Chapter 106 Bat Transformation Flame
Night Talisman [Vampire Raid].As Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the black spell card in his hand, seemingly endless black bats flew out of the spell card, hovering around Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and as Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out his white and tender fingers to point at the charging wild boar bone demon, all The bats rushed towards the wild boar in a neat and dense order, like an army receiving an order.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The dense black bats flapped their wings and rushed to the wild boar bone monster, and opened their small mouths to bite on the bones covered in the wild boar bone monster. The bone demon put on a black coat.

"Crack, click." The sound of bats biting bones came from the wild boar bone demon surrounded by bats, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly.

Something was wrong, after transforming into Remilia Scarlet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan received all knowledge of her abilities and effects.It is impossible to delay such a long time with the night rune vampire's surprise attack ability, and the dense bats will eat up all the enemies in an instant.And now nearly half a minute has passed, and the wild boar bone demon wrapped in a black coat still maintains its original form.

On the other side, the mouse bone demon seemed to have found a way to deal with Wen Hui. The mouse bone demon who was scattered by the emerald green wind suddenly divided into two groups, and one group continued to surround Wen Hui. The storm blows away, but it still rushes towards Wen Hui again and again.And another group began to condense in a place a little far away from Wen Hui, and although the body was a little smaller than before, it was still huge.

"Damn it, I hate it, rats. It would be great if the captain was here, and burn all of you with one fire." Although he noticed the mouse bone demons that started to condense on the other side, he was attacked time and time again by the large number of bone demons around him. Coming up, Wen Hui couldn't draw his hand to deal with the big rat bone demon that was about to take shape.At this time, Wen Hui especially missed the fire ability of the leader of the guardian team, Hua Ze.

As soon as the idea came to mind, the surrounding temperature began to rise strangely. Under Wen Hui's dumbfounded gaze, the emerald green hurricane gun in his hand turned red from his handshake. He was also infected with red, turning into a swirl of red flames that wrapped around him.

"What... what's going on? I can actually manipulate the flame?" The hurricane gun in his hand turned completely red, and the red flame burning on the gun didn't hurt Wen Hui at all, and the flame vortex wrapped around his body seemed like A mother's embrace is generally warm.I don't know why, but Wen Hui, who is clearly the patron of the wind god, turned his original storm ability into flame ability.

"It doesn't matter, the flame, it's just in time. Turn it into coke for me. Rat." The flame vortex wrapped around Wen Hui burst into a fiery temperature under her control, and the spiral nest of the flame circled more and more Huge, all the rat bone demons that approached were roasted into charcoal, and turned into fly ash and dissipated when touched.With the blazing flames wrapped around her body, Wen Hui rushed directly to the condensed big mouse bone demon: "The flames rush forward."

"Oh~" The howl of the wild boar came from the bat pile, and under the attack of the bats, the wild boar bone demon actually activated again and charged out. Only then did Zhuang Xiaoyuan know why these bats were unable to eliminate the wild boar bone demon.This wild boar bone demon actually has a strong resilience that ordinary bone demons do not have.

Generally, bone demons will strengthen their original strength and speed abilities when they were living creatures.The body is still a fragile skeleton.Although it will automatically fit and restore if you break it and put it back together, if you directly break a certain bone, even the bone monster cannot restore the missing part, but this wild boar bone monster has the ability to restore its own bone strangely. ability.

The small wounds left on the bones after being bitten by black bats are rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.Moreover, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made another discovery. The bat closest to the inside of the wild boar bone demon was actually shrinking rapidly. The bat itself was transformed from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power, or the magic power of the transformed lady herself. And this wild boar Actually absorbing the magic power of the eldest lady.

"You are so brave, you dare to devour the power of this lady. As a punishment, I will let you fall into the hell of eternal night. I will kill you with one blow." The behavior of the wild boar bone demon angered those who were affected by the character of the eldest lady. Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The bright red eyes shone with a faint red light as if they were about to bleed, and a huge bright red magic circle appeared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's feet.Red light began to bloom in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand.A bright red spear quietly appeared in the red light.

Maintaining the state of red mist for a long time, coupled with the surprise attack of the vampire, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power was being consumed rapidly.The transformation of the eldest lady itself consumes divine power faster than the previous transformation, I don't know if it is because of the daytime relationship, or because of the identity of the eldest lady's non-human race.At this moment, less than half of the divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body was left.

Since the vampire raid did not achieve good results, it can only be used if it is not a must kill.At Zhuang Xiaoyuan's level, although it is a version with greatly weakened power, the consumption of divine power is still very serious.Now the remaining divine power should be able to be used once.An absolute must-hit lore attack.

With scarlet eyes fixed on the wild boar bone demon that was approaching and rushing towards him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the bright red spear emitting red light in his hand: "Your destiny has been caught by me. The sharp gun Gun Grenier."

A red light flashed by.Following the action of Zhuang Xiaoyuan throwing the gun, the bright red gun in her hand disappeared in an instant.In the next second, it appeared on the head of the wild boar bone demon.The bright red spear went straight into the top, leaving only a short butt of the spear outside.Without making a sound, the wild boar demon fell directly to the ground, and the red light in the black eye sockets quietly went out.With a bang, the pale bones that made up the Wild Boar Bone Demon shattered.With one blow, the Boar Bone Demon was wiped out.

"Blazing Flames." The bright red flames wrapped around his body seemed to turn into sharp cones.With the flaming gun in Wen Hui's hand as the tip, the vertebral body surrounds Wen Hui's whole body, and at a speed not inferior to that of Cuifeng, it pierces into the big mouse bone demon, and the ferocious flame cone directly penetrates the big mouse bone demon body, appearing behind it.

"Flame, it really is the nemesis of the bone demon." Swinging the flaming gun in his hand, a little bit of flame scattered.It sets off Wen Hui like a Valkyrie in flames.Standing behind the big mouse bone demon, Wen Hui raised the flaming gun in his hand, and the tip of the gun pointed down to make a gesture of the green wind state's special killing skill, the hurricane howling: "Fire and red lotus."

Following that, the flaming spear in Wen Hui's hand stabbed downward.The flames surrounding her burst out suddenly, and a huge red flame lotus bloomed quietly with Wen Hui as the center.

(End of this chapter)

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