Chapter 110 The Third Color of Clover

"I'm sorry, Miaomiao. I didn't bring Zhuang Xiaoyuan back. And..." The white building located in the northwest of the central city is the largest science and technology research institute for mankind. Chu Yan stood at the gate of the armed experiment area of ​​the institute. When a short-haired girl with a petite figure and an expressionless face came out from inside, a shameful expression appeared on her face.

"I know, she'll be fine." Without changing her expression, the girl named Chu Miaomiao walked past Chu Yan as if no one else was there, and walked towards the gate of the institute.Today's weapon experiment is over. Although the researchers have produced new weapons based on the design information on the Internet, the girl doesn't realize how much damage this so-called new weapon can cause to the demons.

"However, when we went to find her, there was nothing left there. Even the God-blessed Guardian Captain said that he couldn't stop such a huge power." Hearing Chu Miaomiao's words, Chu Yan thought she was deceiving herself and others, so she quickly caught up with Chu Miaomiao who was leaving, and explained.

"I told you, she will be fine." The tone became more serious, but Chu Miaomiao still didn't show any expression on her face.Although they have been together for several years, Chu Yan has never seen any change in the expression on his cousin's face.If she hadn't heard from her aunt that Chu Miaomiao was not ill, Chu Yan might have thought that her cousin had a facial nerve problem.

As soon as Chu Miaomiao finished speaking, a red light suddenly came in from the outside and shot straight at her.Facing the sudden 'attack'.Chu Miaomiao naturally stretched out her right hand to block the direction of the light.

"Be careful." As soon as Chu Yan spoke, the red light was already caught in Chu Miaomiao's hand.Looking up at Chu Yan who was worried about his accident, Chu Miaomiao didn't say anything and looked down at her right hand.A red heart-shaped crystal lay quietly in the palm of her hand.In the next second, Chu Miaomiao was in a trance for a while, and her eyes lost their luster.

Slowly recovering from the darkness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only feel the biting cold eroding her body, her body was a little numb and stiff, just like wearing thin clothes outside for a long time to drink the northwest wind in the cold winter.

Opening her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw a dark alley.The cold alley wind blows past, bringing up patches of snowflakes.And he was sitting quietly in the corner of the alley in thin clothes embroidered with patches.

"Sigh, it's so cold, this is..." Looking around, the buildings near the alley seem to be European-style buildings from decades ago, other than that, only the small basket full of matches beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave her a sense of humor. An inexplicable sense of déjà vu.No, there is another strange place. Looking down, the spade-shaped crystal was strung up and hung around his neck at some point.

The divine power in the body is the same as the last trial, and I still can't feel it.And this trial didn't even have the parchment mission reminder that appeared last time. No matter how Zhuang Xiaoyuan experimented, she was sitting alone in the alley.There was no mission issued to her, which made her feel a little overwhelmed.

Feeling his body getting stiffer and stiffer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that he couldn't delay any longer and had to find a warm place to rest.Picking up the small radish basket beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out of the alley step by step against the cold wind.

Walking out of the alley, looking at the snow-covered street, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know where to go. On both sides of the alley were ordinary houses. Through the window, one could see a family of four sitting at the table with happy expressions on their faces. With a sumptuous dinner, a small pointed tree stands beside their table, a Christmas tree?

Seeing the happy expressions of the family in the private house, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a strong sense of hunger from his abdomen, but this family gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a little clue about time. The Christmas tree and the turkey on the table were all telling Zhuang Xiaoyuan a fact, now The time is probably on Christmas Day.

"Old European-style buildings, Christmas, matches, alone. Cold and hungry. Could it be... I am a little girl selling matches?!" All the clues obtained in a short period of time were stitched together, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan got a Kind of incredible results.

Looking down at the small radish basket full of matches, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a box of matches with a feeling of doubt. 'Ka呲' With the light of the match, a table of luxurious dinner appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Shenglong dumplings, fragrant roasted duck, strawberry cake, steak rice bowl, etc. All kinds of Chinese and Western delicacies can be served on the table See.

"I really became a little match seller. According to the script, the little girl was frozen to death in the end." Feeling the cold from the world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that his future was dark.No, we must find a way.

Noticing the passers-by on the street, she looked down at the matches in Xiaoluo's basket, hesitated for a while, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still didn't open her mouth to sell matches.According to the original script of the little girl, not a single match was sold.Moreover, looking at the hurried expressions on the faces of passers-by, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't think it was a wise choice to stop them.

Picking a random direction, Zhuang Xiaoyuan leaned against the side of the road and walked down the main road. Although he was cold and hungry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still insisted on walking while looking around, looking for opportunities to be rescued.

Noticing a grocery store that was still open, the person sitting in front of the counter was an elderly gentleman, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up, and he walked in directly, a warm breath, walked into the store as if completely isolated from the weather. cold.

"Grandpa, are you recruiting people here?" Generally speaking, older people have more patience and sympathy for children, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the old man with wide eyes.

"We don't recruit people, and you can't do work at your age." He raised his eyes and glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Although he didn't drive her out because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shabby clothes, he didn't give her any benefits because of his sympathy.

"Then do you buy matches? My matches are all the best, and they will light up once you rub them." Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan had expected it, she was still disappointed in her heart.However, the disappointment was only fleeting, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan regained his energy and raised the small radish basket in his hand to sell it.

"Oh, matches, can I use them? You have been outside for a long time in this weather, haven't you been damp?" I don't know if I want to buy them. The look of whether to buy or not.

"It's absolutely fine, you see." Although he wasn't sure what the old man wanted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lit a match as an example. As the match was lit, gold coins fell from the sky one after another and piled up on the ground.The hallucinations reappeared.

"Get out, get out of here, witch." Unexpectedly, the moment the hallucination appeared, the old man's face changed drastically, and while roaring, he rang the alarm bell at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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