Chapter 112 Play is like life, life is like play

Play is like life, life is like play

Everyone smiled and agreed on the surface, but as long as Ji Jinnian was away, Xin Nuan could still hear them talking about themselves as a topic of conversation.

"We made it to that point last time, since Lu Xinnuan dared to come to the crew of [Heavenly Killer], it's really courageous!"

"She can shamelessly date Ji Jinnian, what else is she afraid to do?"

"It's made Yan Qing so miserable, and you still show your love to Ji Jinnian in public every now and then, aren't you afraid of thunder?" Maybe she's used to hearing such sharp and vicious words too much, and they don't have much attack power on her.Even if you hear her, you can completely ignore it, just treat it as hearing a mosquito scream, and even laugh it off.But when she passed through the crowd and heard the words below, she felt uncomfortable. '" To put it bluntly, this time I came to the crew as an assistant, but in fact, I didn't come to put on a show, announcing to the world how much the two of them love each other, how much they are like glue."

"That's not true, otherwise there would be no assistant who would treat her like that. Ji Jinnian came to catch the show after 6 o'clock in the morning. She was lucky, and came here slowly after 9 o'clock."

She walked to the side silently, sat on the ground and looked at Ji Jinnian who was still filming.

Why did he do that?Make her feel so guilty?Taking advantage of the break in the middle, she asked Ji Jinnian to get an answer.

He picked up a chicken leg in the bento box and handed it to her mouth, and replied dotingly after she ate it.

"You are indeed my assistant now, but before that you were my woman first. When I got up, I saw my woman was sleeping soundly and I was reluctant to wake her up. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Don't do this again in the future, I will ask the director to give me a copy of the filming schedule, and I will take care of everything with all my heart." As she spoke, she was about to find the director, but Ji Jinnian grabbed her and pulled her to him, bowing her head looking at her.

Looking at her face, he sighed softly.Holding her face gently, he asked in a low voice.

"Did someone tell you something? Is it that group of people? I clearly warned them not to hurt you. I think they really didn't listen to what I said." To that group of people, she immediately turned around, Xin Nuan understood what he was going to do, and hurriedly grabbed him before he walked over, "Don't go, I'm fine. They're right. Since I'm an assistant now, I should fulfill the responsibility of an assistant. If one day they say something wrong and make me unhappy, I will naturally rush to argue with them. Don't you know? I was not the kind of character to be bullied since I was a child. "

He lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something, and after a while, he began to tease her, "That's right, according to the current words, you are completely a woman."

But no matter how manly a female man is, she is still a woman when facing the person she cares about.

After Xinnuan got the shooting itinerary, she couldn't wait to open it and read it. She couldn't tell what it was like.

.She knows that as an actress, although she is glamorous on the surface, she has paid a lot under that gorgeous appearance.Just like some out-of-date female stars she once interviewed.Although they are all in the past tense now, it is undeniable that they have created many legends.

Among them, an actress abruptly reduced her weight from 150 catties to 100 catties in order to become an actress.At the beginning, she took medicine, and she lost weight, but it didn't take long for her to rebound, and after the rebound, she was even fatter than before.Later, she tried many different methods one after another, but none of them achieved the desired effect.In the end she chose the most primitive method - dieting.It was a very difficult process. She fainted several times and was admitted to the hospital because of hypoglycemia, but she still did not give up for her dream.With her unremitting efforts, she finally turned into the beautiful look she wanted. She also successfully passed the movie audition and stepped into the show business circle she dreamed of.

There is also a female singer, in order to show the most beautiful posture in front of the audience, she constantly challenges difficult dance steps, and her injuries and fractures have become commonplace.

The complexity of the entertainment industry is recognized by the outside world.Many people yearn for that circle, want to enjoy the taste of being admired by all people, step into it recklessly, and sell their bodies and even their souls for the sake of being superior.

Although there is a dirty side, there is still a piece of pure land in the entertainment industry after all.

There is also a group of people who, instead of relying on their beautiful appearance, choose to take shortcuts and fly to the top, but rely on their own efforts to climb up step by step.

During the next three months of filming, Xinnuan truly realized how difficult it is to be in this circle.

The staff and actors got up very early to prepare for the shooting, and they didn't rest until late.Sometimes for the framing of some special scenes, the shooting schedule will be temporarily changed.Many times, everyone will be woken up by the phone while still asleep, and then hurriedly get up in the middle of the night to rush to the shooting location.Not even a few hours of sleep at the end of the day.

Although everyone doesn't like themselves, Xinnuan clearly feels how hard they work.

(End of this chapter)

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