yu is much more powerful, but he has nothing to use. Like Aoyu, Uralos also relies on his strong body to fight, and it makes Uralos, who has huge strength, useless. The Uralos was heavily banned by Zeus and the others, making him unable to exert his power, so he was killed by Aoyu and swallowed his power, otherwise, how could it be so easy for Aoyu to deal with someone who is much stronger than himself Uralos?Aoyu is also considered lucky to have such a good thing come to his door. At this moment, Aoyu is walking forward step by step, absorbing strength while walking, making his body stronger, greedily absorbing all the energy that can be absorbed.

Frankly speaking, the golden thunder array is not very big, it is only a few miles in radius, but the density of thunder and lightning exceeds all places. Aoyu is almost covered by golden thunder and lightning so densely that it is impossible to see the front clearly, and Aoyu dare not be too big. After stepping forward, he could only move slowly, Aoyu finally passed the golden thunder formation, and absorbed a lot of power, further tempering his body.

"Who are you? Young man, why did you come here?" At this moment, an old voice rang in Aoyu's ear.

Aoyu looked in the direction of the voice, and there was an old man who was all white and looked very old. He looked at him with golden pupils and said to himself, his tone was full of vicissitudes, which made people bear I can't help but sigh.

"My name is Long Aoyu, and I'm the disciple of the Demon Emperor Chiyou. Who are you, old man?" At this moment, Aoyu was honest and didn't mean to hide anything. He told the old man in front of him everything, and said to him, in fact, Aoyu Yu really had nothing to worry about. Looking at the surrounding area, there was no sky thunder anymore. In the center, a huge golden thunder several meters thick struck the old man from the sky, and the old man was surrounded by Imprisoned by the golden thunder column, a small golden sword on the old man's head with the hilt down and the sword point up is fighting against the golden thunder and lightning in the sky, as if protecting the old man there. Seeing this scene, Aoyu Even an idiot knows that this old man must be imprisoned here, so naturally there is nothing he can't say.

"Oh, Chi You's disciple? Hehe, that guy actually has a disciple? Hehe, speaking of it, he is much luckier than me. How long have you been with Chiyou, boy? It's amazing that you have a devil-level cultivation base. , how did you get into Chi You’s sealed place? How long have you been with him? Hehe, Jiuyang Body, Chi You is really amazing, it’s really lucky to have an apprentice like you.” At this moment, the old man heard After reading Aoyu's words, he stared at him for a long time, then smiled and said to him, those eyes looked at Aoyu's body, as if they could penetrate everything, they were extremely deep.

"Six years, six years ago, when I was in the Nine Stars Lianzhu, I stumbled into the place where the master was sealed by the original god, so I started to learn from the master. It has been exactly six years now, old man, do you know my master? Who is it? Those who imprisoned you here, I will let you out." At this moment Aoyu said to the old man, not hiding anything, he has an inexplicable sense of closeness to this old man Aoyu, so naturally he will not hide anything.

"Oh? Six years? You really only used it for six years?" At this moment, the old man's air of superiority disappeared, and he looked at Aoyu in surprise and said, his tone was full of surprise.

"Yes, of course I don't need to lie to you, I'm telling the truth." At this moment Aoyu said sincerely to the old man.

"Hahaha, six years, six years!! The heavenly talent, the heavenly talent, actually made that guy Chi You go to such an apprentice, hehe, it seems that I still lost, of course I am not his opponent, and now his apprentice is destined to be better than him, it seems that I am still defeated, ahahaha" At this moment, the old man laughed excitedly, but seeing his expression did not mean to be happy at all, that smile The voice sounded somewhat sad, which made Aoyu feel a little sad, but he still held back and didn't say anything, just looked at the old man quietly and didn't say a word.

After the old man "laughed", Aoyu said to him: "Old man, don't be sad, I believe that one day you will find a good apprentice, it may not be worse than me, I am just lucky, are you I don't know who is related to my master, but I think you better not be sad."

This time Aoyu really cared, but Aoyu seldom treats others like this, it is really not easy for Aoyu to treat a person like this, this old man is considered lucky.

"Hehe...hehe. I don't have that kind of opportunity anymore. I saw that there was no Lei that day. I was betrayed and imprisoned here by my subordinates. It has been tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to come and leave here. There is still one year, at most one more year." I'm going to die in 10, the guy who imprisoned me will come every 1 years, take me away for three years and absorb my strength, and then put me here again to imprison me, it's been hundreds of thousands of years , I would rather die than live. If it wasn’t because I was unwilling, I would have died long ago. I have waited for so long but the power here is too powerful. No one has come in for so many years, and now one suddenly comes. Man, I was full of hope but I didn't expect to be the apprentice of that old guy Chi You, I really can't be reconciled to me." At this moment, the old man's peaceful face had disappeared, looking at the sky, he said to Aoyu with a somewhat ferocious face.

But although his face is a bit ferocious, Aoyu can feel that he is quite upright in his heart. Aoyu has never believed that there is an honest gentleman, but when he saw this old man, Aoyu knew that this old man definitely belonged to an honest gentleman. It's just that after being imprisoned for so many years, the hatred in my heart suddenly broke out and I wanted to find someone to tell it, so it is inevitable that it will become like this, which is also understandable.

(End of this chapter)

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