Chapter 102 The Myojin Flower in the Deep Alley
"Well, let me sleep for another five...five..." A dazed voice came out of Wen Hui's mouth, and Wen Hui still closed her eyes tightly without any intention of waking up.It's already time for the sun to bask in your ass, and now the surroundings are full of dangers, and you are still sleeping so soundly, how about a little vigilance?

"No, let alone five minutes, not even five seconds." Zhuang Xiaoyuan still pulled Wen Hui, trying not to let her continue to sleep.There are a lot of things to do today, to get the sacred object guarded by the bone demon mouse, it must be done.Then we have to hurry.Although the food is already considered abundant, but who knows if there will be any unexpected things, it is better to rush to the central city as soon as possible.

"...Five years." Wen Hui whispered softly, it wasn't five minutes or five seconds, it was five years.The words spoken in a daze should be the truth, which is the same as uttering the truth after drinking.

"###, get up for me." If it was in the animation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that a row of well-shaped protrusions must have appeared on his forehead.You must have slept too much even in your sleep, do you think you are Sleeping Beauty?

"Yeah, huh." Completely ignoring Zhuang Xiaoyuan's anger, Wen Hui was still intoxicated in the sweet dream.

"You forced me to do this." Zhuang Xiaoyuan left a word lightly, turned around and walked out.

"Wow, it's so cold." Wen Hui, who was sleeping, suddenly felt the biting cold on her face, and all the sleepiness disappeared in an instant.When I opened my eyes, what I saw was a wet towel falling from my face.Looking up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's glaring eyes, Wen Hui really didn't dare to get angry in bed at this moment and caress Zhuang Xiaoyuan's beard.

"You know it's cold, can you get up now?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with his hands on his hips as he stood by the bed and looked down at Wen Hui who was lying on the bed.

"Okay, okay, I don't feel sleepy at all, it's a rare dream." With a helpless sigh, Wen Hui picked up a wet towel and wiped her face, got up and got out of bed, and began to get dressed.

"Do you still want to get the fetish object? I obviously said yesterday that I have to get up early. At this point in time, we might as well just leave." Seeing Wen Hui complaining and slowly getting dressed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a smile With a threatening smile, he opened his mouth.

"I think, it will be ready soon. Wait for me." Well, the effect is obvious, and Wen Hui speeds up the movements in his hands at once.

After taking good care of the hygiene and making various preparations, the two walked out of the temporary stronghold with the necessary things.

"Well, Xiaoyuan. How are we going to get the fetish over there?" Wen Hui asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sleeve while carefully looking at the bone wall inside at the corner before the exit of the alley.

"Do you need to ask, of course it was a forced grab." Looking carefully at the wall made of bone demon rats inside, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking for a breakthrough.While perfunctory Wen Hui.

Although taking things under the noses of these mice is considered a robbery, but if it is too blatant, it may be pushed out by the wave of mice without even seeing the appearance of the fetish.After looking at it myself, I realized that the number of bone demon mice here is unusually large, and the bone demon wall is at least two or three meters thick.There are at least tens of thousands of bone demon mice inside.

A single or a small number of bone devil mice are really easy to deal with. As long as they are trained to a certain extent, they can easily kill these bone devil mice. These mice are faster and have sharper teeth than ordinary mice.The body may be even weaker than a mouse.After all, there is no skin and flesh, only bones. Ordinary people can kill these bone demon mice as long as they aim at their heads.

However, with such a quantity of tens of thousands, even a warrior in magical costume would be very stressed. The ants are killing elephants too much.But there are no absolutes in the world. If it is Hua Ze, no, there is no need for Hua Ze. As long as he is the patron of Vulcan, a warrior in divine costume who can manipulate flames, maybe he can put a wall of fire at the door alone, and he can destroy everything here. The bone demon.After all, it is a product of wreckage, and flames are the nemesis of bone demons.It's a pity that there are no magic warriors who can use flames here.So avoid head-to-head confrontation, and talk about some skills.

"But, this is a rat. Rats are terrible. They can bite people, and there is also the plague." Wen Hui looked nervous when she got Zhuang Xiaoyuan's reply.It seems that she is really afraid of mice.

"Come on, let's go to the back." Noticing Wen Hui's nervous expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, pulled her to turn and leave, and made a detour to the other end of the alley.

The other end is also an alley, but it is much shallower than the previous one. It seems that the wall dividing the alley was artificially blocked by the people who lived here, although the reason is unknown.However, it is actually possible to breed a fetish. Generally speaking, the place where a fetish is bred is a gathering point of energy. It is really very rare to have a fetish in a city.

"Xiaohui, let's go up and have a look." Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed to the roof on one side of the alley and said to Wen Hui as she stuck to the wall and didn't hear any movement at the other end, which meant that she hadn't entered the bone demon's range of perception yet.Although this kind of wall can be climbed with one's own physical fitness, isn't it more convenient to use Wen Hui's ability.

Accompanied by a breeze, the two easily jumped onto the roof.Zhuang Xiaoyuan immediately looked from the roof to the end of the alley at the end of the Bone Demon Mouse: "That is... Myojin Flower? Why does Myojin Flower grow here?"

Seeing the plant emitting a faint bright yellow light at the end of the alley, Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled out in surprise. Although he had guessed what the fetish inside was, it might be an attribute crystal, or a fragment of a godhead, but he never expected It will be Myojinka, who ranks sixth on the fetish list.Myojin Flower is a very important fetish to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, because Myojin Flower is the only one among the top ten gods that can enhance the cultivation potential.

Although the previous Patronus Trial also improved Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cultivation potential, but who knows if it was the only one? If you can get the Myojin Flower now, you can directly increase your fifth-level cultivation potential to fourth-level, and the cultivation speed is faster than before. several times.

As the cultivation of divine power progresses to the later stages, the speed of improvement of the ranks will be greatly weakened. At this time, the importance of cultivation potential will also be reflected. The higher the cultivation potential, the faster it will grow than others.

"Xiaoyuan, look there, that seems to be an attribute crystal." Because of the appearance of Myojin Flower, Wen Hui even forgot her fear of mice. Looking carefully, I also saw a lot of small crystals scattered around the Myojin Flower.

 OK~Chapter 10 is uploaded~Going to bed, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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