Chapter 113
When the actors were filming, some other staff members would gather around to chat and chat, laughing and laughing from time to time, but no one ever asked her to join them.She knew they had never liked her.So she didn't try to blend in. Most of the time, she just stayed aside silently, thinking about some things quietly.

As an assistant, her schedule is exactly the same as Ji Jinnian's.Although I always remind myself that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at me, sometimes I am too tired and fall asleep.Often when she woke up, she would find herself lying on Ji Jinnian's lap. The first time she felt too embarrassed, she continued to pretend to be asleep on purpose, but she gradually got used to it after more times.

Once again she fell asleep on the mountain, and when she woke up, she lay on Ji Jinnian's lap as usual.She looked up and found that it was already dark.

Besides her and Ji Jinnian, there was no one else in sight.

"Where are the others?" She moved her numb body, and a coat fell to the ground.Ji Jinnian bent down and picked up the coat, and put it on her again, "It's cold on the mountain at night, be careful of catching cold."

"What about them?" she asked again.

"Shooting on the top of the mountain not far from here, I saw that you were sleeping so soundly, so I didn't call you. I have already said hello to the director, and I will call me when it is my turn. See you are so tired, I watched I feel bad, or I will take you home first."

"I'm fine. Where are they, let's go there!" She is really not used to being alone with him, especially when looking at his eyes, she feels as if she will be seen through by him at any time, any disguise, in front of him There is nothing to hide.

Or because she had slept for too long, her legs suddenly went limp just after taking two steps, and she fell to the ground. The calf was scratched by the scattered branches on the ground, and blood flowed out immediately.As if she didn't feel anything, she immediately stood up again and wanted to continue walking.

Ji Jinnian's angry voice came from behind, "Have you always treated yourself like this before?" Then he stretched out his hand and pulled her onto him.One hand fixed her whole body to prevent her from getting up, and the other hand immediately tore off the corner of the shirt, and helped her bandage the injured place just now regardless of her resistance.

"I just scratched a little bit. You seem to be exaggerating a little bit." What she hadn't said yet was that the shirt was very expensive, and it must have been used too much for dressing up the wound!In fact, she didn't have the courage to say the latter sentence.

"It might just look a little bit to other people, but do you know how much it hurts me if you scratch a little bit?"

Xinnuan didn't answer any more, just quietly watching him with his head bowed and bandaged, so tempting.

"It's all hurt like this, so don't rush over. Let's just sit here and have a rest! Someone will notify us later! If you don't know what to say to me, don't say anything. If you are tired, you can Sleep for a while, I have several scenes to shoot today, I will be busy then, we have to do a good job of recharging our batteries while we have nothing to do now."

Xinnuan couldn't find a reason to refuse.But she still shook her head slightly when he moved his shoulder close to her and motioned her to lean in, explaining that she had had enough sleep earlier.In fact, she also knew that the reason she gave was really bad, how could she get enough sleep while staying in the crew?

In order to get rid of her strong drowsiness, Xinnuan began to shift her attention to think about things.She was wondering why the director had to schedule Ji Jinnian's scenes so scatteredly?She has a general idea of ​​the scenes that need to be filmed that day, so she can shoot several scenes of Ji Jinnian together, and according to his mature acting skills, it can save a lot of time.

She thought that maybe the director didn't want to see them like everyone else, so he deliberately made trouble for them by taking advantage of the shooting schedule, but her intuition told her that was not the case.After getting along for a period of time, she found that Wu Tianhan was quite different from what the outside world said.Although he looks very strict on the surface, it is all for the sake of artistic excellence.He's actually a very easy guy to get along with.Although he is an internationally renowned director with a lot of money, he is as close to his subordinates as friends.

Or was it proposed by the heroine? The heroine of [Heavenly Killer] is a queen figure in the circle. Although she is an entertainer, she is said to have a close relationship with the leaders of both black and white. Such a status makes few people dare to refuse her request.However, at first glance, Wu Tianhan was not the kind of person who would be afraid of power.

So, what is the reason why Ji Jinnian's rehearsals are so scattered?
It's really messy, Xinnuan rubbed her hair, muttered in dissatisfaction, in order to concentrate her attention, she put her eyes on the big tree directly in front of her, looking at it, she just felt Everything around him kept spinning, and then fell on Ji Jinnian's shoulders.

Hearing her even breathing, remembering the expression on her swearing that she had had enough sleep just now, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It was late at night, and there was a whistling wind in my ears, the leaves were rustling by the wind, and occasionally there were a few calls of unknown animals.

Xin Nuan shrank unconsciously in her sleep, and subconsciously moved closer to Ji Jinnian.Ji Jinnian gently stroked her cheek with his fingertips, and murmured, "Would you still feel scared even though you've fallen asleep? I'm here, don't be afraid."

I don't know if I heard his voice, but Xinnuan didn't move any more, her brows relaxed, and she fell asleep peacefully on his shoulder.

And Ji Jinnian hummed a moving melody softly, accompanying her to sleep.

Time slipped away at the fingertips every minute and every second, and Xin Nuan had a very beautiful dream during that time.She dreamed that she and Ji Jinnian didn't have the parting that happened back then, they had always been together well and never separated.Even if everything is good in the dream, it is not reality after all.What the dream alludes to is the most real desire deep in the human heart, but after waking up from the dream, one still has to face reality.

Xinnuan was awakened by a loud sneeze.

She woke up in a jerk, and when she looked up and saw Ji Jinnian's magnified face several times, her first feeling was: As expected of the King of Songs, even a sneeze is so extraordinary.

Suddenly he laughed foolishly.

(End of this chapter)

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