Chapter 528 The Promise Legion prepares for war, and the conspiracy of the heavens begins to emerge

Aoyu and the leader of Tongtian returned to Wuji City. The huge Ji Island moved slowly, but in a few days, Jinji Island came from the far away Luzhou in Beigu. Of course, it is impossible for Wuji City to fall due to the size of Jinji Island. Naturally, it was docked in the sky above Wuji City, and the Biyou Palace on Jinji Island above Wuji City became the place where Aoyu was, and Aoyu was so chic and at ease.

Of course, Aoyu has not forgotten the business. At this time, Aoyu started to rectify the troops of Wuji City. You must know that although Wuji City is huge, it does not have a complete system. Although Wuji City also has its own system, it is obviously not enough. Complete, it is far from Lucifer's fallen angel army, so it is necessary to rectify the troops in Wuji City, otherwise, it will not matter if you are facing the powerful heavenly soldiers and Buddhist soldiers in the future. But once the masters come out, it will be troublesome. The biggest weakness of the Yaozu is fighting on their own, so Aoyu has to overcome this, so the first thing Aoyu has to do after returning to Wuji City is to solve this problem, of course. He also couldn't find a way to warm up with his group of women, after all, considering Aoyu's personality, it was really difficult for him not to find a woman for such a long time.

On the second day, a transfer order came out from Wuji City, and the cut religion was merged into Wuji City, and the master Tongtian served as the deputy city master. One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire eastern heaven was shaken. The Wuji City, which is in full swing, shows that the Wuji City has enough strength to make the rebellious Tongtian surrender. This news is extremely important to any force, and I was a little shaken in thinking about whether to be loyal to Aoyu Yama of the Ten Temples immediately chose to submit to Wuji City like the five ghost emperors. The Youming leader of Youming Blood Sea, who had sworn to take revenge, immediately sent his sister to present a generous gift, expressing congratulations and flattery. That couldn't be more obvious.

The prestige of Wuji City overwhelmed the Heavenly Court and the Buddha Realm for a while, and suddenly became the most powerful force in the Eastern Heaven Realm. Choose tens of thousands of demon soldiers to form the Wuji Legion, and defend Wuji City. Eight cities with a radius of 5000 li have been built to station soldiers and horses. You must know that there are more than billions of monsters in the world. To them, tens of thousands of monster soldiers are not worth mentioning. But the word "elite" is worth considering, so no one dares to hide their secrets. All the demon kings have sent all the most elite demon soldiers under them. Among them, the weakest one has [-] years of skill, but Within ten days, tens of thousands of demon soldiers will gather in Wuji City. Of course, the millions of monks cultivated by Wuji City itself, and the millions of demon masters taught by Jiejiao, will form twelve legions directly under them. Teach masters to lead.

The Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King commanded the Battle Bull Legion, and a million demon soldiers were stationed in Mad Bull City, one of the eight cities outside Wuji City. In Tianpeng City, one of the eight cities, the Great Sage of Covering the Sea, Jiao Demon King, commanded millions of monster soldiers from the aquatic tribe. One of the eight cities outside Wuji City, Tianshui City was built on the Inner Sea. Stationed in Wild Lion City, one of the eight cities outside Wuji, the great sage Yu Tamarin commanded a million demon soldiers to station in Wild Elephant City, one of the eight cities outside Wuji, and the macaque king, the great sage of ventilation, commanded a million demon soldiers to station outside Wuji Divine Wind City, one of the eight cities, Qitian City, one of the eight cities led by the Great Sage Monkey King, is stationed in Qitian City, one of the eight cities outside Wuji. One of the White Tiger City.

The four generals of the Mo family, Mo Liqing, Mo Lihong, Mo Lihai, and Mo Lishou, the four commanded 400 million magic masters to form the Four Demon Legion to defend the Wuji City, the Four Davids City, Yunxiao, Zixiao, Bixiao, and the Three Fairies Leading millions of imperial guards to garrison Wuji City, Tianlong Babu all became guards and directly assigned to Aoyu. Of course, the other millions of people formed a huge backup army. Of course, they were composed of four According to the control of the Sanctuary, the surrounding area of ​​Wuji City is impenetrable, all of which are soldiers and horses of Wuji City. Of course, there are also hundreds of millions of ordinary people living under the protection of Wuji City. After the rectification of Wuji City, strict drills began. After seeing Wen Zhong, I believe that no one knows how to train soldiers and horses better than him. These people's quality is not bad, but they have no discipline and cooperation, and it is not very laborious to teach them. One month is enough. Zhong went to deal with it.

Of course, these are not the only people that Wuji City can control. These are just the main force. In order to deal with a possible war that may break out in the future, all the monsters in the world are preparing. There are at least one billion monsters waiting for Wuji City to dispatch at any time. The powerful potential forces Enough people are ashamed.

Some actions in Wuji City caused panic in the entire Eastern Heaven Realm. The five heavenly emperors gathered together one by one. The five heavenly emperors who had been unable to see each other before were united in the face of strong pressure. The five heavenly soldiers in the heavenly realm were ready , Overseas 33 fairy islands are ready at any time, the gods of the three mountains and five mountains have begun to mobilize, hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers are preparing for war, 72 caves, 36 blessed places, multi-party hermit masters are all assembled, even the two long-lived lords Yuan Tianzun, He Tai Shang Laojun also stood up, and the atmosphere in the whole heaven was tense, and the war was about to break out.

Of course, Lingshan is not easy, and there will be a battle in the heavens in one month, but the last loss really made the Buddhist world feel a little overwhelmed. The five Ming kings have returned, and the five Buddhas have returned to their respective places. The third Buddha returned to Lingshan. The Lord re-established the town, and hundreds of millions of Buddhist soldiers surrounded the resplendent Lingshan, ready to welcome the arrival of the great war at any time.

"My dear Tianzun, how is it? How do you think about my opinion?" At this moment, a voice that sounded a bit treacherous in Yuxu Palace of Yuanyuan Tianzun said to Yuanyuan Tianzun who was frowning.

"Are you really sure that you have agreed to the appointment and introduction of Western Lingshan?" At this moment, Yuan Tianzun and the Taishang Laojun next to each other looked at each other and said to the black shadow. Obviously, he still has some doubts about the black shadow. Somewhat doubtful, this person suddenly came to me today and said that he wanted to cooperate with me to destroy Wuji City. Although this condition was attractive, Yuan Yuan Tianzun had to think carefully. Although he didn't know where the other party came from or who it was, but The strength he showed was enough for him to say such words. Yuan Tianzun thought for a long time and couldn't think of a way, so he said this to the black shadow.

"Hehe, my dear Tianzun, that's of course, I think you should recognize the letter I wrote to you Zhunti Hierarch, he naturally agreed, and I hope you agree, after all, our goal is the same person." The black shadow at this moment flashed and said to Yuan Tianzun.

"Well, you are right, but how do we deal with them? Tongtian is not easy to deal with. We have fought against him before, and the quasi-body four of us can't get any advantage under his Zhuxian sword formation, let alone now. Here comes a Promise Emperor, Tong Tian we have known each other for tens of thousands of years, I still understand his character, if that person does not surpass his strength, he will not be able to surrender, now he is willing to give up his position as the leader to be a deputy city lord , I see a lot of articles in it, I think the power of the city lord must be above the sky, otherwise he would not be able to do this. Although this fellow Taoist is not weak, even if the five of us add up, there is still little hope. We can’t take this risk, not to mention you don’t even want to reveal your identity, so how can we trust you?” At this moment, Taishang Laojun, who had been closing his eyes and not speaking, spoke, and said to the shadow, obviously Taishang Laojun didn't trust him.

"Hehe, Taishang Laojun is really shrewd, but this is good, since we are partners, I might as well let you see who I am." At this moment, the pair who took off their mask showed their own appearance.

"Ah, Yahweh? How could it be you? How did you come here?" At this moment, the leader of Tongtian Sect stood up suddenly. You must know that Yahweh is far away in the western heaven. It may also be through the retrograde passage in the human world, but that is impossible, because the retrograde passage in the western heaven is under the jurisdiction of the Olympus protoss, and now it is said that Poseidon has changed his palace there. The eastern heaven is even more extreme. Wuji City has used formations to transfer the retrograde passage directly to Wuji City. Even if the Lord has the ability to reach the sky, there is no way.Originally, he thought it was some hidden power in the Eastern Heaven Realm, but he was a little surprised that it was Yahweh. He was no stranger to Yahweh, and they had fought many battles before, so they naturally knew a little bit about it.

"Hey, where did I come from? Naturally, I came here from the Thunderstorm of Tribulations." At this moment, there was a charming smile on the corner of Yahweh's mouth.

"What? Thunderstorm of Myriad Tribulations? You said that you came from the Thunderstorm of Myriad Tribulations, so your strength is gone." The Taishang Laojun, who was as stable as a mountain, couldn't help but stood up and faced the Lord immediately after hearing this. He said in surprise, apparently he couldn’t believe that Yahweh, who had always been on equal footing with him before, would be so powerful. This was far beyond the Taishang Laojun’s imagination. Losing Wuji City is a serious problem. Of course, Taishang Laojun is not a good person, so he used the trick of driving tigers and wolfs away.

(End of this chapter)

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