Chapter 103
After more than two months of careful preparation, the long-awaited "Time Walk" finally ushered in the premiere.

The premiere time is 8 pm. Before that, Ji Jinnian and Qin Ruo, accompanied by the assistance of the staff, had rehearsed and rehearsed many times for a long time.

Everyone looked at Ji Jinnian who was sitting there earnestly rehearsing, and showed their appreciation.After letting go of all the prejudice against him in the past, it is just the pure appreciation that comes out naturally.

It is really hard for someone who is doing live broadcasting for the first time to be able to do what he does.

Time passed quickly, and after rehearsals over and over again, it finally came to the real live broadcast.

I can only hear Ji Jinnian's magnetic voice flowing through the entire space, "Time flies, memories are eternal, and emotions are immortal. Let us listen to the music and walk in the flowing time." We meet, welcome everyone to listen. I am Ji Jinnian."

"They say that you can't meet the people in your memories, and you can't remember them anymore after you meet them. If there is a person in your heart who you want to meet but can't meet, please tell me, let me tell you with music, there is no Don’t rush to the end of what you have done. You have said countless times that you want to give up, but you still don’t want to let go, so you struggle repeatedly in your heart and still don’t know the answer. Then please tell me, I will play a song to tell you that there is a way to let go You have to get it. There is always someone who will stand in front of you, waiting for you to get it. Hello everyone, I am Qin Ruo."

"If you feel lonely and helpless, please turn on the radio. At 8 o'clock every night in the future, [Time Walk] will see you, and let the music heal us."

The music sounded slowly, with a touch of sadness, which made the heart quiet down with the music unconsciously. "In a certain place in every heart, there is always a memory that lingers. What is the lingering memory in your heart? What everyone is listening to now is "Moonlight in the City" from Xu Meijing. Let us start today's time journey with singing."

Both Qin Ruo and Ji Jinnian are very sensitive to music. They can interpret the feelings that the song wants to express very well with words. As professional singers, they both have the same charming voice, so the whole live broadcast is very exciting from the beginning to the end. smoothly.

Seeing the audience's high praise for "Walk Through Time" on the message board of the program, Ye Li showed a satisfied smile.

And this is just the beginning.

[Time Walk] has been ranked No. [-] in the same period of programs since it was broadcast.It has received unanimous praise in every aspect.Not only the audience's recognition, but also the high appreciation of peers.It can even be said that [Time Walk] started a brand new journey of Red Butterfly.

Gradually, as the show became more and more popular, Ji Jinnian, as the anchor, regained fans who liked him.

In Red Butterfly's forum, they said that Ji Jinnian's voice can capture people's hearts through radio waves.They said that the stories Ji Jinnian told the audience and the songs he chose were so easy to fall for.They said that Ji Jinnian, who had lost his former aura as a big star, showed a little-known side of him as the host of a radio show.Unlike the indifference before, it seems to have become a confidant who understands you best.They also said that Lu Xinnuan was so happy to have such a gentle and delicate boyfriend.

When she saw these words, Xinnuan sat on the recliner by the window, with a white notebook on her lap, and her fingers carefully slid across the keyboard.

Suddenly, the sliding fingers stopped.

Staying in the sentence "He tried so hard to warm those hurt hearts, but forgot to hide the loneliness in his heart, but I heard the helplessness and loneliness. It's hard to be with her whom he loves so much, why still Feel lonely?"

The sun rises outside the window and shines into the room through the leaves.Will such a ray of sunlight be dazzling?If not, how could the tears slide down the moment he raised his head?
She put down her books, went to the window and stared at the birds flying around the trees.

"Ji Jinnian, do you feel lonely? Whether it was 8 years ago or 8 years later, I want to protect you. What can I do to make you no longer feel lonely? Do you know? Every day my heart is Struggling hard, every time I make up my mind to accept you, another self in my memory will come out and say to me, "No, absolutely not. I will never be qualified to you, not only because I once put you I left you alone because of the reason why I had to leave you. It was because I didn’t know what the reason was that I was even more afraid. I will never forget what my mother said to me that day. My mother said, if you don’t want to If it hurts more, then leave. If you don’t want you to hate me for the rest of your life, then leave. In order not to let you hate me, I chose to leave back then. But now, what’s the difference? When the answer to that mystery has not been revealed Before, I still didn't have the courage to walk towards you. Compared to standing in the corner and watching you silently, I am more afraid of losing you forever. You won't understand this kind of feeling. "

The success of [Walk Through Time] shocked everyone, and naturally he couldn't say anything about being unqualified to be an anchor to Ji Jinnian.In line with the principle of striking while the iron is hot, Ye Li immediately held an emergency meeting and announced that Ji Jinnian and Xin Nuan would take over immediately [Zero Night Talk].

With the precedent of "Walk Through Time", no one raised any doubts. Even Lan Duo, who was plausible before, was deeply impressed by Ji Jinnian's host.

[Zero Night Talk] and [Time Walk] are different types of programs, but they are subtly similar.

They all exist for one purpose, through music and words, to comfort those souls who have been hurt or feel lonely in the vast crowd.

Xinnuan really likes the greeting at the beginning of [Zero Night Talk]: No matter where you are in the world, I hope to warm you with my voice.

The program starts at 12 o'clock in the morning and lasts for 1 hour.

The text editor had already drafted the draft of the program, but it was rejected by Ji Jinnian.Ye Li's trust in the two of them flattered Xinnuan as the person involved, and he didn't stop Ji Jinnian's behavior. He just smiled and said to them, "Compared with reading from a script, I also hope to express my true heart directly." Go ahead, Xinnuan, don’t have any scruples, let go and do it, with Jinnian by your side, any difficulties will not be difficult. Because your hearts are closely linked together.”

(End of this chapter)

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