Chapter 115 Don't Leave Him Alone
What a feeling it was, as if the whole world was about to be lost.That feeling is so familiar to Xin Nuan. Eight years ago, when she was kicked out of Ji's house by her mother, she was wandering lonely and alone in the crowded streets, looking at the sky in the tall buildings. Wanjiadenghuo is clearly aware that there is no time when there is no light for itself.

Although she tried her best to forget that pain in the days that followed, it persisted in her memory and could not be erased.

How afraid she was to go through that unforgettable pain again!

Now, this kind of pain is overwhelming again, like a raging tide, completely covering and submerging her.

He was quickly sent to the hospital. The doctor said that the head injury was too serious. Although he had undergone an operation, he could not wake up immediately. Further observation was needed, and Ji Jinnian's own willpower was also to be seen.

Looking at him unconscious, she wished she could bear all the pain for him.

"You haven't closed your eyes for a few days, go and have a rest! I'll take care of him." Yan Qing looked at Xin Nuan who was guarding Ji Jinnian's bed, and couldn't tell what it was like.It takes a lot of courage to reject someone who clearly loves her deeply.In fact, Xinnuan is very similar to her, she also obviously couldn't let go, but she had to let go.

"I'm fine."

"It doesn't matter. Do you know how distressed Jinnian will be when he sees you like this? He is already like this now, don't you want to collapse your own body? Go and rest. I'll call you as soon as he wakes up."

Suddenly, a third person's voice appeared in the ward.

"Heart warm, heart warm???"

"It's Jinnian who is talking." Yan Qing was ecstatic.

Ji Jinnian slowly opened his eyes and kept calling the same name.

"Heart warm, heart warm."

Xin Nuan quickly took his hand and replied.

"I am here, I am."

"Don't leave me, don't leave me alone again."

"I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry." Xinnuan broke down in tears.The two hands are holding each other so tightly, maybe there will be no more parting!Xin Nuan thought so at the time.During Ji Jinnian's coma, she thought a lot.After thinking about many things, she felt that she was the biggest fool in the world.

She admitted that she was a timid coward before, unable to accept his love unscrupulously.

But at the moment when he was wandering between life and death, she decided not to worry about the future that did not come, but to cherish the present happiness.

Since they both love each other deeply, why not be together?
"Fool, why do you say sorry. I should thank you. Do you know? I saw black and white impermanence, and they wanted to take me to the underworld. Of course I refused, because what would you do if I left? How could I Are you willing to leave you alone? So, I had a big fight with them, and then escaped from Huangquan Road."

Xin Nuan was amused by his words.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious, if it weren't for you, I might not have woken up." Hearing this, Xin Nuan hurriedly put her hand to his mouth to stop him from continuing.

"Don't say such things, we will all be good from now on."

Standing behind them, Yan Qing looked at the two with sincere smiles on their faces, but she was crying silently in her heart.People become humble in love.

You can bless your loved one with a smile on your face, but your heart aches for your complete loss.

Silently, she exited the ward, and confessed that no one would disturb the two of them.

Outside the ward, she leaned against the wall helplessly and laughed at herself, "I'm such a great saint!"

During the hospitalization, people from Red Butterfly visited the front desk many times.Ye Li joked, "Filming is so hard! Come back and be your famous anchor with peace of mind! You don't even know how much the ratings of Time Walk and Zero Night Talk have dropped since they were replaced by several anchors in turn. !"

"Who told them that their charm is not as good as mine."

Since I want to film, I definitely can't host the show every night.So I came up with a method of taking turns hosting, but even if there was a little air during the filming, Ji Jinnian would find time to return to the radio station to host.

In the beginning, I really wanted to use Red Butterfly Radio to return to the original position, but after such a long time, the meaning of Red Butterfly to it is no longer that simple.

Because I want to participate in a very grand international film festival, so the killing of God is imminent.After Ji Jinnian recuperated in the hospital for a few days, he said that he would be discharged from the hospital, and everyone naturally refused to agree.Especially Xinnuan, she can no longer tolerate his accident.

He just held her hand tightly, and a long and gentle kiss fell on her forehead, "The incident last time was just an accident, and my body has almost recovered, so there is nothing serious. I told you before, I want to Back to the original position, to the world
(End of this chapter)

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