Chapter 117 I Can't Bear It After All
Three days later, the flight to France took off at the airport, Wu Tianhan, Liu Xinwei, Ji Jinnian, and Lu Xinnuan were sitting in the luxurious cabin.

From the beginning to the end, whether he was awake or asleep, walking or standing, Ji Jinnian always held Xin Nuan's hand tightly.

After all, there were other people present, so Xin Nuan couldn't push him away, so she just let him pull her.

After reading the book, I fell asleep without knowing it. When I opened my eyes, the plane was about to land.

Xin Nuan was very nervous, it was the first time to participate in such an event, and it was in the name of Ji Jinnian's girlfriend, how could she not be nervous?I'm afraid that a little mistake in the middle will have a bad impact on Ji Jinnian.

The hotel they stayed in was the official hotel where entertainers from all over the world who came to participate in the film festival stayed every year, so it was naturally extremely luxurious.

Since Xinnuan and Ji Jinnian are going out as couples, they only booked one room.Although Xin Nuan appeared calm and composed on the surface, she actually felt embarrassed in her heart.

"Don't be so nervous, take it easy."


"Also, I will sleep on the sofa and will never touch you. Don't worry, just have a good rest at night!"


"The opening ceremony of the film festival will not be officially held until two days later. The reason why I came early is to take this opportunity to experience the exotic customs of this country famous for its romance."

As he said, after settling in the hotel, he took her to visit many famous local attractions and eat a lot of delicious food.Sit in the square and feed the pigeons, and let the painters on the street draw a sketch for yourself.

The two days passed quickly, and my heart was filled with happiness.At that time, she never thought that behind this happiness was a long-planned conspiracy. After the short-lived happiness, what awaited her was a big storm.

But besides the head responsible for thinking, what dominates the affairs of the world is the beating heart.

Often times, the inner feelings will make him do something that goes against his mind.

On the eve of the opening ceremony, Ji Jinnian asked Xin Nuan to meet at a local bar.He said he had something very important to tell her.She didn't doubt it, and went to the appointment.

He said that the bar named Rouse was not as crowded as other bars, and the people who went there were people of status, so she didn't have to worry, she just sat and waited for him with peace of mind.He finished the matter at hand and rushed over immediately.

Indeed, Rouse's style is completely different from the bars that Xin Nuan has been to before.At least she doesn't hate it.He found a corner and sat down, waiting for Ji Jinnian.

On the stage, a blond woman was singing a gentle and long love song, and in the middle of the dance floor, everyone embraced and danced to the music.

"This beautiful lady, can I buy you a glass of wine?" My heart was warm and startled, I didn't expect to meet a Chinese here.

Seeing her hesitate, the man sat down directly in front of her and handed her a glass of wine.

"It's just a way of being friendly."

In the end, Xin Nuan still took the wine handed over by the man.

"Are you here for a tour?"

Xin Nuan shook her head, feeling a little dizzy.

"Oh, by the way, the film festival is about to start. Are you here to participate in the film festival? Are you an audience member, an insider, or the lover of a famous celebrity?"

Xin Nuan nodded, feeling dizzy more and more.What happened to her?Obviously only drank a glass of wine!Although the amount of alcohol is not a lot, it is not enough to get drunk to this extent.

She subconsciously shifted her gaze to the empty wine glass in front of her.A chill began to spread throughout the body.Could it be that there was something wrong with the glass of wine just now?Blame myself for being too negligent.

She wanted to try her best to stay awake, and she only thought that Ji Jinnian would come quickly, as long as he came, she would be safe.

But no matter how strong her willpower was, how could she beat the effect of the medicine?Soon she passed out and lay down on the table in front of her.

Seeing this, the man immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "She has passed out, which hotel should she go to?"

A deep man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ailisi Hotel, room 1302, someone will give you the room card at the entrance of the hotel."

"Understood." After hanging up the phone, the man looked at Xinnuan, and said to himself, "Hey, if I didn't owe gambling debts, I wouldn't want to do such an outrageous thing. If you want to blame it, you are too unlucky, girl." It's gone." To be honest, he still couldn't bear to lay hands on such a weak and beautiful woman.But when he thought of his huge gambling debt, he couldn't care about anything else.

It all started with that sudden phone call 5 hours ago.

It was a man who called him and asked him to drug Xinnuan and take her to the hotel.No need to really do anything, just lay naked on the bed together.Other things will be done.Of course, the rewards for doing all this are pretty good.In order to repay the gambling debt, he agreed.

Half an hour later, he reached the Ailisi Hotel with his heart warmed up, and successfully got the room card that he had prepared earlier from a man wearing a hat at the entrance of the hotel.

In the elevator, the man opened up his heart-warming clothes as required, revealing a large expanse of fair skin on his chest.

Suddenly, Xin Nuan, who had fainted, began to speak in a daze.

"Jinnian, Ji Jinnian, I'm sorry??? Also, that is, thank you. I'm sorry, I left you, thank you for looking for me for so many years, thank you for giving me the opportunity to repay you."

The man turned his head and thought, Ji Jinnian, such a familiar name.

I haven't figured out who it is, but I have already arrived at Room 1302.

Just as he was supporting Xin Nuan, who was disheveled, and opened the door with his room card, a man wearing sunglasses and a hat not far away held a single camera and kept pressing the shooting button on the two of them.

No one knew that in the room next to Room 1302, in front of the large French windows, stood a man in black, in stark contrast to the bright red liquid in his hand.

The man staring at the cars passing by downstairs should obviously be the image of an inviolable god, but at this moment, he looks more like Satan in the dark night, especially when there is an extremely cold smile on the corner of his mouth, it makes people shudder even more.

He muttered to himself, "It should be here! Everything will be over soon."

He should be impatient for that moment to come.But why is there a mess in my heart, and there are always some pictures that shouldn't appear in my mind.

"No, you can't think about it, it's fake, it's all fake."

But the image in my mind can't be lingered.

Irritable, very irritable.He tugged at the collar of his clothes, and drank another whole glass of red wine in one breath, but he still couldn't suppress the irritability in his heart.

Suddenly, the phone on the table vibrated.He inadvertently saw the flickering head on can that be possible?It is absolutely impossible for her to send him a message at this time.Walking over curiously, he picked up his phone and found that it was indeed the message she sent.

Open it, and there is a very short line of words on it.

The next few days are very important for you, I believe in you, you can steal the hearts of audiences all over the world.Also, do you remember what day it is? 8 years ago today, you promised me that you would give me the best of everything.Although fate separated us for 8 years, I am very glad that you found me.So today, 8 years later, I want to say to you, from now on, I will always be by your side, unless one day you are tired of me, otherwise I will never leave. "

The inner irritability became more intense.

His heart became more and more chaotic, so chaotic that he couldn't control it.Although my head told me that I couldn't stop, the voice in my heart said that I couldn't continue, otherwise it would cause an irreparable situation.

Immediately dialed the number, "Come out from 1302, immediately, immediately."


"Don't worry, you won't lose a cent of your reward."

Then he dialed another number, "The camera is there, you can leave. The money has been transferred to the card, please confirm."

After hanging up the phone, he didn't even have time to put on his coat, and hurriedly walked towards the gate.

She said to herself, "My heart is warm, Lu Xinnuan, I'm sorry."

What was reflected in the mirror was an extremely handsome face - Ji Jinnian.

(End of this chapter)

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