Chapter 116 The Undeniable Battle

He walked to the door of her room and tapped on the door, "I'm sorry for what happened just now. Also, thank you, thank you for going back to see me. At least let me know that you still care about me. So, after waiting for so long It’s worth looking for.”

With everyone's joint efforts, "Heavenly Killing" was successfully completed soon.The crew began to promote the film through various channels, and Ji Jinnian would show up on any occasion with warmth, regardless of whether it was suitable or not.

For this reason, Wu Tianhan joked more than once, "Superstar Ji, I know you two are inseparably in love with each other, but don't be so exaggerated!"

He snapped his fingers, "Director Wu, I'm thinking about [Heavenly Killing], as a powerful means of publicity, when the new film is released, there will be scandals about the starring role as a gimmick. But you are too calm, so I volunteered, I reluctantly sacrificed my hue. You know, now Xinnuan and I are no longer unfavorable couples in the circle. A large number of fans are urging me to hurry up and marry Xinnuan!"

Yes.Although many people in the Tiansha crew did not want to see Ji Jinnian and Xin Nuan, since the two rescued the high school student who committed suicide together, the situation has gradually improved.More and more people are willing to believe that they are true love, and they are also willing to wish the two of them a long life together.

【Heavenly Killing】became popular before it was aired, and it has already aroused heated discussions among thousands of netizens on the Internet.Its success seemed inevitable.

Sure enough, as soon as the movie was released, it won the box office champion of the week, and it has continued to win for a long time.Extra games, or extra games, every movie theater is overcrowded.

Nowadays, no matter how badly a movie is made, as long as the leading actor has a high popularity, it can be sold at the box office, so the box office is not the only thing that determines whether a movie is good or bad, the most important thing is the movie itself.

【Heavenly Killing】is to guarantee the box office and at the same time get extremely high evaluation from the audience.

As a movie that integrates love, suspense and action, its delicate emotional drama has touched many young people, and they can't help but be moved to tears by the protagonist's sad and great love. The well-known martial arts director and martial arts expert Ji Jinnian is also well-known for his action scenes.

These successes were well within everyone's expectations.The ultimate goal of Wu Tianhan and Ji Jinnian is to hold an international film festival every five years.

"You believe I can succeed?"

Xinnuan nodded, "Of course."

"Then you will accompany me to this film festival?"

At that moment, my heart hesitated.

She had seen him standing on the radiant stage, like a god who was out of reach.She knew that this time he was about to go to a place that was more dazzling than all previous stages.

With such a humble and insignificant figure, how would she stand by his side?The one who can match him at the film festival should be a woman who stands at the top like him.

How could Ji Jinnian not know what she was thinking.

He hugged her gently, stroking her hair gently.

"Fool, don't think about what you have. You are my Ji Jinnian's woman, and I will make the whole world admit this fact."

After speaking, he let go of the hug, pulled Xinnuan up, and pulled her to the passenger seat of the car amidst her exclamation.

"What is this doing?"

"Fulfill my promise."

After a while, the car stopped in front of a gorgeous European-style building.Xinnuan got off the car and stood there in a daze. In front of her was the most luxurious and exquisite department store in Ancheng.

All the top international brands are sold inside, all of which are of high value, so people who come here to consume are either rich or expensive.She had only heard of it in the past, but now that she saw it with her own eyes, she realized that its luxury was far beyond her imagination.

This side is still admiring, but Ji Jinnian has pulled her hand up again, and a moment later she is already in a high-end clothing store.The shopping guide smiled like a flower and greeted her, "Ms. Lu, hello, please follow me. I will introduce our latest limited edition models to you."

She looked at Ji Jinnian suspiciously.

"Go! I want you to be the most dazzling woman in the film festival!"

She leaned close to his ear and said in a very low voice, "No need! The clothes here are very expensive." Besides, his acting career has just started to improve, so he can't be so extravagant.

Hearing what she said, he laughed heartily, "Haha, if other women would have posted about it long ago, you'd better care about the price of the dress here. I'm very happy, because only women who really love me will worry about me But it’s worth spending more money on the woman you love. And I’m not as depressed as before, I just got paid.” Ji Jinnian snapped his fingers, and the shopping guide came over with a few dresses.The style is simple and elegant, or novel and chic.

"Go and try!"

As soon as Xinnuan came out of the fitting room, the shop assistant's exclamation sounded.

It's so beautiful, that dress seems to be tailor-made for her, the perfect fit between the two.The lavender made her already fair skin even fairer, making her skin look like fat, and the perfect tailoring showed her good figure.A butterfly decoration on the shoulder plays a finishing touch, making her look noble in elegance.

Even Ji Jinnian, who was used to seeing all kinds of women, was stunned, his eyes fixed on her.

And Xinnuan herself felt very uncomfortable because she was wearing such a dress for the first time, her feet and hands moved unconsciously, and it was her inadvertent little movements that made Ji Jinnian's mouth dry.

Seeing this woman dressed so beautifully standing in front of him was undoubtedly a test of his self-control.He tore open a button on his clothes.

"I don't think there is any need to try any more, wrap it up!"

After the dress, Ji Jinnian took her to buy bags, accessories, and high heels to match the dress.

As soon as he got in the car, Ji Jinnian leaned forward, trapped her between the back of the car seat and his arms, and kissed her tightly.From just now, he has always wanted to do this action.Ever since he almost lost control and wanted her that night, he seemed to be addicted to kissing her, and he always missed the taste of her lips.

This kiss was too sudden, heartwarming and unavoidable.As soon as she stretched out her hand to push, he had already left her lips.

She looked at him, seeming to complain silently.

"Don't look at me like that, or I won't be able to resist doing it again, and the next time will definitely be more than just like that." Hearing this, she was so frightened that she hurriedly turned her face away.

He reached up to straighten her head and rubbed her hair. "Ouch, it's so cute. Don't worry, I won't be here again. At least for now."

He did not kiss her again, but while driving the car, he also held her firmly with his big palm.

The car drove slowly on the road.He suddenly said, "Okay, now that the equipment is ready and the goddess' kiss has been obtained, I must fight hard."

Xin Nuan expressed doubts about the words he said, "Fight?"

"Yes, the battle at the film festival. I will do the battle. You just need to dress up and stand aside to cheer for me. I want to share the joy of success with you, don't use any Reason to reject me, huh?"

Can she still refuse?

(End of this chapter)

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