Chapter 112 Rabbits seem to like hitting trees

She patted her forehead annoyed, and Wen Hui, who had turned into a rabbit girl, secretly regretted the pain for nothing just now.

"Here, where is it? Is it because of the illusion? What to do, Xiaoyuan doesn't know where to go. The runway? Let's go and have a look." I didn't find Zhuang Xiaoyuan, although I was a little worried about Zhuang Xiaoyuan who entered the guardian angel trial , but now that she is also caught in a strange illusion, Wen Hui can only suppress the worries in her heart with an optimistic attitude, and walk towards the finish line along the runway in front of her.

"Oh, come on, come on." Gradually approaching the end of the track, lively shouts came from the direction of the end.When Wen Hui walked all the way along the runway and finally saw the finish line, a huge tortoise just moved past the finish line.

"It's the rabbit."

"She actually dared to come here."

"Play fake match."

"Dead rabbit, lose money."

"Losing money, refunding tickets."

"Losing money, refunding tickets." The moment Wen Hui was noticed approaching, countless spectators gathered on both sides of the end of the runway suddenly began to curse angrily.Wen Hui looked blankly at the furious audience, completely unaware of the current situation.

"Ula Ula" siren sounded crisply, a black and white police car rushed into the runway, and as the car door opened, a cat in a police uniform rushed out of it. It looked like he wanted to arrest Wen Hui and bring him to justice look.

"Sheriff, it's her who deliberately played fake matches and made us lose all our money." The voices of the audience on the side of the runway reached Wen Hui's ears. Although she didn't know why she suddenly participated in some competition for no reason, but now Not the time to care about such things.Facing the cat police rushing towards him like a wolf like a tiger, Wen Hui turned around and ran away.

"Wind, let's dance." Wen Hui started to communicate with the divine power in her body while running towards the direction she came from. Unexpectedly, after this communication, she realized that she could not feel the existence of divine power in her body at all.

"What's going on? The divine power disappeared? My body? How could this be?" Although I noticed that my clothes were different from before, compared to the surrounding environment, the clothes were only small details, and Wen Hui didn't care.But the situation that the divine power could not communicate made Wen Hui start to look at her body by herself.I touched the soft and slender ears on the top of my head, and the round short tail behind me, thinking of the audience's scolding before, did I become a rabbit?
"Detective Baige." Seeing Wen Hui's figure running away quickly, the black cat police chief chased after him and shouted to Baige who was wearing a police uniform beside him.

"Leave it to me, Sheriff." The white pigeon saluted with its wings, flew into the sky, and chased after Wen Hui.

"Stop for me, you can't run away anymore." The flying white pigeon quickly caught up with Wen Hui, flapping its wings in front of Wen Hui, preventing her from moving forward.

"Don't get in the way, dodge, dodge." A huge white pigeon stood in front of him, and Wen Hui ran forward while driving it away. Wen Hui, whose sight was blocked, couldn't tell where she was going.

"Hey, don't run away, be careful." After the two entangled for a while, Inspector Baige suddenly moved away and shouted to Wen Hui.

"If you tell me to stop, I will stop. Who will listen... Boom." While running, she turned her head and made a face at the dodging Inspector Baige. , Wen Hui, who was rushing forward, directly bumped into a tree.

"Heh, I ran very fast. This is just waiting for the rabbit. Take it away." The black cat sergeant showed a smile on his serious face, and he chased after him with a smile, grabbed it and hit the tree, making him dizzy , there is a spiral of Wen Hui in front of her eyes.

With the siren sounding again, the police car drove Wen Hui away quickly.

"Yeah, it's delicious. Ha, thank you for your hospitality." Putting the empty bowl left after eating pork chops on the table, Zhuang Xiaoyuan let out a long breath, and turned to the white cat policeman sitting in front of her Thank you.The stomach is full and the whole person is warmed up.

"I've eaten it all, should you explain what happened?" The white cat policeman sitting opposite Zhuang Xiaoyuan's table tapped the pen in his right hand on the table after seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished eating the pork chops. asked with a serious face.

"What are you going to tell me? Didn't I tell you everything that happened? I was cold and hungry just to sell matches. Who knows why that old man would frame me as a witch. I'm just an ordinary person." Although I am very grateful to the police officer who invited me to eat pork chop rice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan really didn't do anything outrageous. How can she explain the matter, and she doesn't even know the specific situation. Why is the witch being arrested? I am not a witch.

"Then you have to explain this in this way. According to the testimony of the witness, you used matches to conjure countless gold coins." The white cat police officer looked suspicious, and reached out to light a small box of matches on the table.

"I don't know about this either. I wake up with a match next to me, and this match can't convert gold coins, otherwise I wouldn't be cold and hungry. It's just an illusion." Wei Wei frowned. Frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know where to start. After all, he didn't know the little match girl's previous experience, and he didn't know the origin of these matches at all.

While speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lit a match amidst the slightly wary expression of the white cat policeman. As the match was lit, gold coins crashed from the sky and fell on the table, piled up in a big pile of gold.

"Look, these are just illusory, you can only see what you can't touch at all." Zhuang Xiaoyuan held a match in his right hand, and stretched his left hand into the golden mountain to shake back and forth. There was no barrier or touch at all, which proved her Not lying.

"Even if it's just an illusion, you can use this kind of power beyond cognition, don't you still admit that you are a witch?" The white cat police officer said, the real murderer is your expression.

"It's a witch again. I'm very surprised why you want to arrest witches." Although it is strange why there are ultra-modern police stations and police cars in medieval buildings, but with this ultra-modern architectural style, Zhuang Xiaoyuan does not believe these police officers. Members will be as superstitious as the ancients in the Middle Ages. Witches must be evil.

Close your mind.

"Hmph, why did you arrest the witch? Let me show you this. These are caused by witches. They injured the couples living in the cave and destroyed their homes." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, the white cat police officer went from He took out a stack of photos from his arms and threw them on the table.

"This...was made by a witch? Are you sure it wasn't made by Brother Calabash?" Seeing the photo thrown by the white cat policeman, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only feel the black lines all over his head. The so-called couple in the photo is a snake Essence and scorpion essence.

(End of this chapter)

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