Chapter 119 Lucky Kiss
Because of the strong publicity, the news of Ji Jinnian's concert tour quickly grabbed the headlines.

Although Tiansha was removed from the film festival, everyone only knows the result. As for what happened in the middle that caused the film to have such a big change, no one knows.

Although Ji Jinnian didn't know why it wasn't reported that he hit the organizer's executives, he could guess what was going on.

But this time he guessed wrong.This time it was not Yan Qing who helped him, but someone else.The concert came soon in anticipation of the fans.

On that day, Ji Jinnian arrived at the scene a few hours early to check the stage lighting and so on.For music, he has always demanded perfection.He stood on the wide stage holding his heart-warming hand, and the dazzling lights shone on the two of them. The beautiful picture made the staff present breathless.

"How does it feel to stand here?"

"Moved. Every time I see your concert, I will be incomparably moved. Your voice has the power to fascinate people." "Do you come to every concert?"

"Yeah." I was there every time, and I didn't miss any of them, even the few games he went abroad.No matter what happened, she put it aside and put going to his concert first.Every time she sat in the crowd and sang those moving love songs with him.

"The concert will start soon. Before that, can you give me a lucky kiss? To encourage me." "Encouragement?" She was a little puzzled.

"Well, encouragement. At the concert later, I have a big thing to do. It's a big thing, so I hope you will give me a lucky kiss so that I can make it through."

She smiled, and tiptoed lightly to put her lips on his.How could it be possible for him to let her kiss at a superficial level count? He grabbed her and locked her in his arms, deepening the kiss.After a long time, he finally let her go.She was out of breath when she let go.He nodded her nose, "With this kiss, I will succeed later. Thank you!"

Two hours later, the venue was full, and every fan held a meteor stick symbolizing Ji Jinnian, and kept shouting his name excitedly after his face appeared on the big screen.

The dazzling stage, flashing lights, and rhythmic prelude completely drove the atmosphere of the scene.The concert has only just begun, and some fans can't help but stand up from their seats and sway their bodies to the music.And Xinnuan sat in the front VIP seat, feeling everything she was familiar with.

Finally, after a thousand calls, Ji Jinnian appeared.He came down from the height of the stage, with a ghostly mask on his face, and the clothes he was wearing looked very coquettish.

It's raining in the sky and you disappear into the rain just for that mission You'd give up your life to fight the devil The sky turned black and I fell into darkness just to find you I'd give up my soul to make a deal with the devil You have a mission you have to fulfill My mission is to protect you. The name of this song is [Falling into Darkness].

The lyrics, arrangement, and dance are all weird and charming, and in order to match this song, stage lighting, and costume matching are all prepared by Ji Jinnian, who consulted the most professionals in the industry and spent a lot of time and effort.

Everyone was fascinated by watching, and they all fell into such a unique feeling.In the following time, Ji Jinnian changed endlessly from dance music, rock, slow love songs, to classical music, and his perfect control of various styles shocked the hearts of all listeners.

When he sang rock and roll, everyone danced wildly with the music, and when he sang slow love songs with a gentle voice, everyone was moved to tears.

(End of this chapter)

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