Chapter 122 Absurd Change [Part [-]]

"Auntie." Xinnuan knelt on the ground, stretching out her hand timidly to touch the corner of Ji's mother's clothes.His entire face was extremely pale, and he kept biting his lip, which was bleeding bright red.

Ji's mother shook her away vigorously, "Shut up! You have no right to call me. Do you know how big a crime you have committed? Jinnian's father got into a car accident on the way to find you and died on the spot."

Xin Nuan couldn't imagine that her father would die because of herself.Everything Ji Mu told her was like a bolt from the blue to her.The sky seemed to suddenly turn black, and she was already sobbing, "Dad is dead?"

Mother Ji raised her hand, and unexpectedly slapped her hard.There was a bright palm print on the already pale face, which looked shocking.

"Calling who's father in front of whom? Do you deserve it too? You killed him, you caused our good family to be torn apart. You are the culprit. If you hadn't appeared, nothing would have happened at all. Our family We have been together happily all the time. And now that you say you will never leave Jinnian! Are you willing to kill Lian Jinnian with me? Ah? You are brothers and sisters, and being together is incest, do you know about incest? ?”

Xinnuan really didn't want to believe it, and really wanted to defend her mother that she was not that kind of woman, and Ji's mother must have misunderstood something.But when he opened his mouth, he couldn't speak.Because she suddenly remembered what the Li family said to her in the mourning hall when her mother died.They said that she was not worthy of the surname Li at all, and that her mother's coffin was not qualified to be placed in the mourning hall of the Li family.

She could not understand the meaning of those words at the time, and now she finally understands.At the same time, she also understood the man's feelings for his mother, because he loves her so much, that's why he hates her so much!Because I love you too much, I can't let my mother leave that house!Because he loves her so much, even though he knew she wasn't his daughter, he still made her a part of the Li family!
"Auntie, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry????" Ji's mother's words had a great impact on Xinnuan. Mom said sorry a lot, then turned around and stumbled forward.

The body was swaying, the steps were difficult, the sunset was originally a beautiful scenery, but at this moment, it turned into desolation in Xin Nuan's eyes.She felt like she was getting old all of a sudden.It was clear for more than ten minutes, but she seemed to have lived most of her life.

Why did God treat her like this, why did the hard-won happiness for her suddenly become the biggest joke in the world?

Since she had the most intimate behavior with her own brother.

The road ahead was so confusing, she didn't know where she was going, and she didn't know where else she could go.Just keep walking aimlessly!

This situation is more like 8 years ago.She lost Ji Jinnian again, and this time, forever!Feeling helpless and hopeless like losing the whole world!

The setting sun disappears, night falls, and the twilight merges.

Xinnuan raised her head, seeing a completely unfamiliar scene in front of her, a place she had never been to before.

Normally, she would definitely feel fear at this time, but at this time the violent shock in her heart has completely covered her fear.She couldn't think about anything else at all, and Ji's mother's words kept echoing in her mind and heart.

She felt like she was going insane.

Suddenly, the phone in my pocket rang.Seeing Ji Jinnian's number, she was so frightened that she almost dropped her phone on the ground.Where does she have the courage to answer his call now?She can't act like nothing happened!
The first time she didn't answer, then the second time and the third time, Ji Jinnian made many calls in a row, but she let the phone keep ringing.

Xinnuan didn't dare to face all this, she would rather she was dreaming, an extremely absurd nightmare, and there was nothing after waking up.Everything was still the same, and she could still be by her side for a long time, so she beat her head desperately to wake herself up from the nightmare.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't wake up from the dream.

No, she won't!

She yelled, and closed her eyes weakly.Leaning against a big tree, he fell asleep in an inaccessible suburb.Wake up, everything will pass!She was looking forward to it like that.

It's cold, it's so cold, and my whole body is shaking.

Suddenly, a phone ringing woke her up.Xinnuan thought it was Ji Jinnian, so she didn't answer.Later, she still couldn't help but wanted to see if he had sent her a text message, but she saw that it was Su Ancheng who called just now.

This period of time is too busy, and I haven't contacted Su Ancheng for a long time.Don't know how he's been doing lately.After thinking about it, she picked up her mobile phone and called Su Ancheng back.

"You can answer the phone."


"Xiao Jin is clamoring to see you."

"Su Ancheng, I..." Xinnuan hesitated to speak, it was really difficult to explain the current situation to him.

"What's wrong with you? Why does the sound sound so wrong? Wait a minute, there are still frogs screaming around? Are you alone? Where are you?" His tone sounded extremely anxious.

"I'm actually lost and now I don't know where I am."

Su Ancheng had a hunch that something must have happened.Otherwise, she wouldn't get lost alone in the wilderness.In such a dark day, a girl was alone outside, just thinking about it would drive him crazy.

Tell the nanny to take good care of Xiao Jin, take a coat and go outside.Xiao Jin's little hand held him from behind, "Father, you must bring Xin Nuan's mother back safely."

He stroked Xiao Jin's hair, "Well, Dad promises you."

That person is his darling, how can he let her be wronged outside alone?
(End of this chapter)

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