Chapter 856
The fire of good fortune is burning, all kinds of gods are calcined, and the power of the gate of good fortune is constantly improving, finally breaking through the shackles and stepping into the realm of holy artifacts.

Oh oh oh!
At this moment, the Gate of Creation flew up and turned into a stream of light, impacting towards the calamity.

People are robbed, and magic weapons are also robbed.

At this moment, the gate of good fortune is crossing the catastrophe. If the catastrophe is successfully crossed, it will enter the sacred artifact.And a holy artifact is equivalent to a heavenly monarch.

There are so many King Grade Immortal Artifacts, and many Heavenly Monarchs only use King Grade Immortal Artifacts; as for Holy Grade Immortal Artifacts, only some veteran Heavenly Monarchs can create a Holy Grade Immortal Artifact after spending several epochs.As for the artifact of good fortune, it is equivalent to an immortal king.

Only a few top immortal kings can create artifacts of good fortune.

Boom boom boom!
The gate of good fortune flickered, impacting the calamity, and the artifact spirit flickered to absorb the calamity of heaven and earth, and marched towards the holy artifact.In this process of transformation, Wang Bin can't help too much, and many roads must be walked by himself after all!

If the emperor survives the calamity, he will become a heavenly king.

If the King Grade Immortal Artifact survives the catastrophe, it will turn into a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact.

Boom boom boom!
At this time, the Thunder Tribulation flashed, the power of the Heaven Tribulation increased, and the Artifact Spirit of the Gate of Creation let out a scream, and the Artifact Spirit inside fell and disappeared.

With the death of Qi Ling, the calamity also disappeared.

Only an empty shell was left, which fell into Wang Bin's hands.

"Failed, still failed, it is really difficult to create a holy artifact!" Wang Bin sighed, at this moment, he also tasted the taste of failure. If the weapon is not made, we can only refine the gate of good fortune into a divine weapon of the heavens!"

Saint-grade fairy artifacts, artifacts of good fortune, etc. are extremely rare and difficult to create, so there are artifacts of the heavens.

The divine weapons of the heavens, when it comes to power, are weaker than holy artifacts, and powerful like good fortune artifacts... However, in the end, they are not as good as holy artifacts or good fortune artifacts.As for the divine weapon of the heavens, there is no weapon spirit. To put it bluntly, it is just a powerful weapon.

Only with a strong man controlling it can we display a strong combat effectiveness; but without a strong man controlling it, the combat effectiveness is very poor.

Saint-grade fairy artifacts and good fortune artifacts all have artifact spirits, and the artifact spirits are superimposed on the body, and their power is comparable to that of heavenly kings and fairy kings.With a strong man controlling it, the combat power is terrifying; without a strong man controlling it, relying on the tool spirit itself to motivate it, the combat power is also extremely terrifying!
The creation of the holy artifact, the artifact of good fortune failed, unable to conceive the spirit of the artifact, and turned into the artifact of the heavens.

Stimulating mana, creating the gate of good fortune again, depicting one by one formations on it, the power of the gate of good fortune is constantly changing and upgrading, and finally turned into a powerful artifact, but it is not a holy product after all fairy artifact.

"Holy artifacts, artifacts of good fortune, supreme artifacts... and the so-called artifacts of good fortune, there is a vague possibility of challenging the supreme artifacts... No wonder in the original book, the so-called artifacts of good fortune have all suffered doom!"

Wang Bin sighed.

If you want to defeat the gate of eternal life, relying on the so-called crooked ways and all kinds of calculations will not work at all.No matter how clever the calculation is, how can it be as powerful as the gate of eternal life.Many immortal kings were all cheated to death by Old Devil Fang in the end!
Only by relying on his upright strength can he completely defeat Fang Laomo.

The Great Destiny Technique, seemingly invincible and powerful, is actually of little use to the Immortal King.

Many fairy kings have already transcended half a step, and they have great restraint on the power of fate.

Fang Laomo became invincible, in fact, relying on the way of the era, its mystery is beyond the Great Destiny, but it has been ignored all the time.


Ten years later, Wang Bin walked out of the retreat.

In ten years, the cultivation base of the five epochs has been completely consolidated, and Tianjun's cultivation base has become more rounded and free.

At this moment, Nine Heavens Xuannv is also out of customs, but her accumulation is not as good, only three eras of cultivation.

"Congratulations, your cultivation has improved!" Wang Bin said.

"Compared to you, it's still a lot worse!" Nine Heavens Profound Girl sighed, "I'm not as good as you!"

Some people are born to cultivate Taoism, and they are destined to be difficult to surpass. Even if he is the daughter of the fairy king, he is still too far behind. After getting along for a while, the so-called heart of comparison fades away.

"Brother Dao, what are your plans?"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl asked.

"Thirty-three heavenly treasures, if you want to step into the sacred artifact, you need the origin of the heavenly monarch, as well as various gods and materials..." Wang Bin said: "It's just that it costs a lot!"

"Brother Dao, why don't you go to the lava plane, where there is the gate of eternal life spraying out terrifying flames, it is the best place to forge holy artifacts. And there are also various gods nearby, each with their own magical materials, terrifying to the extreme, yes One of the five forbidden places in the fairy world!"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl suggested.

In the fairy world, some forbidden areas are formed where the heavens and the earth are created, which contain great fortune and great opportunities, but they are also extremely dangerous.At that time, if Tianjun enters it, he may also fall.However, there are also many rare magical materials, which are excellent materials for forging magic weapons.

With that said, the two got up and left.

After arriving at Tianjun, I can't make any progress by relying on retreat and hard work. The main thing is to walk around, looking for various opportunities, looking for various adventures, from which I can hone my Taoism and improve my cultivation.

No one can become a peerless powerhouse through penance and hard work.

After flying for a day, I saw a box of fiery red planes appear, full of surging magma. The magma has a scorching hot breath, which can easily burn the golden fairy; The more tyrannical.

While his figure flickered, Wang Bin entered the magma like a swimming fish.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl moved, followed closely behind, and entered it.

The lava plane is a huge magma, and the magma inside is rolling, and the more you walk into it, the hotter it gets.In the magma, some magical materials fluctuated up and down, but most of them were of low value, and Wang Bin was too lazy to collect them.

Only a few items, which could be forged holy artifacts, were collected.

When he reached the bottom, the magma inside was rolling, and even if he had the cultivation base of Tianjun, he still felt a little bit of pressure.

"33 days treasure!"

With a wave of his hand, Wang Bin took out the 33-day treasures and scattered them all around. The scorching flames burned and calcined the treasures, quenching some impurities, leaving only the purest essence.

Wang Bin was running the kung fu, and immediately the source of the heavenly monarch was continuously derived, and entered the 33 heavenly treasures, improving the level of the magic weapon, gradually breaking the shackles of the king-grade fairy weapon, and stepping into the half-step holy-grade fairy weapon .

Although it is only half a step, the progress is huge.

At this moment, Nine Heavens Xuannv also took out the Wang Pinxian Xuannv Sword, and started to smelt it, adding various gods and objects, and began to increase the level of the magic weapon.

PS: The third update, please support, please subscribe!

(End of this chapter)

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