Chapter 910 The Gate of Eternal Life, Hit It!

"It's me!"

As he said that, Wang Bin's body changed, and a tyrannical force surged, like a tidal wave, and he entered the immortal realm in one fell swoop.


The next moment, the void flickered, the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure flickered, and when it descended, it was Xiao Zi.At this moment, she has recovered the artifact of good fortune again, and her cultivation base has been continuously improved, and she has reached the half-step broken state.As for the 33-day ancient characters, all of them were lost and never recovered.

In the past, the 33-day treasure was made of various treasures sprayed with the gate of eternal life, and the ancient characters of 33 days were forged. Although it is powerful, it is also subject to the gate of eternal life.

But at this moment, the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure discarded all external materials and was created with the Qi of Creation, freeing itself from the shackles of the Gate of Eternal Life.

The void flickered, and a huge book appeared, with four ancient characters flashing on it, the book of the era.

The Book of Era was flipping through. There were [-] pages in total, and each page recorded a civilization.But at this moment, the Book of Era emerged, turning into a classical and elegant woman, who is also an artifact of good fortune, already half-broken.

Brush brush!
A white lotus flower flickered, Xiaobai also descended, and also stepped into the half-step Broken Realm.

In other words, such a battle can only be qualified to participate in such a battle if it is half broken. As for the realm of the Immortal King, it is not eligible to participate in the battle at all.

Wang Bin smiled lightly: "Congratulations, you have entered the realm of immortality, let's fight!"

At this moment, Wang Bin's breath surged like a tide, and his fighting spirit was boiling.

Fang Han's face was heavy, and he felt a little bit of pressure. This is a formidable opponent, not inferior to him in the slightest, and there is an aura of destiny and nothingness flashing on his body. Even the great destiny spell is difficult to restrain him.

"You and I have the same realm and strength, but unfortunately, I hold the gate of eternal life, and I am the master of fate; and you, whether it is the 33-day treasure, the book of the era, or the white lotus of the world, after all, it is half a step lower. The level will eventually be devoured by me and turned into nourishment!"

Fang Han said indifferently, the door of eternal life flashed behind him, with an eternal breath, exuding the breath of fate, as if he dominated everything from aloof.

"Fang Han, you are on the wrong path. You shouldn't be practicing the Great Destiny Technique, the Great Devouring Technique is your foundation!" Wang Bin shook his head and said, "The Great Destiny Technique is the ultimate move of the gate spirit of eternal life, not Your killing move!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see the real chapter!"

"That's right, let's fight!"

Two tigers cannot fit in one mountain, and if they fight together, one of them will fall down.

"The Dao is three thousand!"

Fang Han strode forward, the three thousand avenues under his feet flashed, with a bright breath, the next moment all the three thousand avenues surged, entered the law of destiny, turned into the nourishment of the law of destiny, and nourished the law of destiny to grow.

While he was walking, the sun, the moon, and the stars rose and fell, the voices of the heavens flickered, and the crystals of the kingdom of God flickered, spraying out violent power, bursting out, restoring the violent power, and the tyrannical emperor suppressed it .

Boom boom boom!
Fang Han blasted out with a fist, as if a giant chaotic beast had hit him.


Wang Bin took a step forward, and the spirit of good fortune surged all over his body, hitting him with immeasurable mighty power.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, the two collided violently, as if the chaotic giants were colliding together, the fierce energy collided, the avenue collided together, ripples surged, and a random bit of energy leaked out could make the The fairy king fell for it.

"So powerful!" Taoist Hongmeng exclaimed in shock.

"It's too powerful!" World Freedom Wang Fo also exclaimed, speechless.

The Great Desolate Ancestral Dragon fell silent. In the face of such a powerful force, they were like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.The so-called fairy kings are just bigger ants.

All the fairy kings and heavenly monarchs left far away, with fear, anxiety, and trembling.Under such a high-concentration collision, once it hits and knocks, it will die on the spot, and it will be an endless tragedy!

"Strong, strong, too strong!"

Wang Bin exercised his muscles and bones, urging the Good Fortune Fist, punching out one punch after another, feeling extremely refreshed.

Boom boom boom!
The two kept confronting each other. As for the various killer moves and unique skills of the past, they all became more mysterious.

However, the power of some secret techniques is also declining.

In the world of Shrouding the Sky, the nine secrets are united, erupting with tyrannical combat power; in the world of Yangshen, flesh and blood fusion, soul fission, can also erupt with powerful combat power; and the 33-day treasure can also unleash 33-day multiplied combat power.

But after entering the immortal realm, all kinds of augmentation secrets disappeared, not to mention 33 times the combat power, even double the combat power did not exist.

All kinds of secret techniques disappeared, all kinds of ultimate moves also disappeared, and all kinds of immortal techniques disappeared, only the Dao of Origin remained.

At this moment, the two people were colliding, and they fought fiercely for dozens of rounds, but there was no winner.

Wang Bin retreated tens of miles, only feeling helpless; Fang Han also frowned, a little helpless.

There is not much difference between each other, it is difficult to tell the winner!
"The gate of eternal life, suppress!"

At this moment, Fang Han clicked his finger, and immediately the door of eternal life flew out, surrounded by three thousand avenues, with an immeasurable aura, impacting, simple and direct, violent and impulsive, destroying everything, tearing everything apart.

"33 days of treasure, hit!"

At this moment, Wang Bin's mind moved, and he urged the 33-day treasure to hit it away.

Then came the second impact.

At the first impact, the 33-day treasure completely collapsed, most of them were directly gasified and disappeared, only a few fragments remained.

Boom boom boom!
The two great treasures collided again, and the world was darkened!
The next moment, the 33-day treasure collapsed and turned into fragments one by one.But in the next moment, the 33-day treasure gathered together again and collided together.

Boom boom boom!
The 33-day treasure was shattered again, almost falling into the realm.

At this moment, the Book of Era flashed, and the power of evolution, the epic of civilization, brought the magnificence of the heavens, and the supreme divine power, and struck.

Boom boom boom!
The next moment, the Book of Era was also shattered.

The Pure World White Lotus hit, collided with the gate of eternal life, and also collapsed under the impact of huge force.

The magic weapon needs blood sacrifice, the more powerful the life sacrifice, the stronger the power of the magic weapon.In the three thousand era, how many immortal kings and heavenly monarchs were born, and there are countless other of them were absorbed by the gate of eternal life and turned into food for its growth.

At this moment, the Gate of Eternal Life is terrifyingly tyrannical, and it is far from being comparable to the three great fortune-telling artifacts such as the Book of Era, the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure, and the Pure World White Lotus.

Fortunately, they were all made with the spirit of good fortune, not with the gods sprayed by the gate of eternal life. They have a sense of detachment.

(End of this chapter)

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