Chapter 111 Destruction or Rebirth

When Xinnuan woke up, it was already dusk and the lights were on.Standing by the window and looking at the strange things outside, she suddenly remembered that she had moved into Ji Jinnian's house not long ago.

His reason was that it was more convenient for her to be by his side as an assistant.At first, she was extremely resistant in her heart, because she was really afraid that she would lose control of her feelings for him, and thus do something that she would regret.However, at a certain moment, it suddenly occurred to her that someone had inadvertently told her about life in the crew.

Although the picture presented in the public eye is beautiful and shocking, it is the result of countless painstaking efforts.The bitterness and hardship involved are beyond the imagination of many people.

Therefore, she wants to be by his side when he is struggling, and do what she can for him.

No matter how horrible others say, I can't understand it without personal experience.When she integrated into that environment, she realized that her imagination was so beautiful.

The next morning, she was woken up by the alarm clock.After washing up, he went to Ji Jinnian's room to wake him up, but knocked on the door for a long time without getting a response.Suddenly, her eyes were drawn to something on the table.

Breakfast, a very elegant breakfast is placed on the dining table, with a post-it note pressed underneath.

There is a scene this morning. I went to the crew to shoot first. The location is Guanyun Mountain. Come slowly after you have breakfast. Don’t worry.Be sure to finish your breakfast.

Xin Nuan murmured softly, and went to shoot without making a sound early in the morning, while she lay on the bed and slept soundly, what kind of assistant is this.Although he was extremely dissatisfied with his actions, he still finished the breakfast he had prepared.

When she arrived at Guanyun Mountain, she was filming a scene between Ji Jinnian and the heroine.

Both of them were fully integrated into the roles, and their excellent acting skills shocked everyone present.

The mask on the woman's face was accidentally torn off by the man during the fight. Looking at the delicate and slightly familiar face under the mask, he froze there, staring straight into the woman's eyes, eager to get a The answer to "Who the hell are you?"

"Isn't it obvious enough? I'm not the one who came to take your life."

"Have we met before?"

Just seeing this short moment, Xin Nuan knew that this story must end in tragedy.What kind of beginning is doomed to what kind of ending.

"He acted very well, right?" I don't know when Yan Qing came to her side "You know? I thought he could only belong to the stage, the big screen, and definitely not to a certain person. So even if I love him again , and didn't want to take him as my own. Until you appeared. You let him easily overthrow everything I believed before, and it made me feel extremely anxious. I was afraid that you would monopolize his beauty, and that you would destroy Give up everything he owns."

"I literally let him ruin everything."

No, I thought so at one point, but now I realize how wrong we were all.What we see is just the surface that anyone can see with the naked eye.We, deceived by appearances, ignore the most important things.It is said that when a person loses something, he must gain something else.Although he fell from the clouds because of you, he has become more mature and brave because of this, and he knows how to protect the people he cares about.Moreover, his current performance has become more complete, more soulful, and more moving than before.Although it has been excellent in the past, there is always something missing.I know that this change is all because of you.I also have the courage to admit that no one in this world can replace you.Therefore, what seems to be destruction may be a kind of rebirth instead.The current him is the real and complete him, the previous one was just Ji Jinnian who lived with a mask.So, stay with him!He needs you. "

"It's just a scene between us. It should be over when he returns to his original position, isn't it?"

"You also know that it's no longer pure acting! He finally lived with his true face, do you have the heart to use your own departure to make him put on a false mask again? Lu Xinnuan, don't be so cruel to Ah Nian .He looks so uninhibited, but he is actually more fragile than anyone else in his heart."

"I know." Otherwise, she would not have thought of committing suicide because of her departure.

After saying those words, Yan Qing left alone.Looking at her gradually receding figure, Xin Nuan feels stuffy in her heart.

For Yan Qing, she has always been so guilty.If it wasn't for her, Yan Qing might have already obtained Ji Jinnian's love through persistence and waiting.It was she who caused Yan Qing to lose it before he got it.

The line of sight became blurred, maybe it was the fog on the mountain!

When she turned around, she just bumped into a broad chest, and the man's powerful arms surrounded her whole body.She could tell who it was without looking up, she said timidly.

"Is the scene ready?

He leaned over her shoulder, although he tried his best to make his tone look relaxed, but he still felt his exhaustion clearly in his heart, "Of course, I don't even look at who I am. I'm Ji Jinnian, there's no reason for NG, of course it is One time."

Why is this man praising himself all the time? If he is more humble, he will die!

Xin Nuan chuckled, and couldn't help laughing out loud.Sensing her shoulders twitching, Ji Jinnian pulled her away slightly, and stared at her feigning displeasure, "Are you kidding me?"

Of course she refused to admit it, and shook her head desperately.

"I'm just stating a fact, is it so funny?"

"I know, you really acted so well that people can't tell whether it's acting or the real thing."

She obviously just praised his acting skills, but he misinterpreted it into another meaning because of his own affection.Holding her hand, he explained nervously, "God, you didn't misunderstand something, right? I acted very realistically, it was just because of my good acting skills, it was definitely not because I acted with real feelings. No matter how charming she is I only see her as a co-actor."

He pulled her into the crowd while he was talking. Before Xin Nuan could figure out how to greet these people, he heard him announce loudly, "Although we have met before, let's forget the unpleasant meeting! I am now I would like to introduce this woman to everyone again. She is called Lu Xinnuan, the woman I love the most in my life, and the woman I can't let go of. She is also my new assistant, and will stay with me on the set for the rest of the time. I No matter what everyone thinks of us, I hope we don't hurt her."

(End of this chapter)

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