Chapter 115 Snow White and the Seven...

"The bad guys say they are not bad guys." The yellow boy appeared in front of the green boy and stretched out his arms to block Momotaro's attack. The back of the knife and the arm struck like steel colliding.

"Wait a minute, little three and little four. They are all my friends." Just as the gourd babies refused to stop, and the smell of gunpowder between the two sides became more and more intense, a gentle voice came from the forest. The girl with skin came out slowly.

"Sister Baixue." Seeing the girl appear, the third baby and the fourth baby showed happy expressions, put away their posture, and jumped up to meet her.Behind Snow White, there are these five little boys who are about the same age, they are the other five of the Seven Calabash Brothers.Others may not feel much about this scene, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been unable to complain,
The witch who didn't know where came beat the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit.The original seven dwarves were replaced by the seven gourd brothers, and the gourd baby next to Snow White seemed to have no sense of disobedience at all.This weird fairy tale world really subverted Zhuang Xiaoyuan's worldview.

"Long time no see, Bai Xue. Didn't bother you." Cinderella came out from behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"It's been a long time since I left the palace. Didn't my brother come with you?" Snow White saw Cinderella when she came out, but she wasn't surprised now.

"Your brother is missing and can't be found anywhere, and for some reason, since the prince disappeared, there have been a lot of frogs near the palace." A look of melancholy and confusion flashed across his face, if the prince hadn't disappeared, I won't be arrested by my stepmother and the others just for any reason.

"Ahem, excuse me, if I'm not wrong, the prince might have turned into a frog. According to the setting, it's a transformation curse that needs a kiss from true love to undo." Hey, hey, what the hell, Gray The prince the girl found turned out to be the Frog Prince, and Snow White's elder brother. This sequence of events is not too inconsistent, I think it is very touching.

"Huh, really? Fortunately, I didn't eat it." Cinderella showed a surprised expression on her face.

"Eat...frogs are inedible to beneficial insects, and there are many parasites on their bodies." Imagining that the frog prince was caught and cooked by Cinderella, it is completely impossible to imagine the cruel scene. This is a fairy tale, a fairy tale.Taking a deep breath, trying to suppress the wild thoughts in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked Snow White with a serious expression on his face: "Ahem, Snow White, we came here to ask you about the witch, listen to Hui The girl said you knew where she was?"

"Witch? Ah, you're talking about her, right? It's in the palace. It should be on the top floor." Tilting her head in doubt, Snow White glanced at Cinderella, pointed her index finger at the direction Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others came from .

"Imperial Palace..." Several people looked at Cinderella who was leading the way.

"What, thank you for protecting me. I'll leave it to you later. Come on. Baixue, let's go back quickly. I'll stay at your house for a few days." With a look of embarrassment on her face, Cinderella pulled Following Snow White, she walked quickly to the depths of the forest.As the two quickly left with the seven gourd babies, only a few people were left standing in the cold wind.

"That's right, to express my apology, I'll give this to you guys. Goodbye." As if feeling the guilt in her heart, Cinderella ran out again and gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a small pumpkin before rushing into the forest.

"This...pumpkin?" He looked down at the little pumpkin, but he couldn't see anything special about it. Could it be a snack?How to divide with just one?Just thinking about it, the pumpkin in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand suddenly swelled up and turned into a luxurious pumpkin carriage.

"Oh, it's amazing, I finally don't have to walk." Seeing the appearance of the pumpkin carriage, Wen Hui showed an excited expression on her face, and began to circle the carriage, looking at every delicate setting.

"Momotaro, can you drive?" Although he has obtained a very good means of transportation, being able to drive a car doesn't mean he can drive a carriage.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." With a straight face, Momotaro sat in the driver's seat in front of the carriage.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao took the initiative to drive Wen Hui, who was running around, into this luxurious pumpkin carriage.

"Drive" Following Momotaro's whip, the wooden wheels of the carriage began to turn, and the pumpkin carriage drove towards the imperial palace.

"Xiaoyuan, I'll send someone to pick you up after you go back." In the pumpkin carriage, Chu Miaomiao sat on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right side under Wen Hui's stare, holding Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand tightly with both hands, and raised her face opened the mouth.The expression on his face was as calm as ever.

"Woooo." For some reason, seeing Chu Miaomiao's movements, Wen Hui felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, and she didn't think much about it. She got up from the opposite side and sat down to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's left, and took Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arms With his left hand, he made a face at Chu Miaomiao through Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "Yeah~ I don't want you to be nosy, we will go by ourselves."

Although the current scene was what Zhuang Xiaoyuan dreamed of, what happened and why did he feel a faint murderous aura.Is this the legendary Shura field?Obviously, when he was a boy, he would not be regarded as the opposite sex at all, but after turning into a girl, he became more feminine.

Wow, the murderous intent is getting stronger and stronger, I can't stand it.As Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao glared at each other, Zhuang Xiaoyuan broke free from the shackles of the two, and sat across from each other alone. Although he occasionally ate tofu because of his masculine personality, when the real thing happened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was scared again. Sure enough, he has been single all along. There is no reason: "Ahem, what, it would be great if someone came to pick us up, but the bone demon blocking our route is very powerful, if the person who comes is too weak, it will cause damage instead."

"Did you hear that, the cat with a paralyzed face? Xiaoyuan said not to send anyone here. We can solve it ourselves." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transfer brought Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao face to face. Wen Hui embraced her protruding breasts with both hands. More and more mature, looking down at Chu Miaomiao with a proud face.

"Stupid Hui, Xiaoyuan clearly agreed to my proposal, can't you hear it? In the past few years, she has only developed her breasts and not her brain." The expression on Chu Miaomiao's face did not change, but Wen Hui knew clearly From her eyes, she saw the expression of contempt, and the helpless movement of spreading her hands, as if deliberately looking like she was hopeless, made people angry.

"You guys... are still as annoying as ever." Wen Hui gritted his teeth.

"Ah, it's rare to have the same opinion. It really makes me unhappy." Chu Miaomiao said with an indifferent face.

"Humph" the two of X2 snorted coldly at the same time, turned their heads away.

(End of this chapter)

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