Chapter 909 Break and stand up, the world is invincible
"It's so strong! It's too strong! Is this the power of the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life? He hasn't activated the Gate of Eternal Life yet..."

Hong Huangzu said in horror.

"Taoist Hongmeng, if you have the opportunity to fight against the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life, what will happen now?" World Freedom Wang Fo said.

"I'm no match for him." Daoist Hongmeng showed a look of exclamation on his face: "His Taoism has reached the realm of being invisible and intangible, far surpassing the Dao, supremely broken, and surpassing all immortal kings , once he wakes up, no one will be his opponent. He is the true ruler of the heavens and the world."

The world's free king Buddha suddenly asked: "Immortal King Good Fortune, if you confront Fang Han, how will you win or lose?"

"Each half wins!" Wang Bin said with a faint smile: "Fang Han's strength is only comparable to that of the Nine-Nine Supreme Immortal King. Although he is very powerful, he is not invincible. Extremely disappointed!"

Said, ignore these three people.

At this moment, Fang Han was invincible.

At this time, the void flickered, and the Immortal King Yuanshi came down, and this Immortal King also stepped into half-step shattering.

"Yes, yes, Immortal King Yuanshi finally took this step!" Wang Bin praised.

"In the past, I didn't know how deep you are; now, I know how powerful you are!" Yuanshi Immortal King sighed: "You are worthy of being the No. Door weapon spirit!"

"Haha, let's forget it!" Wang Bin said with a smile: "I was born to be beaten by gangs, as for ganging up with others, let's forget it!

"Being raised by the Gate of Eternal Life all this time, the so-called Immortal King is like a domestic animal, being slaughtered at will, which makes me extremely unhappy! Even if the owner has reconciled now and wants to be friends with the domestic animal, I don't accept it! You want to hunt down the spirit of the gate of eternal life and seize the gate of eternal life; I don’t seek eternal life, I just want to be refreshed. I just want to smash the gate of eternal life and the shackles that are pressing on the body. If you succeed, you will be detached If you go, you will feel refreshed; if you fail, you will also fight fiercely, and you will live up to the name of Immortal King Creation!"

"In the past, I owed all sentient beings a karma, and today I owe all sentient beings a karma!" Fang Han suddenly smiled: "Now I also give you a chance to live forever."

"What opportunity?" Origin's expression froze.

"This opportunity is to kill me, and you can get all my cultivation and characteristics, and finally merge with the gate of eternal life to become the road to eternal life." Fang Han walked leisurely with his hands behind his back: "I will give it to all of you immortal kings once!" Opportunity, you join forces to kill me, I will not resist, I will take your blow. As long as you can kill me, you will have the hope of eternal life, and at the same time, I will resolve this fate."

"In the past, I devoured all living beings, but now all beings devour me, repaying retribution, and this karma is really over, how about it?"

Immediately, countless fairy kings were stunned in shock.

"What? Stand here, don't resist, let us kill? Do you think you are really the body of the gate of eternal life?"

"Kill it, let's do it together."

"Lord of Yuanshi, you should be sure to kill Fang Han."

"What the hell is Fang Han trying to do? Do you really think that if we don't resist, we can't kill him!"

Hearing this concern, Fang Qingxue also paled, flashed out from the Era God Formation, and looked at Fang Han: "Fang Han, you are too risky, you have really broken the shackles now, and killed the cancerous Hua Tiandu. Ushering in the heyday of your most tyrannical time, if you don't kill Karma, these fairy kings can't do anything to you. Why do you have to do this?"

"Yeah, Fang Han's matter is too dangerous." Taoist Hongmeng couldn't help but speak, "The Lord of Yuanshi, the Immortal King Good Fortune has already mastered a part of the power of immortality, and he is close to the supreme broken way. , I will be killed too."

"That's right, you have to think about Fang Han's matter carefully. Although I have mastered cause and effect and know that cause and effect are irreversible, you have completely surpassed cause and effect."

"Fang Han, think about it, if you make a mistake, the situation will collapse?" Hong Huang Zulong said.

Fang Han suddenly smiled and said, "Immortal King Creation, what do you think!"

"If karma is not repaid, it will be hard to achieve!" Wang Bin said with a smile: "Fang Han, you are very powerful, but after all, you are half-broken, and you are still a little bit worse. The gate of eternal life has made you; but the gate of eternal life has also restricted you. You. And you took this opportunity to surpass the gate of eternal life!"

"Of course, you may also be killed. Immortal King Yuanshi, do you still want to try?"

"There is only one chance, but if you miss this chance, you will never have another chance, you know?"

Fang Leng laughed

"it is good."

At this moment, many immortal kings condensed their power together and turned into a peerless divine weapon, coming to kill them!

The sound of weapons and a sharp breath rushed straight into the sky, as if they wanted to compete with the gate of eternal life.

This magical weapon completely locked on Fang Han's position and struck down on his head.

When the chop came down, the eyes of Taoist Hongmeng, Fang Qingxue and the others were filled with darkness.I can no longer see anything, everything is destroyed under this magic weapon.


When the weapon landed on top of Fang Han's head, there was the sound of porcelain shattering.

Sure enough, Fang Han didn't use any mana to resist.So his body began to shatter, and then turned into powder. All the crystal kingdom, the way of the era, the gods and objects in the body, and all the ancient characters were completely burned, dissolved, and turned into ashes.

Then the divine soldier disintegrated and turned into the Lord of Yuanshi and the Gate of Yuanshi, truth, origin, arrogance, true spirit, ancestor saint king, dimension... These fairy kings were all separated one by one, looking at everything in front of nothingness.

"I feel it. This world has lost its ruler and heart. It's like the emperor of an immortal dynasty has died." Suddenly, the ancestor sage king roared: "Fang Han is dead, and he was completely beheaded by us!"

"That's right, Fang Han is dead, the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life is dead."

The Immortal King of Origin also roared, with unprecedented excitement in his heart: "He has ruled this world and the universe for billions of time and space for a full three thousand epochs. When he reached the end, when he was the most powerful, he died and was killed by us. .”

"I also feel that this world has lost its ultimate master, and a new era is about to come slowly."

The Lord of the Beginning looked at the world, panting slightly, and then looked at the gate of eternal life.

At this moment, the door of eternal life was dim, and its power seemed to be dissipating, and it trembled violently.

"The Gate of Eternal Life has changed because of the death of the Artifact Spirit, and this moment is the best moment for us to master it!" The truth suddenly came to his senses, and rushed towards the Gate of Eternal Life.

Immediately, the Immortal Kings charged towards the Gate of Eternal Life one by one, wanting to seize the treasure.

"Is Fang Han dead?"

World Freedom Wang-Fo said bitterly: "After all, I lost the bet!"

"It's dead." Taoist Hongmeng murmured, "Immortal King Good Fortune, is the earth dead?"

"No!" Wang Bin said with a smile: "Break and then stand, the world is invincible! Originally, the gate of eternal life harvested the essence of all living beings. After three thousand epochs, it owed all living beings karma; , Pay off the cause and effect of all beings, just break through!"

"Originally, Fang Han's Era Divine Formation constantly devoured various gods, ancient characters, and merged them into one, so that it could be half-broken; but once these gods, artifacts, ancient characters, etc. were lost, Fang Han You will immediately fall to the realm of the Immortal King!"

"To put it bluntly, Immortal King Fang Han's cultivation was achieved by relying on foreign objects... But now, under one blow, the natural axe, the gourd of the universe and other artifacts, all the ancient characters were smashed, and they just merged with the body and returned to one. Ruyi. From then on, there are no so-called artifacts of good fortune, artifacts of the heavens, or ancient characters, only Fang Han who is invincible, and Fang Han who has stepped into the realm of immortality!"

Wang Bin laughed and said, "This is the way to play. Fang Han, who is too useless, is also extremely boring!"

Boom boom boom!
The Gate of Eternal Life had just dimmed, but there was another shock suddenly, and the radiance burst out. Countless auras of eternal life flew out of it, turning into clusters of scorching suns, illuminating the entire world with clarity.

The Immortal King of Truth who was the first to rush to the door and was about to enter it to accept the door of eternal life was rushed by the scorching sun of eternal life, and immediately burst into flames, roaring: "What happened? Why did new changes happen..."

Before his words fell, a big hand stretched out from the gate of eternal life. This big hand covered an unknown number of light years. With just one grasp, the Immortal King of Truth was caught in his hand, and then he pinched it.

The Immortal King of Truth is like an egg. When it explodes, countless vitality and spiritual thoughts, laws, and origins are all shattered, and the final scream is issued: "You..."

Before he could finish his sentence, it was already wiped out. That big hand crushed to death an immortal king who had spanned countless epochs with ease, just like crushing an ant.

The Lord of the Beginning stopped in his footsteps, his face extremely ugly.

Boom!Rumbling... A wave of shocks came out from the void, and following the big hand that crushed the Immortal King of Truth to death, a huge body appeared. This body had a clear face, and it was Fang Han who had disappeared just now. !

His magic power is stronger than before, I don't know how many times!
The entire gate of eternal life, under his thoughts, slowly flew up and fixed his body behind.

He ruled the world and looked down on the common people.

In the past, he was the artifact spirit of the gate of eternal life; but now, he is the master of the gate of eternal life.

"Thank you, your one-hit kill made me cut off all the fetters and successfully raised a realm. Now I have completely surpassed the Immortal King and mastered the gate of eternal life." Fang Han made a rolling voice.

At this moment, Fang Han stepped into the realm of immortality.

"How could you be resurrected." The face of the Primordial Lord was distorted.

"All this is false. He is bluffing. He must be very weak now. He is not our opponent. We will unite again and kill him. We will kill him as many times as he resurrects!" the ancestor saint king Roaring again and again, the purple divine body grew tens of millions of light years, brewing all the power.

"It's useless, the fairy king is not omnipotent, but I am omnipotent..." Fang Han suddenly stepped over and attacked many fairy kings: "I only gave you one chance, now all All the karma has ended, you have lost everything, and all that remains is to fall, I will create a new era, and you should not exist in this era."

Each fairy king, some wept, some roared, some begged, some wanted to resist, but Fang Han beheaded them all.

At this time, Fang Han looked at Wang Bin: "I remembered, you are an extraterrestrial demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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