Chapter 107 The Patron Saint of Evolution
"Xiaohui, why are you able to control the flame all of a sudden?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who exited the transformation state because the sharp gun Gungnir instantly emptied the divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body after Wen Hui killed the mouse bone demon with a blow of the fiery red lotus, Ignoring the collapsed bones, he walked over step by step and asked.

"I don't know, it turned into a flame all of a sudden. I was taken aback." Wen Hui was also in a state of confusion as she waved the flame gun in her hand and gathered the flames around her.

"What have you done or thought about before?" With a weird smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Wen Hui as if he was looking at a fool. Got it wrong, Wen Hui is a mixed wind and fire god, not a pure wind god?
"I'm not an idiot. At that time, I just thought of the captain's ability of flames, and I suddenly turned into flames." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's weird expression, Wen Hui shouted dissatisfied.After all, the two of them could barely be regarded as childhood sweethearts. With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's weird expression, Wen Hui could tell at a glance that she was thinking something bad just now.

"Xiaohui, your daydream has actually affected reality. You are indeed the king of daydreams. If you think about your ability to use lightning or water, you can also use it directly." Wen Hui, who was emerald green transformed into a bright red Valkyrie, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said jokingly.

As soon as the "cracking" voice fell, purple thunder and lightning appeared beside Wen Hui, and the red flaming gun in his hand also turned purple in an instant, and the clothes and hair that had just faded from emerald green to bright red also turned purple in an instant. .

"...Xiaohui, in fact, your patron saint is the god of fantasy, right? Can you use other abilities just by thinking about it?" Seeing Wen Hui's transformation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was speechless for a moment, as if he had already suffered He said with an expression that he would no longer be afraid of blows.

"Well, my god is indeed the wind... What the hell, why did it become like this." Hearing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan doubted her patron saint, Wen Hui couldn't help but look at the patron saint behind her.The moment she saw the patron saint behind her, Wen Hui's eyes widened.Her Patronus has changed.

"What's the matter? Has your patron saint changed?" Seeing Wen Hui's sudden change of expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that Wen Hui's patron saint might have 'mutated' unconsciously.

"It's really changed. It's not a green Fengshen, but a colorful color." Mental Power carefully looked at her back and looked similar to before, but the color of her body changed from green to a colorful patron saint. I know what to say.Why would it change?own patron saint.

"Wu Cai, your patron saint has become the God of Elements, right?" If this is a cartoon, there must be black lines appearing on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head.As a god of rules, he was born with a weak potential that could not be cultivated. Fortunately, he has worked hard to improve his potential and cultivated until now.And Wen Hui didn't do anything to make her patron saint evolve from a single-attribute wind god to the original god in charge of the five spirit elements. The element god is the highest element god, and can already be regarded as a rule god. The strongest elemental god.

"Looking at this, it seems that he has really become Shishen." The two looked at each other for a while, speechless.

There was no change when I met the emperor-level evil god before. I am afraid that this change came about when I came to this ruined city.So have we experienced anything special during this time?Looting the gods and not using them will not affect the patron saint, and it is impossible for the Myojin flower and attribute crystals to evolve the patron saint, so the only unpredictable thing is what happens in the space loophole.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan's memory of the time period in the space loophole is also very vague, there is only darkness, and he can't figure it out at all.

"Forget it, let's go. No matter what the reason is that my Patronus has changed, at least it has become stronger now. With the use of multiple attributes, I am already an all-around superman, hahahaha." Shaking her head, and getting rid of the countless question marks in her mind, Wen Hui smiled triumphantly.No matter what the reason is, at this time, there is no doubt that he has become stronger.This alone is enough to make Wen Hui happy.

"Xiaohui, you are too proud. If you want to talk about the almighty superman, I am the best. Compared with your pure elemental ability, I can use all kinds of weird abilities." While opening the car door, I got in Truck, Zhuang Xiaoyuan bickered with Wen Hui.

"Oh, all kinds of abilities. Are you talking about the ability to punch wild boars and almost cry out in pain?" Sitting in the passenger seat, Wen Hui showed a playful expression on her face. Look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"I didn't cry."

"Crying, crying, I saw it."


"Absolutely cried."

"I didn't cry at all. Also, hurry up and forget about that scene just now."

"No, I want to keep it in my mind forever. Madoka's appearance is so cute."

"Severing Love and Forgetful Fist."

"Wow, are you going to kill me? I'll block it."

"It is said that a blow to the head can cause amnesia. Let me test it."

"No, surrender, surrender, front, pay attention to the front. Drive carefully."

"Ah~" With the noise and laughter gradually receding, the truck that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui were riding on gradually disappeared into the distant horizon, and they worked hard towards the central city.What is waiting for them ahead.

Time passed, a week later.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui continued their travels, and today was extremely lively.

"Xiaoyuan, hurry up, he's coming again." The army-green truck was covered with all kinds of scars. Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui tried their best not to let the battle damage the vehicle, there are always accidents when.

"Which side is it this time, the left or the right?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan firmly grasped the steering wheel, stepped on the gas pedal wildly, his muscles tensed, and he focused on the front and the huge shadow covering the truck.

"Left, no, right. Wait a minute, it's straight ahead." Wen Hui stuck his head out of the car, looked up at the existence above his head, judged the attack direction and reminded Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was driving.

"Front?" Hearing Wen Hui's random instructions and noticing that the shadow covering the car shifted forward, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes narrowed, and she stepped on the brake with her right foot, while turning the steering wheel quickly in her hand.

"Boom." A huge bone claw descended from the sky, and with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's brakes, it bombarded Zhuang Xiaoyuan's car in front of them. With a sudden brake to avoid the attack of the bone claw, the truck turned around nimbly from the side of the bone claw.

(End of this chapter)

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