Chapter 114 She Thinks Time Is Too Powerful
"When did you wake up? What are you giggling about again? Ah???TI???" Another loud sneeze, Xin Nuan finally couldn't help laughing.But she couldn't stop laughing, because she found that Ji Jinnian's expression was wrong.

The whole face was flushed, an unusual redness.

He sneezed a few more times, then started coughing.Xin Nuan hurriedly reached out to touch his forehead, and as soon as she touched it, she immediately yelled, "Ji Jinnian, why do you have a fever?" The clothes on her body fell to the ground with her movements, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

In addition to the coat he put on her at first, another sweater was put on at some point.And he was only wearing an extremely thin shirt.

She suddenly lost her temper and yelled at him, "Are you crazy? It's such a cold day."

"I'm just... afraid you'll catch a cold."

"Don't talk, keep your strength. I'll call the director right away. You will definitely not be able to continue filming today. I'll take you to the hospital."

Hastily took out his mobile phone and dialed the director's number.

"Director Wu, Mr. Ji may not be able to continue filming today. Can you delay his filming for a few days, he???"

"Are you still in the mountains?"

"Mr. Ji, don't you still have a few scenes to film?"

"I asked ami to call you to inform you that today's show is postponed until tomorrow. Didn't you receive the call? If I didn't notify you, I'm really sorry. Come down the mountain quickly! The weather on the mountain is very cold, be careful of catching a cold."

"I see."

When I hung up the phone, I was so heartbroken that I kicked a stone far away under my feet.She could tolerate some pranks before, but this time they really went too far.Ji Jinnian laughed loudly from behind.

"This is just like you, it reminds me of how you stood in front of me and protected me when I was young.

Xinnuan didn't answer, and reached out to help Ji Jinnian.Looking at her hands, he patted his chest.

"Are you worried about me? Don't worry, I'm strong and I'm fine."

"The way you sleep is exactly the same as when you were a child. It hasn't changed at all."

"It doesn't matter if you don't shoot, you are so tired, I can't bear to let you stay on the mountain for several hours. Let's have a good rest tonight!"

He chattered a lot along the way, which made his heart feel more confused and angrier, and he finally couldn't help but raised his voice and shouted.

"Please stop talking, okay? Don't you know how bad your condition is now? You need to maintain your strength. I'll take you to the hospital as soon as you go down the mountain."

"No, I'm going to say it because it feels more real. Otherwise I'd feel like I'm just dreaming that you're around."

"It's so dark on the mountain, and the weather is getting colder and colder. It might rain anytime soon. I'll carry you down the mountain!"

"I am a man, and you are a woman, and a woman I love deeply. Which man in the world do you think would let his woman do such a thing?"

Facing his deep eyes, Xin Nuan turned her head, trying to let herself ignore the deep affection revealed in his eyes.

"I just want to go down the mountain quickly. If I stay for a minute longer, it will be more dangerous."

"Aren't you afraid that I will faint here suddenly?"

"Stop guessing wildly, come up!" She said as she knelt down in front of him.However, after squatting for a long time, her back was still empty, and when she turned around, she almost touched the tip of his nose.He didn't know when he was also squatting on the ground, parallel to her height, the two of them were so close, so close that it made his heart feel uneasy, and just as he was about to stand up, he grabbed his wrist, "Why is everything so alike? The way you are angry because of me, the way you habitually lean on me when you sleep, the way you are clearly worried about me but you argue, and the way you stubbornly want to use your thin body to carry me on your back. Everything is so familiar."

What he said undoubtedly shocked Xin Nuan.It turned out that he still remembered those things so clearly.She thought that the years were too strong, and the memory of that time had long been beyond recognition in his heart.

He said that everything that happened now reminded him of when he was a child, she was not like this.What came to her mind was the time when he walked out of Lingshan in the heavy rain with her on his back.His broad shoulders, his rain-soaked hair, the smell of rain mixed with sweat on his body.And, his hot lips.

That kiss has troubled her for a long time. Although she tried to convince herself over and over again that it was just his last resort to keep her awake, what did the throbbing in her heart represent at that moment?

Subconsciously looking at his lips, one second he was still thinking, the next second he spread his arms and pulled her into his arms forcefully.What was so clear was the rhythmic heartbeat, but he couldn't tell if it was his or his own.

She realized what he was going to do next, and she rationally told herself that it was dangerous and she had to flee immediately, but her body went against her rationality and let his arms hug her tightly.

His arms around her changed positions, and slowly moved to her face, holding her face like holding a treasure.

The lips moved closer inch by inch, Xinnuan closed his eyes.But the kiss never fell.He just tapped her nose and sighed softly, "I want to kiss you, but I'm afraid of giving you a cold. I'm going crazy."

The road on the mountain was already rugged, and it was already midnight when we reached the bottom of the mountain.Xin Nuan carefully helped him into the car, and sat in the driver's seat by herself.

"How about going to the nearest People's Hospital?"

He rejected her proposal, "It's just a little cough, nothing serious, just go home! I feel so tired, I want to have a good rest!"


"Don't worry, I won't fall down so easily. I will make a comeback with the movie [Heavenly Killing]! Besides, aren't you by my side? You are the medicine to cure me."

Although reason keeps telling me to keep a distance from him, how can I not be soft-hearted and be tempted when facing such a man?
She started the engine and drove quickly back to his house.


Looking back, he saw a man who had passed out, his eyes closed.Xin Nuan buried her head on his shoulder and sighed softly, "It seems that I have to play the nature of a female man again." She bent down and carried him back into the room with all her strength.

During that process, I thought of the effective way to take care of Xiao Jin who was sick before. After putting him on the bed, I immediately connected the hot water, and after wetting the towel, I helped him wipe it bit by bit.

When trying to untie his clothes, his hands were shaking all the time, his heart warmed and he patted his throbbing chest over and over again, telling himself that no matter how embarrassing it was, he had to keep doing it, he was caught cold because of her, and he had to rely on the movie to get back to the top How could any man go wrong!
But the error still happened.

Because of her considerate care, Ji Jinnian's fever completely subsided the next morning, and she even smelled the aroma of breakfast when she woke up from the bed the next morning.

She scratched her head and tried desperately to remember how she ran to his bed. Last night when she was sitting in front of his bed, her upper eyelids and lower eyelids fought. Later? She seemed to be lying on his bed to sleep Got it, could it be after that???
Of course she wouldn't think that a patient would do anything to her, but she couldn't ignore the strong hug in a daze, and now thinking about it, her heart is still beating.

Thinking that there are more important things than her own random thoughts now, she hurriedly jumped out of bed.

"Let me do it!"

Unknowingly, 2 months have passed. Seeing that the film's finale is getting closer and closer, and everyone has put in so much effort for the film, I just hope that there will be no more accidents.

"Are you all ready? Today's Wia show is more difficult than other Wia shows, and of course it is more dangerous. You must be careful and careful, OK?"

After getting everyone's YES response, the official shooting started immediately.Xinnuan looked at Ji Jinnian who was standing not far away, her palms were sweating non-stop.

She knew earlier about the scenes that needed to be filmed that day, and persuaded him to postpone a filming while having breakfast. Although the fever subsided, her body still looked weak, and she was still worried that he would use that physical state to perform difficult scenes. shooting.

"You know? When I first stepped into this circle, I had times that were more difficult than now. It really doesn't matter. It won't take long. As long as [Heavenly Killing] is successful, I can stand on the top again. Although It doesn’t matter if you don’t want those things as long as you are with me, but I want to give you the best, and I want to prove it to those who don’t like us.”

Xin Nuan came to his senses and realized that Ji Jinnian had already been hoisted onto the wire out of thin air.Even though it was far away, she could still feel his eyes signaling her not to worry.

"Let's start??? OK, this look is very good."

But something seems wrong.Xinnuan was the first to notice the abnormality, "Director, Wia, Wia??? is gradually losing control."

"What? What's the situation?"

The staff in charge of Wia was already sweating profusely, "Director, there was nothing wrong with the inspection just now, but now there is indeed a malfunction."

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up to ensure Ji Jinnian's safety. The other personnel are also, go get the air cushion immediately. Don't let him get into trouble." But it was too late.

"No, it's completely out of control, I can't stop it, and I can't pull it back."

“啊啊啊啊啊!!”接二连三的尖叫声在片场响起来。I saw Ji Jinnian sliding straight down from the sky, like a crashed butterfly.

"Ji Jinnian???"

The heart-piercing cry trembled the hearts of everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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