Chapter 855 Soul Life Lamp
The last memory, lingering on the treasure of 33 days, turned into a lore blow, bombarded his body, and then it was dark, everything dissipated.

He hadn't lost a single defeat, but after encountering the Lord of Creation, he experienced his first failure, and this failure caused him to fall.

But at this moment, he came back to life again, but the price was not small.

"Master..." The lord of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty felt fluctuating, a little ashamed, a little uneasy, and all kinds of fear.

"It's good to be alive..."

The Lord of All Demons said flatly, without continuing to say anything.

The Lord of the Beginning was silent, not knowing what to say.

This oil lamp is called Soul Life Lamp, and the lamp oil inside is the blood of the Immortal King. In order to revive him, Master paid a lot of price.

After a long time, the illusory soul of the Lord of the Beginning gradually became solidified.

The lord of all demons activated the secret technique, recreated a body for him, entered it with the soul, and resurrected the lord of the beginning again.

"Do you know why you lost?"

The Lord of Demons asked.

"I, I..." The Lord of Primordial Beginning was silent, "This is the first and last failure of the record, I will definitely kill the Lord of Creation, and wash away today's shame with blood!"

"I am not afraid of failure in life, but I am afraid that after failure, I will never stand up again!" The Lord of All Demons said: "Once, I was born in the Demon Realm with mediocre aptitude, just a mere demon in the sky. The enemy has been defeated many times and hunted down many times, but he is still alive tenaciously!"

"In the end, I became stronger and stronger. As for the geniuses of the past, they all turned sour. It doesn't matter if you fail a hundred times in your life. The important thing is to win the last time. I hope you are not a waste who can't afford to lose !"

The Lord of the Beginning flashed, as if he had realized it.

Losing the ancient word "magic" and the Sansheng Stone, he seems to have nothing, all cheats have disappeared, but his mind has also gained great freedom, great detachment, and has become stronger.


Boom boom boom!
The catastrophe in the sky dissipated, and Wang Bin stepped into the realm of Tianjun.

While being proud, he became cautious at the same time.

Tianjun is just the beginning of cultivation.After arriving at Tianjun, the cultivation base is measured by the era, the cultivation base of one era, the cultivation base of two eras, and the cultivation base of three eras...

Generally speaking, most of the newly born Tianjun who have just passed through the Heavenly Monarch Tribulation are only one era in cultivation; some of them with profound backgrounds can be regarded as two eras in cultivation.And Wang Bin's accumulation is profound, and at this moment he can be regarded as a five-epoch cultivation base.

The cultivation base of the five epochs can be regarded as a medium cultivation base among Tianjun.

When you reach the nineteenth era, you can hit the realm of the fairy king.

The Immortal King has at least twenty epochs of cultivation.

As for the Gate of Eternal Life, it has gone through more than 900 epochs, and it can be regarded as a cultivation base of [-] epochs, which shows the tyranny of the Gate of Eternal Life.If the Gate of Eternal Life is suppressed, it will almost destroy all Immortal Kings, making them irresistible.

Or, the gate of eternal life is the weakest moment when the gate of eternal life is full, and the moment when the spirit is reincarnated...

After thinking about it, Wang Bin felt that he was a little bit off.

He is just a Heavenly Monarch, and there is still a long time before the story begins... During this period of time, he can pretend to be as aggressive as he wants, and he can pick up girls as much as he wants.There are two major themes in human life, survival is the first, and reproduction is the second.Derived from the world of Xianxia, ​​it turns into a life-and-death struggle with enemies and fights with goblins.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, watching the battle between the two, Nine Heavens Profound Girl seemed to have realized something. The breath in her body was changing, her life was changing, and the Heavenly Monarch Tribulation was coming.

The tide of destruction swept over, suppressing everything and tearing everything apart.

But after a dozen breaths, Nine Heavens Xuannv passed the calamity and stepped into Tianjun.

"Tianjun Good Fortune, thank you very much..." Xuannv Nine Heavens thanked Ao: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to step into the Tianjun!"

"It's because of your outstanding aptitude that you stepped into Tianjun, what have I to do with you!" Wang Bin laughed.

"The Lord of Yuanshi is too tyrannical. Most of our generation has inner demons. But now, you have killed the Lord of Yuanshi. In the dark, you have broken the demons. I just entered the realm of Tianjun! "Nine Heavens Xuannv said: "Look, there are now seven or eight strong men who are going through the Heavenly Monarch Tribulation!"

Wang Bin sensed the aura around him, and sure enough, in some directions, many strong men broke through the shackles and were crossing the Heavenly Monarch Tribulation.

There are still a lot of them, at least seven or eight of them, and most of them have a great chance of passing through Tianjun.

At this time, Wang Bin felt a repulsive force coming from the void, trying to push him out of the chaotic battlefield.

The chaotic battlefield belongs to the most immortal emperors; if a monk breaks the shackles and enters the realm of Tianjun, he will be repelled by the law.

The next moment, the void flickered, and Wang Bin was expelled from the chaotic battlefield and appeared in the fairy world.Just the next moment, Nine Heavens Profound Girl also appeared beside her, "Brother Dao, where are you going, aren't you going back to the Heavenly Court of Origin?"

"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. I still don't want to go back, so as to avoid some twists and turns!" Wang Bin said.

"That's right, in the Heavenly Court of Origin, although Brother Dao can get my father's protection, but subconsciously, he is still a head lower than my father!" Nine Heavens Xuannv said: "Brother Dao is interested in the realm of the fairy king, so we just set up a separate family! How about diving together!"

Let's dive together!
Wang Bin's mind moved, and he wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of something, and nodded.

Flying casually, when they reached a high mountain, the two opened up a cave, entered it, and began to cultivate secretly.He has just stepped into the realm of Tianjun, and his cultivation is still a bit vain, so he just took the time to consolidate and improve his cultivation.

After entering the cave, Wang Bin began to pack up the spoils.

The Lord of the Beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is a good man. He has the Gate of the Beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, two artifacts such as the Sansheng Stone, five heaven-level spiritual veins, various innate spiritual mines, various gods, etc., all of which are refined holy artifacts. supreme material.

At this moment, the 33rd Heavenly Supreme Treasure is still at the peak of the Wangpin Immortal Artifact, and it can't keep up with his combat effectiveness; while the level of the Gate of Creation still needs to be improved.

And at this moment, it happened to refine all kinds of gods and use them to improve the grade of the gate of good fortune.

Whirring whirring!

On the palm, the fire of good fortune was burning, and one after another divine objects began to be smelted, smelted into the gate of good fortune, and the level of the gate of good fortune was improving. At this moment, one after another, the essence of heavenly monarchs was infused into it, marching towards the sacred artifact .

All things are spiritual, and all things can be cultivated.

Some pills, some fairy artifacts, after giving birth to spirituality, embarked on the road of cultivation and became extremely powerful, not inferior to monks.

The way of heaven in the world of immortality is a magic weapon, a weapon spirit.

Therefore, the rules of heaven and earth are extremely fond of some magic weapons and spirits.

In the world that shrouds the sky, only emperor soldiers have weapon spirits; in the prehistoric world, there are very few innate magic weapons that can transform into forms.But in this world, as long as one enters the realm of Taoism, one can give birth to spirits.And many powerful weapon spirits are urging the magic weapon itself, and its combat power is not inferior to that of monks.

This is simply unimaginable in other worlds.

PS: The second update, please subscribe, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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