Chapter 518 Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Despicable Yihe

"Old man, don't be sad, I'll help you, maybe I can save you out." Aoyu said to the old man with a casual smile.

"Do you know who I am? Are you going to rescue me? Do you know that I am your master's mortal enemy, the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor who killed him!" At this moment, the old man looked at Aoyu in surprise, and then there was a gleam of appreciation in his eyes Lost in a turn, said to Aoyu flatly.

"You are the Yellow Emperor?" Aoyu said in surprise at this moment, although he knew that the old man's identity was unusual, but he did not expect that the other party turned out to be the ancestor of the Chinese nation, Xuanyuan Huangdi, the opponent of his master, in fact Aoyu didn't have much for Huangdi At the beginning, when the master talked about him, he didn't have much hatred. Instead, he regarded him as an opponent, so Aoyu naturally wouldn't have too much hatred, and the other party is also the ancestor of the Chinese nation legend, so that is also true. He is his own ancestor, so Aoyu will not dislike him even more, but he is just a little surprised to hear it suddenly.

"Well, yes, I am the Yellow Emperor, the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor who was fighting Chi You and killed him and imprisoned him. Do you still want to rescue me?" Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor said to Aoyu at this moment.

"That's natural. Although you defeated my master, you are still aboveboard, and my master didn't hate you. After all, I am also a descendant of the Chinese nation. How could I hate my ancestors? I'll let you out now." Aoyu said to Huangdi with a smile at this moment.

"Oh? The Chinese nation? Are you a descendant of my Xuanyuan tribe?" Xuanyuan Huangdi was obviously surprised by Aoyu's identity.

"Yes, why is there a problem?" Aoyu looked at Huangdi and asked him with some confusion.

"Problem? Hehe, of course there are problems. Chi You will never accept my Xuanyuan's blood in the world as an apprentice, even if you are a genius, he will not. Don't lie to me." Huangdi obviously doesn't believe Chi You. Would you mind accepting the remnants of the Xuanyuan clan in the human world as apprentices? You must know that the so-called remnants of the Xuanyuan clan refer to the descendants of China. Of course, the Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor, and the nine-clawed dragon god Longtian released their descendants after they were born. After practicing in the human world, the Xuanyuan tribe was gradually formed. When the gods and demons fought, all the masters of the Xuanyuan tribe were mobilized to participate in the war, and those who were not useful remained in the human world. The descendants of a great god, the descendants of the dragon, their blood is extremely good, no matter what they do, they surpass others. Although they may not be able to see anything in appearance, their essence is that other nations cannot catch up with. Of course, after several decades In ten thousand years, many people's blood is no longer pure. Those scum among the Chinese nation are those bastards with impure blood. The truly outstanding Chinese people will not do those shameless things, so the Yellow Emperor knows Aoyu He would be so surprised when he was a descendant of the Chinese nation.

"Why should I lie to you? It's true that I am a descendant of Yan and Huang. If you don't believe me, you can read this." Aoyu smiled at Huangdi and said, a blue light burst out from his body after speaking.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's eyes brightened and he said in surprise: "Immortal Dragon Jue? You are indeed a descendant of my Xuanyuan tribe. Do you have it? Haha, haha, Yihe, Yihe, you probably didn’t expect that the Yidong seal that you couldn’t find after you destroyed the undead dragon clan would fall into the hands of my descendants, haha.”

After Xuanyuan Huangdi laughed, he said to Aoyu: "My child, do you have a dragon-shaped jade pendant?"

"Of course I have, why do you want to see it? This is my family heirloom." Aoyu took out his own jade pendant from the Qiankun Ring and let the Yellow Emperor take a look at it from a distant place.

After Huangdi saw the jade pendant, he immediately became excited and said to Aoyu in a trembling tone: "Okay, okay, okay, haha, haha, you are indeed a child of my Xuanyuan family, do you know? My child, you are my descendant. The most orthodox descendant of my Xuanyuan family, your jade pendant is the most orthodox symbol of my Xuanyuan family."

"I am your descendant? But my surname is Long." Aoyu said doubtfully.

"Haha, yes child, your last name is Long, do you know? Long Tian is actually a woman, she is my wife. To commemorate her, the most orthodox descendants of my Xuanyuan family are all surnamed Long. Where did your dragon blood come from?" At this moment, Huang Di was in a good mood, after so many years, someone finally came here, and it was his own descendant, how could he not be excited.

Aoyu knew that people like Xuanyuan Huangdi would not deceive him, so what he said was true, thinking of this, Aoyu felt excited, and said to Xuanyuan Huangdi: "Then how did you come here, old ancestor? What about the rest of our Long family?"

"Other people? The other people are probably dead, and Yihe will not let them go." At this moment, Xuanyuan Huangdi said with a silent look at the distance after hearing Aoyu's words, obviously mentioning his own The family member Xuanyuan Huangdi was quite sad.

"Yihe? Why did he kill our Long family? Who is he?" Aoyu asked Huangdi at this moment.

"Hmph, why, why, do you know? My child, here is the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Formation, the most powerful technique in the God Realm. It is the treasure of the God Realm left to us by my master, the ancient great sage Guang Chengzi. It is extremely powerful, and It was driven by the ancient Nvwa stone, and the supreme being of the gods was imprisoned here. Yihe was my subordinate back then. I used to think that he was the most loyal master of the god-king level, but he unexpectedly betrayed and devoured He killed the injured Emperor Yan and imprisoned me after the battle between gods and demons. He used to absorb energy from time to time and killed all the blood of our Xuanyuan clan in order to fulfill his ambition. Chi You told me back then that the demon world is not It's not what I thought, there was a misunderstanding between us, someone must have provoked it, but at that time I was blinded by hatred, now that I think about it, Yihe should have provoked the war of gods and demons at that time , Hateful, if I hadn’t relied on Xuanyuan Sword to resist the thunder, I’m afraid I’d be dead now, but this is to give Yihe a chance, I don’t know where he learned the magic power by absorbing the power of others for himself Use, come to absorb my power once every ten thousand years, after this time, I am afraid I will die." At this moment, Xuanyuan Huangdi said to Aoyu sadly, it is not difficult to understand his love for righteousness and his hard-working reputation in his tone. hate.

"What? This damned guy has so many you, and killed everyone in our Long family, I will definitely not let him go." At this moment, Aoyu looked at Xiang Yuanfang full of hatred and anger, obviously at this moment For Xuanyuan Huangdi, the old ancestor, Aoyu feels the same way, he is like an angry bull at the moment, if Yihe is in front of him now, I believe Aoyu will rush up to fight him desperately without hesitation.

"Son, don't be impulsive. Right now, you are definitely not his opponent. Besides, he is now the God Emperor who orders millions of gods in the God Realm. You are not his opponent. Don't rush to take revenge now, you know? Right now And according to my last observation, you should have already reached the top of the God Emperor. If it wasn’t for the wrong method he used, I’m afraid you have already started to pass through the Holy Tribulation and enter the Holy Realm. The most important thing for you now is to hide yourself and not let him Discover and improve your own strength. Fortunately, Chi You has left a strong capital, with the entire devil world as your backing, and the mighty "Chi You Demon Emperor's Jue". You have to take good care of it, child." At this moment, Xuanyuan said earnestly to Aoyu, obviously he cared a lot about his descendant Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor.

"Well, I know, old ancestor, don't worry." At this moment, Aoyu said to Xuanyuan Huangdi, but whether he will really do what Xuanyuan Huangdi said, only a genius will know. In terms of Aoyu's personality, it is really more uncomfortable for him to do this than to kill him.

"Well, just remember, now I will give you my "Xuanyuan Heart Jue" and my Xuanyuan sword, you must grasp it carefully, as for the power, I can't give you, now I don't have that If it wasn't for Xuanyuan Sword to protect me, my old bones would have been broken, you listen carefully now, the content of "Xuanyuan Heart Jue"." Xuanyuan Huangdi sighed to Aoyu, and after finishing speaking, he I started to talk about "Xuanyuan Xinjue" to him. "Xuanyuan Xinjue" is not very common. It mainly cultivates the way of swordsmanship. If we talk about the first sword between heaven and earth, then we must talk about Xuanyuan Huangdi's swordsmanship. It's called peerless. Of course, sometimes swordsmanship doesn't have to be with a sword.

Needless to say, Aoyu's memory is needless to say. After listening to it once, he memorized all the content in his heart, and immediately recited it. Xuanyuan nodded in satisfaction when he saw Aoyu's appearance, and then smiled at Aoyu. A moment later Xuanyuan Sword let out a mournful cry and flew out from the thunder formation, the huge thunder and lightning crashed down in the sky, Xuanyuan Huangdi, the emperor of a generation, died completely, Aoyu was completely dumbfounded seeing this scene, staring blankly Knowing what to say, I just clenched my fists, stroked the Xuanyuan Sword hovering in the sky, and left here, flying to the west, with a thousand words in my heart, I don't know how to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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