Chapter 266 Happy New Year
We thought that Liang Peiyun would be relieved after hearing Nezha's words, but from her expression, she didn't seem happy.

Liu Xiaoliu said: "If you go back, tell Chang'e that her mask is very useful, but I won't thank her."

Liang Peiyun suddenly jumped up and said: "You are still talking cheap here, I hate you!" Then she pointed at Nezha and said loudly, "You don't want me to go back, I won't go back! I don't want to be someone else's pet, I want to Myself!"

Wawa wondered, "Why did this one collapse?"

I scratched my head and said, "Maybe it's because of the teenage illness in the second and second grades. Everyone who wants to be themselves has this symptom." Liang Peiyun has evolved from that stupid rabbit who is happy with his life to a brand-new species with his own thinking, sending out a deafening sound From another point of view, this is also the epitome of human evolution and enlightenment. Besides, a master who is used to being a star is of course unwilling to go back and be a pet for others.

Lu Dongbin said, "What can we do if she doesn't go back?"

I said, "Isn't it inhumane to forcibly send people back?"

Nezha spread his hands and said, "Chang'e just asked me to bring the message. I have no obligation to carry it out. I have already brought the message."

Lu Dongbin said: "In short, your mask is no longer there, and it is impossible for you to hang out in the world as beautiful as a flower. It is up to you to choose whether to stay or go."

Liang Peiyun was stunned. In the past, she was naturally sought after by thousands of people in the world with Chang'e's face on her face. Her face was her universal passport. Now her appearance has changed, and she looks like an ordinary woman.

Liu Xiaoliu suddenly said: "Find a man who loves you. This is the most important thing. No matter how beautiful you are, it won't last for a few years. The more beautiful you are, the faster you will age. People always say that a snap of your fingers doesn't mean anything." Exaggeration, can a woman be beautiful from 20 years old to 30 years old? After 25 years old, there will be a 40% discount. Once you are [-] years old, people can only say that you have a good temperament, and your appearance is a fart. Can you eat it? At that time A man who can know your hot and cold, this is happiness!"

I said speechlessly: "Xiao Liu's realm has improved a bit fast, and I feel that if I go a little further, I will not be far from becoming a monk."

Liang Peiyun worried: "Why don't I want to, but does anyone still like me when I look like this?"

Liu Xiaoliu smiled vicissitudes: "Who has my old photos?"

I raised my phone: "I have it!"

The doll asked me: "Why do you save her old photos?"

"Self-defense!" I flipped out the photo of Liu Xiaoliu when he just went down to the realm, and flashed it in front of Liang Peiyun. Liang Peiyun covered his mouth and retched twice, "Why are you showing me this?"

Liu Xiaoliu said: "When I grew up like this, there was a man who loved me."

Liang Peiyun said, "What about now?"

Liu Xiaoliu said: "Now he doesn't contact me anymore."

Liang Peiyun was surprised: "Why, is that man blind?"

Liu Xiaoliu said: "He's not blind, he understands that looks are unreliable, I became like this and there is a gap between him and me, it shows that he is a smart man, if it weren't for your thing, we could have been together happily. "

Liang Peiyun said in a daze, "So, I'm really sorry for you."

Liu Xiaoliu said: "You used to look like that, does anyone really love you?"

Lu Dongbin said: "Let me answer for you, no! Although there are many people following you, they are either for your money or for your sex."

Liang Peiyun said: "I understand, I also know what I should do."

I said, "Are you really not going back to Guanghan Palace?"

Liang Peiyun shook her head and said, "I'm not going back. I'm going to find a man who loves me, and then live a happy and ordinary life. All flowers and applause are fake. I should have figured it out a long time ago."

I looked at her round face and said, "Actually, it's not difficult if you still want to hang out in the art circle. I heard that the new version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is about to start filming. Maybe the director has a dizziness and asks you to play a little dragon girl." something."

Liang Peiyun bowed to Liu Xiaoliu and said, "Thank you, Princess Liu, for your guidance."

Liu Xiaoliu squatted on the stone with his sleeves folded and said sadly, "Let's encourage each other."

Liang Peiyun has left, although she has a heart of a middle school student, but we believe that she will have a good life.

At this time, the sound of firecrackers outside suddenly became louder again. I looked at my watch and it was three o'clock in the morning, which is the customary time to meet God.

Nian Beast shook his fur and said, "I should go too."

Yang Jian struggled to stand up and said, "Brother Nian, please do something with me."

Nian Beast said: "Go ahead."

Yang Jian said: "You take Pippi away too."

We were surprised together: "Why?"

Yang Jian said: "Let's be honest, our current strength is still not enough to fight against the Yaozu. They have the Kyushu tripod in their hands. If we add Pippi, it will be even more disadvantageous to us. was snatched away. So letting Pippi go back to the heaven is the only choice we can make."

We all feel sad, but we also know what Yang Jian said is right. Although we have Nezha as a strong support, the Yaozu also has Heisha God and Jiuling Yuansheng. The most important thing is that we still cannot defeat Wang Dapeng. The reason why Zha was able to force him away was because he was unwilling to entangle us with the Kyushu tripod, and he would not be so lucky next time.

Pippi also seemed to know that it was time to leave, so she rubbed against my legs reluctantly, my eyes turned red and I took out all the money in my wallet and handed it to it: "Pippi, before leaving, eat a full meal." Let's eat." Everyone also stepped forward to pat its head.

Nian Beast said: "Would it be more difficult for you if this little thing leaves with me?"

Yang Jian said: "You don't need to worry about this, evil will never prevail against good!"

Nian Beast stretched his waist and said, "I'm not worried, no matter who rules the world, Nian still has to be passed."

I walked over and squatted in front of it, gently stroked the fur on its back and said, "Brother Nian, thank you very much." The Nian beast is an evil and ferocious monster in legend, but in our eyes it can only talk My dog ​​is a bit aggressive, a bit bullying, but still quite cute.

The Nian beast twisted uncomfortably, and finally let me touch it, showing a little nostalgia: "I will come to see you next year for the Chinese New Year."

I said, "Well, I'll also treat you to something delicious."

Nian Beast dissatisfied: "Actually, it's dog food, right?" We all laughed.

Nian finally wagged its tail at us involuntarily. I put Pippi on its back, Nian slowly rose into the air, and Pippi barked at us a few times eagerly.

I said loudly: "Be careful on the road, don't let the marle seeds collapse!"

In this way, the year is gone, and according to tradition, people have passed the year safely, and it is time to celebrate the festival.

The baby said to Nezha: "Nezha, happy new year."

Nezha smiled and said: "Everyone is happy too!" We finally saw the young and mature Nezha again. Looking back on the past, although the Heisha version of Nezha has both body and spirit, there is indeed an evil charm in his behavior.

Lu Dongbin said: "As expected of a physics student, your parachute is really good." The parachute used by Nezha is colorful and beautiful, and the rare thing is that the finish is not bad. He is a god who has been baptized by modern technology. Liu also took the risk of landing on his face first and went down to the bounds.

Nezha said to Liu Xiaoliu: "All this is left to the sisters of the sixth princess. The umbrellas are all sewn by the princesses with colorful clothes."

Liu Xiaoliu sighed and said, "I really miss them a little bit, little sister don't need to ask, how are the older sisters doing?"

Nezha said: "They are very envious of you, and they also admire you. It seems that they can't stay in the sky."

Yang Jian worried: "These princesses have learned how to make parachutes, so they won't come down to the world one by one?"

Lu Dongbin smiled and said, "Wan Duzi, when the time comes, let the seven fairies fight the seven spider spirits, that will be pretty."

 It's all in the chapter titles!
(End of this chapter)

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