Chapter 108 Wow, What a Big Lizard

"Shua Shua." Accompanied by strong wind pressure, the owner of the bone claw flew into the sky again, chasing after the army green truck running away.

"Xiaoyuan, it's chasing it again." Seeing the huge shadow that took off again and caught up with it, Wen Hui sighed weakly and said.

"Ah, enough is enough. We didn't invite him to provoke him. We chased us all day and night because of Mao. I really want to sleep, so sleepy." Hearing Wen Hui's reminder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stomped his left foot angrily , complained loudly.

"Whose fault is this? I told you not to go this way, you should go the other way." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's complaint, Wen Hui gave her a dissatisfied look and complained as well.

"Who knew that I would meet such a stubborn guy. The distance here is much closer, okay? Don't you want to get there sooner?" Annoyedly shaking her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also regretted her choice of taking a short cut.Knowing that he was unlucky, he still dared to lead the way, now he is fine.Something went wrong again.Being delayed by this guy will take even more time.

"Here it is, this time it's the right side. Be careful, the tail is coming." Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan complained to each other, Wen Hui's attention was still focused on the big guy above her head. Noticing the big guy's movements, Wen Hui immediately opened his mouth to remind.

"Ah, don't underestimate that I have been forced to practice my driving skills for a week." With a strange cry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly turned the steering wheel to the left, and the truck suddenly shifted to the left, avoiding the big guy's bone claw attack.Then Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned quickly, turned the steering wheel to the right, and at the same time released the accelerator with her right foot and stepped on the brake forcefully.

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, the truck that was drifting left turned to the right, and the rear compartment suddenly swung to the left.While rushing forward, the truck made a 360-degree turn with the left swing, avoiding the big guy's tail attack.After recovering the direction, step on the accelerator again and rush away.

"Tsk, it's troublesome, damn it." Relying on forced and mature driving skills to avoid the attack of the big guy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pursed her lips and cursed angrily.

"Oh, it's no wonder. After all, I have been driving at full speed for a day and a night. It seems that this is the end." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's scolding, Wen Hui looked at the dashboard of the car, and it turned out that the remaining fuel was insufficient. Only one percent left.Will run out anytime.After all, in order to escape the big guy behind him, he drove it all day and all night without stopping.

"Xiaohui, are you ready?" With a curse, as if she had vented a lot of emotion, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice regained her composure, and she asked Wen Hui beside her without turning her head.

"It's ready, enough food and water for more than a week. It should be able to support us to reach the central city. It's not far from there now." Taking out two full backpacks from the back seat, Wen Hui already knew how to pick them up The action that the two of them will carry out comes down.

"Okay, now I'm really out of gas, start preparing, and abandon the car." I stepped on the gas pedal hard, but the speed of the truck could no longer be increased, but began to slowly descend, and it was completely out of gas.

"OK, ready at any time." There was a big cheerful smile on his face.Wen Hui seems to have always been so optimistic and active.

Reaching out and letting go of the steering wheel, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put on the backpacks prepared by Wen Hui, one for each of them.Inside are the necessary drinking water and food. Putting on the backpack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a card from the nebula lair, and Wen Hui also made preparations: "Arm of God-God's Transformation."

A gold light on the left and a green light on the right illuminate the bed of the truck.With strong wind pressure, a huge bone claw descended from the sky again.

"Go." Zhuang Xiaoyuan uttered a word, the door opened, and the two jumped out of the truck, one left and one right.

"Boom." The bone claw slammed heavily on the truck, directly smashing the truck into pieces. The moment the truck was hit hard, the fuel and gunpowder prepared in the compartment exploded with powerful power. With a bang, an explosion occurred under the bone claw.Dense small cracks and a piece of pitch-black coke were left directly on the bone claw.Such a violent explosion did not break the bone claw.

Two rays of light, one red and one green, shot straight out and flew towards the sky quickly. "Aw~" The owner of the bone claw let out an angry howl full of momentum, waved the bone wings on his back and soared into the sky, chasing after the two rays of light.

"It's really annoying." Noticing the huge bone dragon chasing up from behind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed an impatient expression on his face.

"I still haven't figured out why the bone dragon in the magical story appears in the bone demon." Manipulating Qingfeng to fly beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui looked back with a hint of curiosity on her face from time to time, looking back at the huge dragon behind her. Bone Dragon.The terrifying dragon head, the thick dragon body, the bone wings on the back, the four bone claws under the body and the tail behind.It is completely the image of the villain in the knight novel.

"No, that's not a bone dragon at all, it's just a lizard with wings. The mere lizard is actually chasing this lady. The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become." Transforming into the eldest lady again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still couldn't completely control the transformation state of the eldest lady. The character of the next one is probably related to the fact that the eldest lady is too capable and her personality is a little willful and strong.

"Annoyed? If you are annoyed, do you want to turn around and kill him?" Wen Hui's eyes were full of eagerness and deep curiosity, curiosity about the bone dragon, and eagerness to repay after being chased for a long time.

"That's a good idea. I also want to repay the previous hospitality. Originally, I avoided fighting to protect the car. Now that I don't have the restraint of the car, I can play freely. But, be careful, if If it's too strong, leave as quickly as possible and find a place to hide." There was a haughty expression on his face, an expression that you rarely pay attention to, and after talking about it, it seemed that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own character had been restored. Showing a cautious expression, he asked Wen Huidao.

"No problem. Hurricane Spinning Gun." With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's approval, Wen Hui turned around and released a small storm without stopping for a moment.

"The shot is really fast, Yefu-Vampire Assault." He and Wen Hui stopped at almost the same time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan held the black spell card in his hand, and directly released countless black bats to rush towards the bone dragon.

The attack method of the bat this time is different from the previous attack on the wild boar.Having learned the lesson of the wild boar, Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't intend to let the bats get close to the bone demon again. Who knows if there will be another bone demon that can absorb magic power.

After the countless bats released by the night charm approached the bone dragon, they all opened their mouths and spit out red magic bullets. The magic bullet left the bat's mouth and shot towards the bone dragon. Four, all of a sudden Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face was covered with countless red bullets that shot towards the bone dragon.

This is the real Night Talisman - Vampire Assault, the real biggest feature from Gensokyo, the barrage attack.Gulong-sang, can you play bullets?
(End of this chapter)

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