Chapter 109 Armed Evolution ~ Black Armored Dragon

"Dong dong dong dong" a series of magic bombs bombarded the bone dragon, making small pits in the bones of the bone dragon.A violent hurricane followed, and the red magic bullets were drawn into the small tornadoes released by Wen Hui. The magic bullets and tornadoes fused together, unexpectedly forming a skill similar to linkage, and the power was increased. A small increase.

The tornado mixed with the magic bullet bombarded the bone dragon's head. The bone devil's weakness is the energy aggregate in the brain, but the hardest part of the bone devil's body is the skull that protects the brain. Zhuang Xiaoyuan's magic bullet can give the bone dragon's body It caused damage, but after merging with Wen Hui's storm, the more powerful attack did not leave any damage on the bone dragon's head at all.

"The attack of the wind attribute is too weak, we must use the flames to restrain the bone demon." While talking, Wen Hui looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan beside him.

The enhanced version of the attack did not hurt the bone demon. Although Wen Hui was a little disappointed, this was also the expected result. Judging from the experience along the way, the shape of the general bone demon determines whether their bones are strong or not. The bigger the Bone Demon, the harder it is to deal with.However, no matter how strong the bones are, they will be restrained and become easily damaged when they encounter flames.

"Okay, you go. I'll take it down." Nodding, she understood Wen Hui's meaning.Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to control the bats to surround the bone dragon.

"I'll leave it to you." With a trusting smile on his face, Wen Hui fell directly to the ground. During the landing process, the emerald green began to change to bright red. When Wen Hui completely fell to the ground, the girl who was originally Cuifeng The Valkyrie has turned into a warrior warrior in the flames.

"Sharp Gun Gungnir." When Wen Hui started to land, a bright red magic circle appeared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's feet, and the bright red sharp gun with a strange red light appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands again: "Just let me take care of it." Let's play. Get down for me."

As soon as the words fell, Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappeared on the spot, surpassing the speed of the naked eye, Zhuang Xiaoyuan landed on the top of the bone dragon, and the projecting Gungnir in his hand was used as a stick by Zhuang Xiaoyuan to smash it hard at the bone dragon.

With a loud "boom", the Bone Dragon, which was flying stably surrounded by bats, was shaken all over. "Aw~" Howled angrily, the bone dragon raised its head, the bony corner of its nose pierced Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and at the same time raised its claws to grab Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Vampire's Touch" Facing the bone dragon's attack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's bright red eyes gleamed with a touch of coldness. Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order, the surrounding bats quickly merged, and finally turned into a few thick black tentacles that temporarily entangled the bone dragon Claws: "I've said it all, get down." With blood-red eyes staring, Gungnir struck again.

The sound of "boom" was louder than before, and this time the bone dragon finally failed to hold on and fell downward.

"Light it up, flame." Wen Hui, who had been waiting below for a long time, saw the fall of the bone dragon, and his eyes lit up. While running quickly to the point where the bone dragon fell, he began to manipulate the surrounding flames to ignite the flames. Spread towards the bone dragon.

"Aww." Falling into the flames, the flames ignited the bone dragon's withered skeleton, and it became more violent for a while.In the flames, the bone dragon howled angrily and flapped its wings, trying to take off again.

"Go." The bat wings on the back flapped gently, looking down at the bone dragon below, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved to the bats around her.With the sound of dense wings flapping, the bats rushed towards the bone dragon without fear of flames like bombers.

"Oh~", under the suppressing attack of the black bat, the bone dragon could not fly at all, and could only endure the torment in the flames.Finally feeling the crisis, the bone dragon uttered a dragon cry that resounded through the world.With the sound of the bone dragon, there was a tremor in the ground, and grains of black dust visible to the naked eye floated from the ground and all converged in the direction of the bone dragon.The gathering of black particles seems to put a black armor on the skeleton of the bone dragon.This set of pitch-black armor insulated from the temperature of the flames and was completely immune to bat attacks.

"The situation is wrong, Xiaohui, retreat quickly." In the sky, noticing the strange changes of the bone dragon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed towards Wen Hui with flapping wings on his back, grabbed Wen Hui's outstretched right hand, and led her back quickly into the distance.

"Aw~" Accompanied by the bone dragon's angry howl, a fierce aura emanated from him, and the aura actually formed a visible oppression, directly extinguishing the flame that Wen Hui ignited.

The bright red faded, and Wen Hui, who turned into emerald green again, began to fly by herself under the protection of the breeze.As Wen Hui moved forward quickly, she turned her head and stared at the bone dragon behind her, whose momentum was completely different from before, with a startled expression: "This guy can also transform into a second stage. What is the black thing on his body?"

"Absorbed from the earth, it should be some metal particles. But his changes don't seem to be just because of these metals." Noticed that the red light in the bone dragon's eye sockets became deeper, and they all began to change to dark red , Zhuang Xiaoyuan said with a solemn expression.Even in the state of transforming into a young lady, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that strong pressure.This bone dragon is probably not something that the two of them can deal with at this time.

"How about it? Are you going to run, or continue to fight?" Feeling the coercion from the bone dragon that was stronger than the evil gods and demons he had encountered before, Wen Hui's face completely lost the eagerness to try before.

"Run, how could Miss Ben run, facing a mere lizard. We are just retreating strategically, strategically retreating. Before retreating, I plan to leave a gift for it." The expression on his face did not change at all, On the contrary, it revealed a contemptuous pride.But the meaning in the words sounded like he was trying to save face. Facing the mighty black armored bone dragon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the bright red spear in his hand: "Sharp Spear Gungnir"

"Let's go." Throwing Gungnir forcefully at the bone dragon behind him, as if knowing what was going to happen next, Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted Wen Hui and flew away quickly.

A red light flashed past, and behind the two of them came the howl of a dragon mixed with strong anger.

"I said, Xiaoyuan, you've completely pissed it off." During the fast flight, Wen Hui heard the angry howl behind her, turned her head to take a look, and clearly inserted a small piece of red spear into the bone dragon's nose. in the eyes.He looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a funny expression on his face as if he saw a child mischievous.

"Hmph, this is the price for chasing me all day and night." Zhuang Xiaoyuan snorted coldly, with a proud and calm expression on her face, as if she was attending a tea party rather than being chased by a bone dragon.

"So, the result of you giving it a revenge blow is that we will continue to be chased for another day and night? You see, it is coming. The speed is so fast." Pointing to the bone dragon behind, Wen Hui couldn't help complaining.But when he noticed the speed of the bone dragon, surprise flashed across his face.

 Another week has passed, and after it was put on the shelves, I found that there are many novel experiences. The biggest experience is that there are so many people on the fan list.Thank you very much for the subscription and support of all book friends, although the average book is not over a hundred (the author who is completely inexperienced seems to have too many chapters to drag the book down┬_┬).Special thanks also to the new and old book friends who gave the rewards. According to the previous practice, the authors are all named and thanked one by one. However, because it is a book published by Genesis, the rewards on the starting point can only see the top ten. , so I won’t name them one by one.Thank you very much to all the book friends who have read this book.Hope to continue to be with you, Sunday is another very good code day.We also have to work harder.Then it's Jiangzi, thank you! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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