Chapter 114 Jailbreak in Progress

Swallow, who helped the Happy Prince distribute gem eyes to the poor but was considered a thief, Cinderella, who was wronged by her stepmother and sister for stealing necklaces at home, brother and sister who stole a candy house in the forest, and Pinocchio, who hurt someone with a long nose , the river god who picked up someone else's ax and didn't return it, etc.In addition, Momotaro next door, and the three of them are Little Red Riding Hood, the match girl, and the racing rabbit.Everyone is locked up for various strange reasons, and they are all the protagonists in various fairy tales.After hearing various self-introductions and reasons for arrest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that the trial space this time might be a world composed of countless fairy tales.

"Hey, what is this? It's shining like gold, isn't it made of gold?" They exchanged with each other, and the prison fell into silence.I don't know whether to lament my bad luck or blame the police for arresting people randomly.Wen Hui, who couldn't sit still, couldn't bear the long silence. When she turned her head and looked around, she found a golden oil lamp thrown in the corner of the cell.

Picking up the oil lamp and looking it over, she found that one side of the oil lamp was covered with a lot of dust, so Wen Hui reached out and wiped it reflexively.As Wen Hui wiped it, a puff of smoke came out of the oil lamp, and she was so frightened that she threw the oil lamp out.

"Oh, who is summoning the omnipotent lamp genie? Hey, why does this place look so prison-like." A ghost-like transparent giant emerged from the smoke, looking at the surrounding environment.

"The magic lamp genie? Aladdin's magic lamp, claiming to be omnipotent, then do you know where we come from and what we do here?" Wen Hui didn't know the magic lamp, and didn't know the guy coming out of the smoke , will be taken aback.Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew that this genie that appeared from the magic lamp was the famous magic lamp in the fairy tale of One Thousand and One Nights.

"There is nothing in the world that the magic lamp genie doesn't know, huh?! So, are you the brave men who were brought to defeat the witch? You are really young girls." Looking down at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the three of them, the magic lamp genie's face Showed a meaningful smile.

"Witch? Brave? Is there such a name in this world? What's going on here? Everyone seems to come from different places. What are we here for? Just to destroy the witch?" Finally met a Knowing the situation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't wait to ask all his questions.

"Time is running out, brave girls. This world was originally a fairy-tale kingdom composed of countless small worlds, but it was forced together by the witch. Her goal is for the most important cornerstone of this world. Soon the world It will be fully integrated, and by that time, this place will become a world dominated by witches. So, work hard, girls. That's all I can say, goodbye." As if disturbed by some kind of external force, the magic lamp genie The body suddenly began to change from bright to dark.When the lamp genie finished answering Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, he also disappeared into the smoke.

"Disappeared." Seeing that the magic lamp genie disappeared into the smoke after finishing speaking, Wen Hui picked up the oil lamp that had been thrown away before, but this time, no matter how hard she wiped it, the magic lamp genie could not be wiped off.

"Is there not much time left? It looks like I have to find a way to get out of here and find out where the witch is." The prompt from the magic lamp genie let Zhuang Xiaoyuan know what to do next. I am afraid that the four-leaf clover will give her the fate The warning is also because the world is about to be controlled, so I let myself start the trial as soon as possible, let them enter this fairy tale world through the passage of the trial.

"Does Xiaoyuan want to go out?" Chu Miaomiao, who was in the cell next door, said while using both hands to directly pull the iron railing that separates the two cells into an arc, forming a gap that allows one person to pass through.

"...Oh, I forgot about the strange power of Xiaomao." Seeing Chu Miaomiao easily pull away the iron railing and walk to him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan froze for a moment, then remembered Chu Miaomiao's ability: "Go out!" Now that we have found a way, the next step is where is the witch."

"Well, if you are looking for a witch, my friend should know." Although I don't quite understand what the magic lamp genie and Zhuang Xiaoyuan said between the others, but I can tell that they are not doing bad things. Since they are looking for a witch, Cinderella who knew the clue sat in the cell and waved to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Little Miao, let's open all the cells. Those who live here are either wronged or come in for various inexplicable reasons. It might be easier for everyone to leave together." Coming out of the cell, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed Pointing to the surrounding cells, he said to Chu Miaomiao.

"En." Nodding quietly, Chu Miaomiao began to toss the iron railings, and soon all the people came out of the cell.

"Thank you very much. I have a little understanding of the current situation. Let me help you." Momotaro came out of the cell, thanked Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a righteous expression, and asked for help.

"Okay, thank you for your help." After making eye contact with the two girls beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded in agreement with Momotaro's help, and then the group escaped from prison.But the strange thing is that there is not a single police officer outside the prison, and the entire police station is empty. I don't know if there is a mission or an accident.Although I am very curious, time is running out now, I don't know how long the so-called world fusion will last, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dare not delay.

After escaping from the prison, everyone scattered and left, and each had a lot of things to do.In the end, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao and Momotaro followed Cinderella to find her good friend Bai Xue.

"Does your friend live here?" Looking at the dense forest in front of him.Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt as if she had guessed who Cinderella's friend was.His name is Snow White, and he lives in the forest.And the world of fairy tales we are in now.

"Who are you? The front is a private area that is forbidden to enter." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking forward to meeting the most beautiful woman in the world, a little boy wearing yellow shorts and short sleeves jumped out of the forest Blocked the way of several people.

"Third Brother, why are you talking nonsense with them? You must be another bad guy spying on Sister Baixue. Watch me drive them away." Immediately after the yellow boy, a boy in green short-sleeved shorts jumped out, without saying a word. After talking more, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of flame, burning towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"A sneak attack is not something a gentleman would do. Slash with the back of the sword." Facing the sudden attack, Momotaro rushed forward with all his might, and instantly pulled out the samurai sword in his hand and slashed at the little green boy with the back of the sword.

"Wait a minute, we're not bad people, we're here to find Snow White to find out where the witch is." Dodge the flames of the green boy.Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted loudly.Speaking of which, why did the Seven Calabash Brothers appear here?

(End of this chapter)

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