Chapter 527 Goodbye Tongtian
After Aoyu left here with Venus, he flew directly to the camp of Lucifer and the others in the distance. In this western heaven, Aoyu has no other place to go. Mount Olympus has already made trouble. Zeus and the others are extremely embarrassed, so they have recovered some interest. Now is not the time to kill them. Mount Olympus still has the value of his existence. Aoyu naturally understands it, so he is not in a hurry to destroy Mount Olympus. .

At this time, Aoyu felt that there was nothing interesting in the western world, and he should go back. After he went back, he should also prepare for it. At that time, he should face the upcoming war between the East and the West. According to the time, he should pay off. There will be more than a month for the thunder formation of myriad tribulations to disappear. At that time, I should also fulfill my ambition, so I should prepare for it at this time, and Aoyu knows very well that just because I can pass through the thunder formation of myriad calamities does not mean others Yes, Venus obviously doesn't have this ability, so he still decided to put Venus with Lucifer. The poor goddess Aoyu knew without thinking that she must have nowhere to go. I really don't know what to do with her, and besides, I was going to explain to Lucifer, so I don't mind taking her to run again.

After placing Venus, Aoyu went to Lucifer and they confessed, and then flew to the thunder formation alone. This time, it was not the last time that Aoyu passed here smoothly. Of course, Aoyu’s clothes were unavoidable. Another devastating blow made Aoyu quite helpless, but fortunately Aoyu also had a lot of spare clothes, so he was not afraid of ruining such a piece of clothing. When he was about to leave, he suddenly found something moving towards him. After a closer look, it wasn’t his mount, and what was it? When Aoyu saw this guy, he was overjoyed. Loyalty, it's still waiting here after I've been there for so long, after Aoyu saw it flying over, he smiled and touched his head, then rode on its back and flew directly to the leader of Tongtian.

Aoyu is not in a hurry to return to Wuji City. Frankly speaking, although Aoyu is the spiritual pillar there, the real management and development of Wuji City are of no use to him. He is also happy to leave everything in his hands. At this moment, Aoyu still remembers what Tongtian said, let him go to Biyou Palace after passing through the thunder formation of myriad tribulations. At that time, he will help him answer the questions in his heart, so Aoyu He flew directly over to Biyou Palace.

This time Aoyu was familiar with the road, and after arriving in Beigu Luzhou in a few days, he went directly to the Biyou Palace of the leader of Tongtian.

After Aoyu arrived here, he yelled outside, and only after Biyou Palace came out to greet him. Obviously, Tongtian didn't find Aoyu's whereabouts this time. After all, Tongtian now wants to find out that his strength is on par Aoyu is really difficult, not to mention that Aoyu consciously hides himself this time, in order not to let Tongtian find himself, and to see Tongtian's true strength.

"Hey, I'm here again, Master, this time you can answer my question last time." Aoyu walked in carelessly at this time and said to Master Tongtian with a smile.

The leader of Tongtian Church had obviously just received the news of Aoyu's arrival, looked at Aoyu with a smile, and then after staring at him for a long time, suddenly walked down from his futon, came to Aoyu's side and faced Aoyu. Yu knelt down with a "plop" and said: "Tongtian kowtows to see the young master, may the young master have great blessings in the sky, and my demon way will prosper."

Aoyu was confused by what the Master Tongtian did. He didn't say a word for a long time. After a while, Aoyu said to the Master Tongtian: "Master, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with me? Became your young master?"

Tongtian didn't answer Aoyu's question directly, but just said to Aoyu: "Young Master, do you know how the Demon Sect came about?"

"The magic door? The leader also knows the magic door? The magic door was founded by a servant of my master. I have seen their foundation in the world, but I have never heard of the magic door since I came to this heaven. Why? Does the leader know about the Demon Gate?" At this moment, Aoyu said to the leader of Tongtian with some differences, and he was not sure why the leader of Tongtian would suddenly talk about the Demon Gate.

"Young master, to be honest, I am the servant of the old master. The so-called magic door is actually our interception, and the founder of the magic door is me." At this moment, Aoyu revealed the secret that had been hidden for many years.

"What? You said that you are my master's servant? So you have been here for so many years? You already know my identity?" Aoyu at the moment was surprised at that time. The teacher asked immediately in surprise.

"Well, yes, I knew the young master's identity a long time ago, but the adults above Xing Tian and the others didn't want me to tell the young master. Before the young master has not reached the same level as the young master, it is absolutely impossible to let the young master know the identity of the young master. The Lord knows his identity. On the one hand, he is too dependent on me, which affects the young master's cultivation. And the young master is in danger so many times. I and several adults also know it. Growing up, I hope you will not be offended, young master." Tongtian said everything in one breath. Since Chiyou was suppressed, Tongtian founded the Demon Sect, which is the current Jiejiao. At that time, he had been waiting for Chiyou's return. Aoyu The news that appeared was also known to him immediately. In fact, he also wanted to let Aoyu know his identity, but he had no choice but to have Xingtian's order, not to mention that it was really better for Aoyu, and Tongtian had no choice but to endure it. Come down, now Aoyu's strength has been improved, which is even worse than his own, so Tongtian said everything frankly.

"Oh? Since this is the case, speaking of it, you are also doing it for my own good. How can I blame you? You have lived through so many years, and you have helped me so many times. It is too late for me to thank you, Master. You are so lucky." Aoyu sighed and said to Master Tongtian, indeed Master Tongtian is a capable person, he created such a huge magic sect out of thin air, and all the monsters in the world are under the protection of his wings To be able to survive, seeing how powerful he is, at this time Tongtian revealed his identity to Aoyu, that is to tell Aoyu in a disguised form, "Your strength has surpassed me now, and you have obtained my approval. In the future, you can listen to anything you have. Yours." How could Aoyu be unhappy.

"By the way, since you are so powerful, why did you hide your strength and be defeated by them in the Battle of the Conferred Gods? Do you have any difficulties?" At this moment, Aoyu suddenly thought of an important question, that is, the Master Tongtian is so powerful How could they be defeated by the primitive ones in the Battle of Conferred Gods 10,000+ years ago?The two evil spirits who killed him were ridden on their heads from then on.

After pondering for a while, Tongtian said to Aoyu: "It's such a young master, I'm not invincible in this world, the Lord of the West and Uralos are both on par with me, Uralos has no brains In the end, being killed by his sons is not a consideration at all, but Jehovah is more difficult to deal with. He and I are on par, except for a certain purpose. We agreed with each other not to use power beyond the critical point of the heavens, so I will be defeated by Yuanyuan, otherwise they will not be my opponent even if there are ten more."

"Oh? So that's the case, I said, hey, it seems that the old boy Jehovah is very powerful, and he has hidden so much, do you know his details?" Aoyu said to himself with a smile at the moment, After talking about it, he suddenly asked Tongtian.

"I don't know, but judging by his appearance, and the angels under him, they should belong to the Winged Human Race. The Winged Human Race is an ancient race and they are quite powerful, but they lack masters, so they couldn't occupy anything in the prehistoric world." position." At this moment, the leader of Tongtian explained to Aoyu.

Hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Aoyu nodded with a smile and didn't say anything more. He didn't think about the issue of Yahweh right now. He and Tongtian were not afraid of him if they came out casually. The threat of Yahweh was not enough to threaten him. , so Aoyu chose to give up the idea of ​​observing him, and said to Tongtian: "I said Tongtian, now that I have reached this point, then we will start to deal with them, they have been in this world for too long , I don’t need to abide by the agreement with the Lord, and the old boy’s recent actions don’t look like he’s keeping his own place. He probably wanted to break the agreement a long time ago, so you and I don’t have to follow it. After a long time, it's time to come out and walk, this heaven can only be ours."

Aoyu said domineeringly, Tongtian nodded with a smile after listening, he did not object to Aoyu, because he knew that what Aoyu said was not fantasy, he really has this strength now.

"Then from now on, move the Golden Pincer Island to Wuji City, and we will coordinate in the future. You will help me take charge of Wuji City. I don't think there is a better commander than you. We still have a month to go." , During this period of time, we will start comprehensive preparations, what do you think?" Aoyu said to Tongtian while the iron is hot.

"Yes, everything should be obeyed by the young master." Tong Tian said respectfully, apparently he also agreed with Ao Yu's opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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