Chapter 265 Rabbit Slave
Wang Dapeng—we will call Dapeng Golden Winged Eagle that way for the time being. He said he would let Nezha have one hand, but he did so in fact. His one hand never left the Kyushu Ding.Obviously he didn't take Nezha seriously.

Nezha motioned for me to step back, and went up to him with the Qiankun ring in his hand. Even if mana cannot be used, his steel ring is also a weapon that can attack, which is much more practical than Li Jing's iron tower.

Wang Dapeng held the cauldron in one hand, and grabbed one end of the Qiankun circle with the other hand. When the two fought hard, Nezha was dragged staggering a step.

Yang Jian said: "Nezha, don't compete with him!"

When Nezha heard the words, he simply handed over all the Qiankun circles, and Wang Dapeng proudly said: "Why, your baby doesn't want... Huh?" While speaking, the Qiankun circles turned in an arc in his hand, and flew back from behind him. In Nezha's hand.

Nezha smiled and said, "Not everyone in my circle can play."

This is the first time since we met Wang Dapeng that he was deflated. In anger, Wang Dapeng waved a wing sideways, and a huge force was lifted. Be careful, and solemnly go to catch the center of the circle, unexpectedly the Qiankun circle turned sharply in mid-air again, and suddenly smashed towards the Kyushu tripod, Wang Dapeng was shocked, with one pair of wings, he swept back seven or eight meters, Nezha retracted the Qiankun circle Said: "It's good to hide!" His purpose is very clear-to destroy the Kyushu tripod first!
Wang Dapeng's eyes were full of fear and he said: "Despicable! If you have the ability to fight me openly!"

Nezha said: "Okay, you put that thing down, and I didn't let you fight me with it."

Wang Dapeng looked at Lu Dongbin and Li Jing who were staring at each other, and said coldly: "What kind of masters, they are all a group of young people!"

Lu Dongbin laughed and said, "Compared to you, I'm the younger generation—Nezha, I'll attract his attention, you look for an opportunity to smash the Kyushu tripod!" As he spoke, he jumped up and went straight to Wang Dapeng, who flapped his wings Lv Dongbin pushed away a few steps, and Nezha's Qiankun circle came from a tricky angle. Wang Dapeng turned around holding the Jiuzhou tripod and pointed his back at the Qiankun circle to block it. With his spirituality, another arc slid across, and he was able to hit the Kyushu tripod, making a dull sound!

Wang Dapeng's face changed drastically, his wings fluttered and he flew in mid-air, while inspecting the Jiuzhou tripod, Nezha caught the Qiankun circle and threw it again, Wang Dapeng flew into the sky without saying a word, and then disappeared with only one sentence: "I'll deal with you another day!"

Wang Dapeng ran away just like that!

The white-clothed scholar burst into tears and said, "Boss, save us!"

Lu Dongbin laughed and said, "Your boss obviously values ​​the Kyushu Ding!"

The four spiders looked at each other speechlessly, unable to laugh anymore.

This battle can't be said to be fierce, but it is a full-fledged battle!

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord got up from the ground, hesitated again and again, and tried to support Jiuling Yuansheng in the corner.

True Immortal Ruyi crawled forward stealthily, trying to avoid our sight and escape.

Yang Jian shouted: "Do you still want to leave?"

Nezha stood in front of True Immortal Ruyi, and said condescendingly, "Especially you, you want to run away after hurting my father?"

True Immortal Ruyi said with a bitter face: "Adults don't remember the faults of villains, so just let me go as a fart."

Nezha looked at Li Jing and said, "Father, what do you mean?"

Li Jing didn't look at True Immortal Ruyi at all, and said with a stern face: "Niezi, you...what have you been doing these days!" The tone of this sentence is scolding, but anyone can hear the endless concern in it .

Nezha knelt down in front of Li Jing with a plop, and said, "My son is unfilial and made my father suffer. My son rushed to the lower realm as soon as he heard the Kitchen God's report, but he didn't know that the monster race was already so rampant."

Li Jing stared and said, "What did you say? You just came from the lower realm?"

Nezha said succinctly: "I heard the Kitchen God say that there is a Nezha beside my father, so I know that everyone has been deceived. It is the Heisha God who has changed and pretended to be a child!"

Yang Jian blurted out: "Heisha God?" He fell into the world because he was shot by Heisha God. He didn't expect that this big enemy turned into Nezha and got along with us day and night.

Li Jing was also very surprised, and said loudly: "Is everything you said true?"

Nezha grabbed Ruyi Zhenxian and said, "Tell me, where is your Heisha God? I will cut him into pieces!"

True Immortal Ruyi shrank her neck and said, "Ah? Isn't that Nezha beside us actually you? This is the first time I've heard of it... But, you are indeed a little different from the Nezha I've seen these days ..."

When Li Jing heard this, he knew that what Nezha said was probably true. After being stunned for a moment, his face burst into tears. He grabbed Nezha and said, "Get up, Dad misunderstood you!" Lao Li seemed not to know how to express it The joy in my heart suddenly burst into laughter like a child.We also understand his mood. Li Jing is not very anxious because the monster clan has the upper hand in the situation.
Jiuling Yuansheng motioned for the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord who came forward to help him to stand aside, coughed a few times and said dryly: "I have something to say, and I ask Li Tianwang and Erlang God to decide." He put his hands on his knees, Slowly said, "Since the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, the Ruyi Immortal, the white-clothed scholar and others are all insignificant roles to you. At this time, we have lost a lot. The lives and deaths of these people are in your hands, but the old man I still want to intervene on their behalf. These people voted for us. Firstly, they were forced, and secondly, they were at a loss in the world. I can guarantee them that they will not interfere in our affairs from now on. Spare their lives."

Yang Jian said sternly: "You also know that you have lost a lot, so why do you have the nerve to say that?" He thought for a while and said, "It's all up to Nezha today, Nezha you have the final say." Considering the character of the second brother, he naturally killed all the monsters without saying a word, but he didn't want to be greedy for credit, so he left the decision to Nezha.

Nezha said, "Father, what do you mean?"

Li Jing was in a good mood, and said casually: "Can you guarantee that you will never help the evildoers again?"

The lady in white, the real fairy Ruyi, the black fur monster, and the four spider spirits suddenly grabbed the straw to save their lives and nodded vigorously together.

Li Jing laughed, waved his hands and said, "I don't want to kill people today, you guys go!"

Yang Jian said: "Think about it, now and then, if you don't solve them today, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. If they promise me, it will be like farting."

Li Jing said: "Of course I know, but these people are just young people waving flags and clamoring to fish in troubled waters. It doesn't help if you kill them or not. It seems that we are guilty of chasing after the victory."

Yang Jian smiled slightly: "The King of Heaven is right, but I am being stingy."

Li Jing said: "Thank you Erlang God for the noodles."

I beckoned and said, "Brother Nian, raise your paws when you've had enough fun." Nian Beast has been threatening the white-clothed gentleman for a long time, and it was being called a dog all night, it was really depressed.

Immortal Ruyi, Black Bear Monster Spider Essence and others escaped from the small courtyard as if fleeing for their lives.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord silently went to help Jiuling Yuansheng, Jiuling Yuansheng waved his hand and said: "The old man can stay here."

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch said: "Nine Elders, what do you mean?"

Jiuling Yuansheng looked at Yang Jian and said: "Erlang God and I have a word first, whoever loses the bet will let the other party do it, this old man is not a person who breaks his word."

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord said anxiously: "He agrees that we are leaving!"

Jiuling Yuansheng said: "You are you, and I am me. If you don't show up again, you have fulfilled your promise, but the old man can't just let it go." He said to Yang Jian, "I will explain it to you, and you are willing to forgive me. Thanks to everyone, but I did not surrender to you, we are still enemies!"

Lu Dongbin was surprised and said, "Why are you so active, old man?"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord said cautiously: "Nine Elders, you are a hero who knows the current affairs."

Jiuling Yuansheng smiled and said: "You didn't learn anything else in the world, but you have learned all these beautiful words. I can't be a hero anymore. I just want to die with dignity!"

The baby whispered in my ear: "This old man must be a Leo!"

I said: "I don't know if I'm seated or not, I'm definitely a lion spirit!" I still admire this old man a little bit, he would rather bend than bend, his demeanor is imposing, and he refuses to bow his head even if life and death are imminent.

Jiuling Yuansheng drove the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord aside, and said to Yang Jian: "Erlang God wants this old man to self-mutilate or commit suicide? Or do you want to kill yourself because you don't want to demean yourself?"

Yang Jian let out a slight breath and said: "Forget it, you can go too. In the world, you are older than me, and you missed because of an unexpected incident. I won't be honored if I win. Next time, I will fight with you and let you fight." I am convinced that I lost, anyway, if you are one more than you are, you are not too many, and I, Yang Jian, will not take advantage of you."

I sighed: "Second brother really loves bragging!"

Jiuling Yuansheng also said unexpectedly: "Listen well, the old man did not surrender, next time I see you, I will inevitably fight to the death!"

Yang Jian waved his hand and said: "Let's go, let's go, I don't need your affection, my imposing Erlang God wants you, a group of monsters, to be grateful?"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch lifted Jiuling Yuansheng up with half support and half hug, and walked quickly to the outside of the courtyard.

Jiuling Yuansheng didn't say any more, and when he was about to walk out, he suddenly turned his head and said to Nezha, "Nezha, you actually know that Heisha God."

Nezha asked in astonishment, "What do you mean?" Jiuling Yuansheng had already walked away.

At this time, besides us, there was Liang Peiyun, who was transformed into a rabbit, and she kept confronting Liu Xiaoliu. After all her accomplices ran away, she still seemed to be a little bit reconciled. .

Nezha turned his head and said, "Yutu, your master Chang'e asked me to take the message. She hopes you can return to Guanghan Palace as soon as possible!"

Liang Peiyun smiled wryly: "Did she finally find out that I ran away again?"

Nezha said: "She said, it doesn't matter if the mask is lost or destroyed, as long as you go back, she won't punish you."

The baby said: "Wow, Chang'e has such a good temper. If I have a pet that breaks my favorite thing, I will starve it twice!"

I said: "That's because you have never had a pet. Those pets of cat slaves and dog slaves have never messed up the house. They just post pictures on the Internet to complain. Not only are they not angry, they are also beautiful in their hearts, Chang'e It's the rabbit slave."

 I wish you all a happy New Year’s Day in advance. In the new year, I will continue to... Uh, no, I will update it in a different way. Don’t mess with me. It will end in January. The new book will basically determine the theme of the city. Three persons.Needless to say, the style will naturally be very relaxed.Standing on the last post to welcome the new year and the new weather, I have a strong premonition - 1 is ours!
(End of this chapter)

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