Chapter 111 The Three People Who Are Confused

"What..." The old man suddenly became angry, which surprised Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and then fell into a complete daze.Could it be that the illusion is not only seen by oneself but everyone can see it?witch?It turns out that there is still a drama about burning the witch in this era?Didn't my little match girl freeze to death in the end and be burned to death?
Messy thoughts flooded Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind in an instant, leaving her completely at a loss.Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could react, she had already been pushed out of the door by the old man.

With a bang, the store door closed behind.I said, you already said that I was a witch. Although it was a misunderstanding, a normal person would dare to push a witch directly, wouldn't he be afraid of being cursed?Weird thoughts popped up all of a sudden, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still had the leisure to complain in a cold and hungry state.Looking up at the still snowy weather, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still at a loss as to where she was going next.

"Ula Ula Ula." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was trying to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind and thinking about the future, there was a clear sound of horns, and several police cars rushed into the street at the same time, surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan and stopped at the intersection.

His train of thought was interrupted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up and saw a dense police car surrounding him, his eyes widened in surprise, the ancient European-style building coupled with the modern police car, it is really a weird style of painting: "That... May I ask if you can help me?" What's the matter?"

"Are you the witch who reported it?" A black cat in police uniform came out of the convoy and looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a serious expression.

"Cat? The policeman is actually a black cat? Wait, you can't be the black cat sheriff, are you?" Seeing the black cat walking out of the convoy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind became even more confused, and he looked at the person who was talking to him in surprise. The black cat asked in a daze.

"Oh, you also know my name. It seems that you also know something about yourself. Come and take it away for me." The black cat sheriff looked serious, with a way of looking at the most vicious criminals. He stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and waved behind him.Two white cats also wearing police uniforms came out, picked up the handcuffs and put them on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands.

In a daze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had no idea why she became like this, was stuffed into a police car. Following Ula Ula's scream, the police car quickly drove away, taking the little girl who was supposed to freeze to death.

"Here?" In front of the wooden house in the forest, a girl wearing a red velvet hat stood in front of the door with a basket.Although he was surprised by the sudden change of the surrounding environment and the clothes on his body, there was no expression on his face at all. After checking the clothes on his body and the ordinary wine and cakes in the basket, Chu Miaomiao finally turned his gaze to The wooden house in front of you.

With a creak, Chu Miaomiao pushed open the wooden door and walked in. This is a very small house. When you enter the wooden door, you can see the bed for rest. From the position of the door, you can also see the small kitchen divided on the right side .At this time, the bulging bedding on the narrow bed showed that there was a person lying inside.

"Well, is it Little Red Riding Hood? Come quickly to grandma." Probably heard the sound of the door opening, and a strange tone came from under the quilt.

Pulling the red velvet hat on top of her head, Chu Miaomiao felt that the little red riding hood in this population should be calling herself, although she didn't know why she suddenly became the girl called Little Red Riding Hood.However, Chu Miaomiao still walked towards the bed step by step. She felt that the person on the bed might give her the answer.

"Wow~" Chu Miaomiao had just approached the bed and hadn't asked about her situation yet.The quilt on the bed was lifted suddenly, and a huge wolf rushed towards Chu Miaomiao.

"Boom" there was a loud roar.The bright red liquid splashed everywhere.Frowning slightly, showing a different expression for the first time, Chu Miaomiao raised his left hand to gently wipe off the blood splattered on his face, and took his blood-stained right hand away from Gray Wolf's head.

The big bad wolf that suddenly jumped over from the bed had already fallen to the ground completely lifeless.Facing the gray wolf's attack, Chu Miaomiao instinctively raised his right hand and grabbed the gray wolf's head and smashed it to the ground. The terrifying force directly burst the gray wolf's head like a watermelon.

"Ah, killing people, Little Red Riding Hood killing people." Picking up the quilt covered by Big Bad Wolf and wiping off the blood on his right hand, a rough male voice full of panic suddenly came from behind.Chu Miaomiao turned her head to look vigilantly, only to see a figure running further and further away with a hunting bow on his back.

"Huh." He sighed softly, a little annoyed at his conditioned reflex.Originally, he just wanted to ask questions, but he didn't expect to attack him suddenly. Facing the attack full of killing intent, Chu Miaomiao didn't have time to control his strength at all.

With the crisp siren of "Ula Ula", police cars surrounded the cabins in the forest in an instant.Instead of staying in the house, when Chu Miaomiao walked out of the cabin, what Chu Miaomiao saw were the police cars surrounding him and black and white cats in police uniforms.The surrounding area is obviously a forest that cannot be driven, and there is only one road that is not wide. How did these police cars appear around the wooden house in an instant?

"You are surrounded, raise your hands and surrender." The black cats in police uniforms came out to Chu Miaomiao, and said righteously.

Slightly squinting his eyes, he carefully looked at the black cat in front of him.He didn't feel any strange hostility from the black cat, but only felt the righteous and Lingran temperament on the black cat, which was very similar to that of a soldier. After thinking for a while, Chu Miaomiao nodded and stretched out his hands: "Yes."

I just don't know what kind of state I am in at this time. Following these cat policemen, maybe there will be some clues. As for the handcuffs?For Chu Miaomiao, who was born with strange strength, it was a complete display.Although he couldn't feel the existence of divine power in his body now, Chu Miaomiao felt that his own strange power alone was enough to sweep away these cat policemen.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao were taken away in police cars, under a certain green tree, a girl with rabbit ears and a short tail was taking a very leisurely nap.

"Hmm~ I slept so comfortably. Ale, where is this place?" Waking up from a sweet dream, the rabbit girl rubbed her eyes and looked around. As the surrounding scenery came into her eyes, her eyes An expression of growing consternation appeared on his face.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan, where are you? Xiaoyuan. It's over, did I fall into an illusion?" After looking around but not finding her companion, the rabbit girl suddenly twisted her cheek: "It hurts, it's not an illusion? Eh, it seems like the illusion won't wake up even if it hurts, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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