Chapter 102 Who Loves Whom Owes Whom

Everyone brought up the pens prepared in front of them one after another. In the following time, the sound of rustling writing filled the entire conference room.Xin Nuan felt uneasy in her heart, just after she wrote Lan Duo's Lan character, she heard Ji Jinnian say to her, "With me by my side, what are you worried about?"Why are you writing someone else's name? As soon as he stretched out his hand, he snatched the paper from Xin Nuan's hand.Crossed out the word Lan, and quickly wrote the word Lu Xinnuan on it.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Xinnuan rushed to grab it, almost falling into his arms.

But he stretched out his hand to hug her, and hugged her impartially.Then he stared at her with a smirk on his face, "You are like this, it is easy to cause bad influence."

Xin Nuan immediately sat up and stood up, "I don't."

"Is there any? Qin Ruo has the right to speak. Qin Ruo, what do you think her actions just now mean?"

"It means that she is interested in you, in other words, she loves you very much."

"Bingo. Look, you can't deny it now, can you?"

Xinnuan didn't know how to reply at all, so he could only go crazy there.That's right, Ji Jinnian is the soft-handed Shidi who took the trophy and said countless lines, how can she be his opponent?
For Ji Jinnian's thick skin, Ye Li couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ahem, although I really want you to continue to express your enthusiasm, but due to time constraints, I have to remind you, anchor Ji, everyone's notes have been handed over to me, and you two seat."

Not waiting for Xin Nuan to change, Ji Jinnian immediately stepped forward and handed the two notes to Ye Li together.

Ye Li took them apart one by one, no flaws could be seen on the surface, but in fact his heart was not as calm as the surface.

She decided to give it a go, but in the end what she feared happened.

Sure enough, everyone seemed to have made an appointment. Except for the word Lan that was crossed out by Ji Jinnian, the word Lu Xinnuan was written on all the other notes.

How should I put it, this result has long been expected by her.

"It seems that everyone really has great expectations for Lu Xinnuan! Congratulations to Lu Xinnuan, unanimous approval."

For the parties, it is not good news.Xinnuan trembled all over.Did she hear correctly?Everyone wrote her name?Don't they all hate her?Can't wait to get her off the station?Now what is the reason for everyone to do this?
But the confusion was only for a moment, as she was as smart as she immediately figured out the reason.

What they did was not to accept her, but another more clever way to force her to leave.I want her to recognize her position and retreat in spite of difficulties.

She also has her own self-esteem and pride, and she really wants to face up to them and accept their provocations.But after thinking about it, he is indeed still a novice in terms of anchors.It is indeed very risky for such an immature her to serve as the anchor of two major programs at the same time.

Ye Li gave her and Ji Jinnian such a rare opportunity, and she couldn't conversely let Red Butterfly get into trouble because of satisfying her self-esteem.

So, she turned her eyes to Ye Li.

At this moment, Ye Li was full of thoughts.Although she has great trust in Lu Xinnuan, she doesn't want to take risks with [Time Walk].You know, if you make a wrong step now, it will be very difficult to recover.When she was suffering from not knowing how to speak, Qin Ruo spoke.

"Lu Xinnuan? NONONO. How can you give a professional program like [Time Walk] to a newcomer! Yes, I admit that she is a piece of jade, but it also takes time to hone. Now, for It's too early. I have a good suggestion, how about I serve as the anchor?"

After speaking, the whispering just now disappeared, and the audience fell silent, looking at Qin Ruo in disbelief.In everyone's impression, Qin Ruo has always been at the top of the entertainment industry, and has never participated in radio programs. This time, making an exception to accept the invitation is already shocking. Now that she has offered to be the anchor of the program.

They have reached this point, it seems that the relationship between her and Ji Jinnian is indeed extraordinary!

As the top queen in the entertainment industry, Qin Ruo has extraordinary influence in the industry. Naturally, she is not as down-and-out as Ji Jinnian is now. People from Red Butterfly dare not easily offend her, so of course everyone cannot refuse her proposal.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the meeting, Qin Ruo succeeded in replacing Xin Nuan as the female anchor of "Walk Through Time".

Ye Li finally let out a long breath, walked up to Qin Ruo and extended his hand politely, "Thank you!"

Qin Ruo said to Ye Li, but looked at Ji Jinnian, "Director Ye, thank me for what? Everyone said that I came to Red Butterfly for one purpose. Director Ye is so smart, he must know what the purpose is." .doesn't it?"

"Ahem, Empress Qin Datian, I also know that I am very attractive, but let me remind you that now I have a warm heart by my side. Moreover, this person will be by my side for the rest of my life. So, if there is really something for me Let’s give up your thoughts as soon as possible! I’m serious, I don’t want to make you sad.”

After a pause, Qin Ruo opened his mouth.

"Just like Yan Qing? I believe you don't want her to be sad either. But feelings are doomed from the very beginning. Whoever loves owes whomever she loves. The moment she fell in love with you, she already understood this truth. So , even if you have Lu Xinnuan by your side now, she still chooses to stay by your side, in the most humble way. She wants to help you escape from the current predicament and become a superstar that everyone is looking forward to again with all she has. "

Qin Ruo's tone was as indifferent as talking about the weather, but all the people who heard it changed their expressions.

"What mistake did I make to Yan Qing, I know, I've always known. I will pay it back, as long as she asks, anything is fine. Except for feelings." Gu Zi took Xinnuan's hand, and Ji Jinnian walked out of the conference room.After walking for a long time, he finally stopped when he saw no other people waiting, and held her face carefully.

"Fool, after hearing Qin Ruo's words just now, do you feel guilty again? Although it will be difficult, I hope you don't always blame yourself. Remember, you don't owe anyone, and the one who owes is me. It's because I want to keep you by my side so much, so I have to hurt Yan Qing."

(End of this chapter)

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