Chapter 101 Re-advanced divine power

"It's really far away. I don't know how we got here. We actually ran directly from the southeast of the central city to the southwest. The distance from this city to the central city is actually closer than Fengcheng. It's the only good news." After clicking on the three circles on the map, Wen Hui's tone was slightly puzzled, this kind of long-distance movement can only run so far unless it is space movement.

"We were drawn into the space loophole." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression was a bit solemn, and she remembered the previous 'dream' again, it shouldn't be a dream, it should be a fact that happened before.

"Well, no matter how we got here, our primary goal now is to reach the central city smoothly. Of course, the fetish cannot be missed, heh." Noticing the change in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression, Wen Hui didn't ask further, but revealed a With a refreshing smile, he pointed to Central City and smiled.

"Heh, isn't that a matter of course. Let's rest early today. Tomorrow we will go and see what that thing is. After we get it, we will leave the ruins and go to the central city. Sister Jing and the others should have arrived, Uncle Feng and The captain is probably still on the way, and we can't be left too far behind by them." Seeing Wen Hui's hearty smile, the gloom in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart was dispelled, and a smile appeared on his face.

Will I become an evil god?so what.Even if I become an evil god, didn't I protect Wen Hui and this beautiful smile in the end, so it doesn't matter whether it is a human or an evil god, as long as I protect what I need to protect, what I should protect is enough.

But based on my previous experience, I'm afraid it's the change that happened when I was dazzled by despair and hatred.So as long as we avoid this situation in the future and maintain an optimistic mood at all times, this state will not appear.We must be stronger, we need stronger power to protect everyone and ourselves.

After seeing Wen Hui's refreshing smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's thoughts became clear.The past has passed, and now we must focus on the future. If we did not protect it well before, we must not lose it in the future.

Later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly opened her eyes from her divine power training, feeling the golden nebula swirling rapidly on her chest, she knew that she had advanced.Finally became a god downgraded.

Stretching out his right hand, a blank card with black outside and white appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand.Slightly heaved a sigh of relief, because of the previous black transformation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was really worried that his abilities would be affected, and there would be unusable black cards. Fortunately, there was no other abnormality except for an extra half black card in his body .

"Come on, random generation. I hope my luck won't be too bad this time." I didn't choose link generation, because the intermediary role of link generation made Zhuang Xiaoyuan hesitate. Huang Xiaoyan's world has fewer strong and more weak, and the instability is too high.

Most of the powerful people in Yoshino's world are elves, but all elves can be reversed. Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous blackening has untied the knot in his heart, he still unconsciously wants to avoid it.

Chloe's world is different from Fate Night's world line, and the heroic spirits in Chloe's world are also blackened.Not to mention Artoria, who is a blackened card herself.In the end, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still left everything to fate.Maybe there will be unexpected surprises in random generation.

Following the faint golden light, the rapidly changing characters stopped, and a girl in a white dress, red ribbon, and white hat with obvious inhuman signs appeared in the card.

Seeing the image of a young girl, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a weird smile: "Everything is left to fate, it is really an arrangement of fate."

Putting the new card into the nebula lair, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't calm down the excitement in his heart, and finally a card with the main attack power came out.Of course, it doesn't mean that the previous cards are not powerful enough, but they are still relatively weak in terms of pure attack power.

Huang Xiaoyan's five thunder rectification method has a strong attack power, especially after Zhuang Xiaoyuan's advanced god downgrades, her power will be further improved, but the five thunder rectification method takes a long time to prepare, and low-level use has sequelae. Relatively speaking, Huang Xiaoyan has the greatest effect It's still the big gourd with the eyes of the sky and the mystery of the universe.

Although Yoshino and Miku also have certain attack power, their abilities are mainly control, defense and support.In terms of attack power alone, it is really not high.

Chloe's attack power is not bad, especially the long-range attack, and there is also a fast-moving transfer magic.However, melee combat is undoubtedly her weakness. In addition, the ultimate move was not available before. With the attribute category of that move, I am afraid that even if the gods are downgraded, they cannot be used.The most important thing is that because of the serious injury before, it is still unusable.

As for the blackened Artoria, unusable cards are not considered.

And the card generated this time has an inhuman body, strength far beyond ordinary people, a speed that ordinary people cannot perceive with the naked eye, and strong resilience.At the same time, it has the ability to attack from a long range and has good melee combat effectiveness.

Although due to the limitation of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own level, her strength cannot be fully exerted, and her nirvana is sealed, but the ability that can be used at this time alone is slightly stronger than the previous characters. If it is limited, it can even compete with the blackened Artoria, maybe even stronger.

However, it is another kind of sad character.Thinking of this character's character, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt the urge to stroke his forehead and sigh.Could it be that I got some kind of curse that only produces strange characters?

At first it was Nakiri Erina with the character of a tsundere queen, followed by Huang Xiaoyan, a violent female man.Then came the timid and introverted Yoshino, the lily-scented Miku Miku, and the mischievous little witch character Chloe.Even Artoria, who was summoned by blackening, has changed from a serious and good boy to a cruel tyrant

With all kinds of wild thoughts, Zhuang Xiaoyuan unconsciously fell into a deep sleep.As for whether the scene in the dream is good or bad, it can be seen from the smile on her face.

A good night's sleep, the sun setting in the west and rising in the east, ushered in a new day.

"Xiaohui, wake up, Xiaohui." Standing beside Wen Hui, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed to wake Wen Hui up.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't bear to see Wen Hui's happy sleeping face, but I still have to check the time, it's past nine o'clock now.No matter how happy the sleeping face is, it's time to get up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't want to delay leaving for another day just because someone overslept.

(End of this chapter)

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