Chapter 118 Is Everything Over?
After thinking about these, he made a prudent decision.Give Lu Xinnuan some more time.

Let time tell everything!

Just as he was about to turn around and go back to his room, he suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him, a voice that shouldn't be here at all.

"Fool, all are fools, why do you have to be fools? I hate it, I hate it."

It was clearly talking nonsense after drinking.

He turned his head and saw Yan Qing's delicate and beautiful face.At this time, a pair of fat big hands were stroking the face everywhere.

"Miss Yan, you are so beautiful, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Ji Jinnian couldn't stand it any longer, walked over with strides, and swung the man's hand off Yan Qing's face, "What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Yan Qing, who was drunk, raised his head in a daze, and reached out to touch Ji Jinnian, "A Nian, it's really A Nian! It's amazing, since I will see A Nian here."

Ji Jinnian was angry, it seemed that this woman was quite drunk.

"Why are you here? Who is this man?"

The man suddenly laughed mockingly, "Haha, who am I talking about! It turned out to be Ji Jinnian! Why, do you want a hero to save the beauty?"

"Let her go, or I won't guarantee what will happen."

The man looked contemptuous, "Oh, I'm so scared. Ji Jinnian, what are you doing here? Don't you know that this woman took the initiative to ask me out?"

Ji Jinnian shook his head in disbelief.This man must be talking nonsense.For a woman like Yan Qing, even if he rejects her, it is absolutely impossible for her arrogance to let such a man spoil her.

"Why, don't you believe me? Do you want me to show you the evidence, the invitation message she sent me. You said that a beautiful woman like her invited me, can I refuse? Chunxiao is worth a thousand dollars, I can't wait to have a good time Get a taste of her, if you are sensible, get out of here quickly."

"Shut up, I absolutely cannot let you insult Yan Qing today."

The man laughed out loud as if hearing a big joke, "Insult? Ji Jinnian, don't tell me how noble your face looks. Let me tell you, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Producer , the director, the investor, do you think I will be the only man she invited? Hmm? As for why she did this, is it because she is cheap or has other reasons. I think you should know better than me! She With you???"

Before the man finished speaking, Ji Jinnian's fist had already swung towards his face, and soon bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

"You dare to hit me?" The man raised his hand to fight back.Ji Jinnian is an expert in fighting, and before the opponent could make a move, another fist was thrown at him again.

The man covered his swollen face, gritted his teeth and said, "Ji Jinnian, do you know who I am? Do you know the consequences of offending me?"

Is Ji Jinnian the kind of person who would be afraid?Especially when I heard what the man said just now, there was a raging fire in my heart.Punch after punch, the man had no chance to fight back, and fell to the ground in embarrassment within a moment.

Hearing the man's wailing, Yan Qing gradually came to his senses.When she saw the man with a bruised nose and swollen face, and Ji Jinnian who was still shaking his fists, she hurried forward to grab his wrist.

"Don't fight anymore, if you continue to fight, you will die."

"Step aside."

"Ah Nian, I beg you."

Ji Jinnian let go of his fist, and looked at her coldly, "Tell me, why did you appear here? With this man? And he just said that you took the initiative to invite men, is it true?"

"Ah Nian, I??? I will explain all this to you. You can apologize to Mr. Wu first, okay?"

"Apologize to this kind of scum? I can't do it."

Yan Qing walked over to help the man on the ground, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry, I apologize to you."

"Hmph, do you think it's okay to be sorry? I must let this kid have a taste of offending me."

"I beg you, this time, let the adults ignore the villains and let him go. OK?"

"Then what can you give me?"

"if I???"

Ji Jinnian couldn't bear it anymore, he pulled up Yan Qing who was half squatting, "That's enough, how far do you want to go. Let me ask you again, is everything that man said just now true?"

"Ah Nian, I???"

Seeing Yan Qing hesitating, Ji Jinnian already had the answer.

"Needless to say, I understand." Regardless of her struggle, he took her to Room 1303.

"Wash and have a good rest! I won't let that man get close to you again."

"A Nian, do you know what you did just now?"

He yelled, "Then do you know what you have done? Yan Qing, why did you make me a joke? Huh? Why do you do those things for me on your own? What am I, I want you to do it How far? You tell me? Well, I don’t want to quarrel with you now, so you should have a good rest!”

"where are you going?"

"Don't worry, that man is absolutely impossible to cause danger to you. I'm worried that Xin Nuan will be scared when she wakes up."

Yan Qing stood there in a daze.

That's it, that's it.Staring at the back of him leaving resolutely, tears rolled down uncontrollably.


The next morning, Xin Nuan opened her eyes with a dazed expression.

The room she was in was not the original hotel.She remembered that Ji Jinnian asked her to wait for him at the bar last night, and then a man came over and offered her a glass of wine.There must be something wrong with that glass of wine, what happened afterwards?Still thinking, she turned her head and saw Ji Jinnian lying beside the bed.

Look at his tired look, did he just lie down like this last night?
"Did you find that I am very handsome at a close distance?"

She changed the topic, "What time is it now? Let's go back to the hotel quickly. There are still many things to be busy later, such as changing dresses, putting on makeup, etc.???"

"Don't worry, I've sent someone to deliver the dress, and the senior stylist will be here soon. We can just sit and wait in peace." After speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

"Director Wu, we will be there on time."

"No, it's over, it's all over."

"what does that mean?"

"[Heavenly Killing] has been removed from the list of candidate films. I've already booked a plane ticket. If you want to stay here or tidy up and go back to your country, you can figure it out! You can do it yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Jinnian directly threw the phone against the wall.

It wasn't until later that he figured out why.It turned out that the man who was beaten to death by him was the senior executive of the film organizer.

After being beaten, Yan Qing tried to seek reconciliation with him, but was rejected every time.

For a while, all the awards that were bound to be won were all gone, including the best actor that made him regain the recognition of the film festival.

Since receiving that call, no matter where he is or what he is doing, Xinnuan has been by his side all the time.

She knew that he was feeling uncomfortable, and she was unable to help him, she just wanted to be with him when he was sad.

"Why, were you really taken aback by what I said before?"

She doesn't know what to say.

"Last time on the rooftop, in order to save that student, didn't I say that I was standing there and wanted to jump off? Do you really believe that I tried to commit suicide? So you are now afraid that I will be the same as I was back then , please, that's just coaxing children. Why are you so stupid?"

"I don't know if I'm stupid. I just know that no matter what you say, you can't drive me away. Listen to me, you can definitely get back what you lost. Haven't you fallen once before? It's so difficult We've made it through our days. What does this mean to you now? I'm still waiting for you to introduce me to the world!"

After such a thing happened, Xinnuan really wanted to accompany Ji Jinnian to relax in France, hoping that his mood would be a little better.But she knew there were more important things to do right now.That is to sincerely apologize to all the crew members who have worked so hard for God's death.In any case, they have paid so much for Tiansha, and now Tiansha is directly removed from the film festival's shortlist, and she and Ji Jinnian owe them an explanation for letting so long of hard work go to waste.

(End of this chapter)

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