Chapter 123 The Two Most Important People in Life
Su Ancheng immediately asked a friend he knew to track her location through Xinnuan's mobile phone. The other party's work was very fast, and he sent him the detailed address in a short while.It really is an extremely remote suburb.

The car was driving fast on the road.That road is a national highway, so there are no street lights, and it is very dangerous to drive at night, but Su Ancheng has long since ignored those, and still drives the car very fast.At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, to find Xinnuan quickly, and never let her have an accident.

Following the navigation prompts, we finally reached our destination.Su Ancheng parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and looked around anxiously for a warm figure.

With the help of the light of his mobile phone, he searched all the places around him, calling out Xinnuan's name while searching.

On the way, his hand was accidentally cut by an unknown leaf around the road, and he felt a strong tingling pain, but he ignored it and continued to search.

Finally, he saw her.

Beneath a tree, she leans against it, visibly asleep.

The body curled up together, like a forgotten princess.

He strode to her side, held her tightly in his arms, and immediately put the coat on her body again.

He didn't realize that her body was hot until he was close to her skin, feeling her trembling body, he couldn't bear to think for a second.He picked her up and walked towards the car.

After walking a few steps, the person in his arms suddenly opened his eyes slowly, but he wasn't sure if she was awake.Because her eyes were cloudy, she seemed very unconscious.This silly girl must have made herself wronged again.

"Su Ancheng, you are here."

He stroked her hot forehead with his hands as gently as possible, and comforted, "Well, I'm here, so don't be afraid, it will be fine soon. Huh?"

"You know? I'm really scared, I don't know how long I can hold on."

"It's all right, everything will pass. Don't you believe me?"

"I believe." At that time, he said that if she believed in him, he would definitely let her start a new life, and he did.But because of Ji Jinnian, she abandoned everything that was safe and sound, and also abandoned Su Ancheng that she had promised her.

Now, it has come to this point.Is it God's will?Is it some kind of reincarnation?She suddenly remembered a sentence she had read in a book, "Emotions also have reincarnation. If you despise a person's heart, one day, you will not be as good as before, and all encounters will mock your previous fickleness." ’ She feels like that now.She neglected Su Ancheng's feelings so much, and finally suffered retribution.

However, if there is a chance, she thinks she will still make the same choice as before!
Because no matter how many times time comes back, as long as the person is still her, nothing will change.

Just thinking about it like this, Xinnuan fell asleep again.

When Su Ancheng arrived at Su's house, the nanny had already prepared steaming food according to his request, and his friend doctor was already on standby in the living room.

Seeing Xinnuan, who was extremely weak in Su Ancheng's arms, he couldn't help sighing.

"Although the sick Lu Xinnuan is very pitiful, in my opinion, you are even more pitiful."

"Stop talking unnecessary nonsense, hurry up and help!"

"This is advice from a good friend. Su Ancheng, Lu Xinnuan is Ji Jinnian's fiancée. If you are still sensible at a time like this, you should call Ji Jinnian."

"It's a pity that it has something to do with her. I never think about it rationally."

The doctor quickly examined Xinnuan, and after taking the quick-acting medicine, Xinnuan fell asleep peacefully.

Before leaving, the doctor didn't say anything, but just patted Su Ancheng on the shoulder.

In the room, Su Ancheng sat in front of the heart-warming bed, staring at her intently.I have already made countless guesses in my heart.Why would she sleep in that place.What is Ji Jinnian doing again?He promised in front of fans all over the country that he would be kind to his heart for the rest of his life. Could it be that he was just acting on occasion?
While thinking, the door was gently pushed open.A little man walked in.

Seeing his daughter's face, Su Ancheng's mood improved a lot.

"Why haven't you slept so late?"

"Worried about Xin Nuan's mother so I can't sleep. Is she okay? She looks very sad."

"Xin Nuan's mother is fine, she's just tired. She'll be fine when she wakes up after sleeping."

"Dad, let me stay with Xinnuan's mother! Don't let me go to sleep, okay? I just feel sad when I think that I may never see Xinnuan's mother again. I want to be able to see her In time, look at her more."

Su Ancheng held his daughter tightly in his arms, and said softly, "Don't worry, good girl, you won't, Dad won't let you leave this house, you are my baby girl, I won't let you go anywhere, no one To take you away from me."


"Of course it's true. When did Dad lie to you?"

The two father and daughter chatted like that, and the night was getting late before they knew it.In the middle of the night, Xiao Jin was so tired that she fell asleep, and Su Ancheng carefully put her on the bed.A man guarding these two most important people in his life all night.

For the rest of his life, he also wanted to use his own strength to protect the two of them.

When Xin Nuan woke up, she was surprised for a few minutes, because she realized that she was at Su Ancheng's house.After sitting up for a few seconds, everything that happened the day before came to her mind that she couldn't refuse. Suddenly, she held her head and shook it desperately, trying to forget everything.But no matter how hard she tried, those words followed her everywhere.

It pierced her heart one after another, the pain was so painful that she was about to suffocate.

Seeing this, Su Ancheng quickly hugged her into his arms, giving her the warmest and most intimate comfort.

"Don't be afraid, it's alright."

She kept sobbing on his shoulder, "Su Ancheng, tell me, I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming, right! Why do I have such absurd dreams? Why can't I wake up?"

He straightened her body so that she faced him, looking at him, her eyes flickered.

"Xinnuan, tell me what happened between you and Ji Jinnian?" Hearing that name, she waved her hands even more excitedly.

"Don't tell me that name, please don't."

"Xinnuan mother, Xiaojin will protect you." The sudden voice made Xinnuan stunned.She turned her head and saw Xiao Jin sleeping beside her.

She tried very hard to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, no matter how painful she was, she didn't want Xiaojin to see such a fragile side of herself.

"Xiaojin must have been frightened by me, right? Don't be afraid, I just had a nightmare, and I'm fine now."

The three of them had breakfast together.Very rich food, Xinnuan tried to make herself look like nothing happened, but she didn't know that Su Ancheng felt more distressed when she looked like her.

(End of this chapter)

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